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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Sunday, July 31, 2005
Y12:54 PM

no comments to yesterday's entry.

read syaz and nees' blogs. i felt a little better when i read their latest entries. they are equally concerned about how we bebs and doks are drifting away from one another.

and i appreciate that, alot.



woke up pretty early this morning. lepaked at home till 11 in the AM. decided to follow dearest siblings to JB (: (:


great show, must watch. and i think jessica biel is really cool. shes so... muscular and sporty, MAN! yeah, i think watching movies at jb is a seriously fantastic idea lol, cos you can get two tickets there for the price of one sg movie ticket.

yepp, RM 8 okay!!!!! hahahah, who dosent want cheap cheeap stuff tell me. the cinema was .. well, equally clean and EVEN COLDER there. it's pretty much the same except that the popcorn there tastes so muchmuchmuchMUCH better! (: (:

shall travel there more often to watch movies, HOH.

try that too, lol. but the jam, AIYAH. spent much quality time with the two brothers, sister and brother in law today. much fun lol. i shared brilliant riddles which they claimed "lame". ahhahah, they laughed their ass off though.


i laughed till i cried lol, had to search for tissue papers. pretty funny how easily i can tear when i laugh, sigh sigh sigh.



Saturday, July 30, 2005
Y1:24 PM

sometimes i ponder.

i have friends,
many random ones,
quite a few close ones

but is there a particular one or two who will be there for me when others leave? okay maybe a more realistic one, is there one or two who is the most closest to me?

it was that, that made me ponder for quite a number of days. talked to rabiatul a few days back. yeah, those heart to heart moment talks. really, we talked about so many different things. so deep enough that that question popped up.

we were talking about the friends we had.

and mine, one by one left.

prolly i'm not the good friend material or whatsoever but, seriously. it just hurts sometimes when you have friends but you just cant distinguish which WILL be the only one or two who will be by your side.

whom you share most secrets with, whom you are close with, whom you trust, whom you joke around with ; without having a shit about whether or not she/he would be hurt cos you KNOW, that she wouldnt take it very seriously.

it made me think properly.

and yeah, one by one left me. i shall not mention names. so much happened. different people went different ways. me too, yeah. but.. even though i have quite a few bunch of friends whom i treasure so ever much, memories will always be memories. having to think about what we have done, the bad .. the good.. the funny.. the mischievous.. having to think about them, just aches me.

what if one day, everybody leaves? who WILL be the only brave soul who will be by my side??? it made me ponder. some of THEM, have their own new cliches now.

checked on ayieen a few minutes ago about her latest blog entry. chat for quite some time. and yeah, we talked about ebebsNedoks. we arent THAT close anymore. what happened to all of us? just about two months and everyone decides to go on their own separate ways? isnt bandung trip a history itself? isnt bandung trip a memorable one? isnt bandung trip the best childhood trip so far?

it made think again. why am i, the one who is thinking about all that? why arent the others sharing the same thinking as i am? okay prolly ayieen and yash are. but.. seriously, i thought it was the BEST childhood trip ive ever had.

and no, thats not some charlie chocolate factory sentence ive made there. this week has been pretty long for me. the common tests. the lectures. and to think about such stuff really made me think super deep.

sometimes i wonder, what happened to us. we were so close. we shared so much with each other. we laughed so much. just what happened to us. something happened. i couldnt even believe my ears. ive never thought that it would actually happen. heard stuff, but i didnt just jump to conclusions. sometimes, just one friend can make such a huge difference in your life. i may look like one of those who cares shit about the things happening around me. but truth is, i do care.

i do care when we got closer. i do care when you fell. i do care when you were sad. i do care when you had problems. i do care when you mix with others. i do care when you asked me for the possible solutions to problems. i do care when things arent right. i do care when we arent that close anymore. i do care when that, happens. i do care about the fact that, right now, we arent close anymore.

i do care.

okay, prolly everyone has those times when they become all emo when theyre spending their time alone. prolly this is, my time.

whatever lah..


Friday, July 29, 2005
Y10:40 AM


hahahah, so much fun just now. school was.. nothing much lah yeah. except that TODAYS THE LAST DAY OF COMMON TEST MUAH MUAH MUAh!!!! lol. yeah, and we had the national day sing-a-long session.


most sec3s arent that sporting lah. lol haziq was being such a durrr brain just now. hahah, he was one of the people kena sabo-ed. lol, at the end of every song, he'll start with his very DURR laughter. lol, "uhhhh uhuk uhuk"

lol, totally reminds me of yazid.

lol, haziq can be merefeks but when hes sick, ITS JUST NOT RIGHT FOR HIM TO BE. lol, okay okay. so overall the singalong session was, boooo..



okay. lunched with aunty, hariz and hafizah. yep, asked ira to join also. so met ira and farhana lissa at tamp's kfc.


you know, i know. hahahh, couldnt stop myself from laughing. so close to tearing a little but lol, shouldnt la ha. ais was there too. its just sad that she hardly have lunch with us now ): but yeah, people have their own cliches.


oh well. after lunch, we walked around TM and century square. pretty congested with the... TYPICAL YOU KNOW I KNOW PEOPLE. hhaha, first destination was actually toys'r'us. hahahah, touched here touched there, played here played there. much fun and history there, lol.

za had to leave us after that, grr. so okay, walked around still. aunty was suddenly quiet. KENTAL AH WOMAN! lol, went to century square. aunty was all jiwang-ish.............


(: (:

"psst pssstt"

hahaha. we were acting super suspicious though. told hariz to get nees this set of candles that has the letters L, O, V and E. individually that is. meaning, in one candle, theres one letter. SWEET RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT!!! hahah, yeah and he bought it. lol, action-ed went to the toilet but actually we went all the way to the 1st floor from the 3rd to get that set of candles.


hahah, but hariz was sweeter. cos he paid it lol.


ok nonsense. so yes, hariz was smiling all the way hahah. and hes afraid if she does not like it. HAHA, please lahhhhhhh aunty will love it okie (:


took pictures after that, hahah. went to the toys section of metro. there were lightsabers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, we had so much fun with them sigh sigh sigh. we posed for farhana to take pictures of us using me phone!! lol, so yes, picture editted and will soon be up on friendster (: (:

i love a particular black and white one which has colours only on the lightsabers, very pretty i must say. must see must see.



theres ncc training tomorrow. gotta make preparations


Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Y10:27 PM

ive just tagged at nis' blog.


theres some stupid tagger who left her a comment about the right click thing. stupid shit, it's her problem lah damnit. if you depend on the view source thing so much then might as well just copy everyones stuff and paste it to your blog. bodoface.

i am so glad i do not have a tagboard or whatsoever, these kinda thing just makes the blog unpleasant. a blog is my online diary, not some tag here tag there hi here hi there channel.

(: (:

that goes to syaz, hahahahah. sorry syazo mazo, i do not want to have a tagboard (:

ANYWAYS, i am still sick. booo.

common tests?


yepp, thats my only comment.

tomorrow's biology. cant wait for it to be over with. we'll have national day sing a long session. lol, with the condition i'm in now, i think my voice will likely stand out amongst the others.


i miss the bebs.

i miss the locas.

i miss aunty, ira and aisz.

i miss hanging with the angklung bebs.

okay lah, isnt a big deal for any of you lah yah. it IS, to me ): i am very sad. everyone no jiwe sheikha anymore.....



i'll be excused from p.e and p.t this friday.


i want to watch charlie and the chocolate factory.

either with aunty, family or rabiatul.



uhhh do i have a choice in the first place? lol.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Y8:48 AM

went to doc yesterday afternoon,


seriously, i wasnt THAT happy. i'm indeed VERY worried whether or not they'll accept my medical certificate. i want to have a chance to do the english paper and also, social studies.

ive studied pretty .. hard for ss okay.

and english, i will be very sad if im not given the chance to do it. dang, i tend to get very sick when exams are approaching. the medicine made me shiver non stop and i became all drowsy. gahhh, sheikha get well soon lah!!

): ):

i am very sad. i really want to do well this time.

OH PLEASE OH PLEASE accept my mc, gahhhhhh.

i want to pengsan now


Monday, July 25, 2005
Y5:06 AM

i feel VERY sick today.

my left eye is super contagious right now, and it isnt a good sign as tmrw is the start of common test week.

i am so dead.

i'm having a really badbadbadbadBADEST migrane right now. my throat is killing me. i'm coughing non stop plus, badbadbad running nose.



and ive not started revising social studies. i have no idea on chapter 6 and ss common test is like.. BESOK! and i left my emath textbook at school.



Sunday, July 24, 2005
Y12:58 PM

upblade my dog.

its supposed to be update my blog.

chatting with dearest brother right now.

i swear hes so merepek. its been a VERY VERY VERY long time eversince i talked to him on the phone. and hes eating pizza now. and its so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO crunchy. krraaaaakkkkkkk, krrukkkk!!!!!!! hahhaa.

and he wants me to type this down.


for, uhh i dont know what siak. hahah (:

oh well. todays quite.. okay lah yah. my REAL brother, the third one was a real loser just now. i hated him soooo much for two minutes.

gosh, hes battling with the pizza


pizza VS isa

(: (:

bytheway, i was so rajin just now GOSH GOSH GOSH!! i woke up so early for a saturday, HHAHA. woke up at 9, took a bath and then studied amath!!


lol, i was so semangat man. (: well, i hope i can do quite okay for the upcoming common test.

still have more to study on tho.


okay, i shall stop blogging now cos hes talking alone.



Saturday, July 23, 2005
Y1:52 PM

it had been such a tiring day for me.

but i am a happy person now (:

was a little early today. got on the 14B bus. pretty early yo! heh. took my own sweet time to walk from the bus stop to school. it's just relaxing to stroll and just feel the morning breeze.


i swear the house phone is SO DAMN irritating i am this close to throwing it into the toilet bowl and see it suffer from flushing disorder!!!!!!!!!!


so okie. had P.E which was soooo tiring. i was up for the run lah but after just one bloody round, i had a stomach ache. a really big what the hell there. i really was semangat but gah. had physics after that. mr zaldy was like.. a bullet train. he went through all the main points of chapter .. 7? 8? or 6? lol, the one on temperature lah ya.. everything all squeezed into one bloody period.

i really hope to do well for common test this time.

but i will need to put in MOREMOREMOREMOREMORE effort on both elementary and add math. emath is as equally hard as amath now ): smsed misspeh earlier on. i really miss her so much. see how a teacher makes a big difference in producing results.

man. oh then yeah, had free period. was fast actually. accompanied rabiatul to the changing room. lol, we imitated the..


utter kekekness there. only me, her and zaf know about it (: it's just funny lahhh, hahahahhh.

oh swells. had ncc training after that. well, we took over as specialists now. the first experience was pretty good. enjoyed the training much much much muccchhhh many, lol. marched and played games. i think we are the craziest specialists EVER. hahah, imagine having three specialists (me, tahirah & rabiatul) being the spokePEOPLE for p.t's captain's ball! hahahah, crapiness along the way.

dismissed and had debrief among part Cs, Ds and the maams.

(: i was chosen to be the flag barrier or flag whatever thing we're assigned to on national day at school (: along with dashima that is. i was super nervous when they were choosing the two people. but yeah, i did my veryvery best.

went home pretty late. stopped by at the bubble tea shop to get peach milk tea, all time favourite. rabiatul was pretty upset actually. dont worry sweetie, everything will be alright in the end okie :D but yeah, i think somehow someway someone is beyond merefeks. too much lah. SO unappreciative and ignorant.

no idea up there? HAHA. good.

i know you know.


Friday, July 22, 2005
Y12:05 PM

friendster is being such a pig!!!

so vandamn slow man. ive not even taken a bath!!! HAIYOH! oh yeah, new pictures will be up soon.


apparently, mr khairunan has banned us students from wearing ethnic costumes on racial harmony day. thats what i heard. HAIYER. it's just a day lah -_- HOW BAD CAN IT BE??? ciish.



okie back. lol, ive just found out that my 2nd sergeant rank is upside down. HAHAHHA!! so now, must start all over again AIYOH.

okay back to topic. HEH, everyone who participated in the racial harmony dress-up competition looked soooooooo fabuloso! (: elryta was beyond gorgeous. aunty? ALSO ALSO! it was a tough fight lah actually. but the results are quite dissapointing. not that i have ANYTHING AGAINST them but.... just not the ones whom i expected.

isa shocked me,

THAT MUCH! hahhahaha. really, i nearly jumped off my seat when i saw him with his arabian costume. hahah, he rented it from some bridal shop, poor thing. but he looked terrific (: (:

oh, speaking of the devil. he wants me to ring him up, gahhhhhhh. mother's on the line LEY. okay okay back back. aunty borrowed me the beautiful earrings that i got her for her bday HAHAHA!!


saaaaaaaaaaaayang kamu.

it's been UHHHH, four bloodeh years eversince i put on earrings HOHO! and it felt fantabulous (: (:

the danggling sensation was just.. THERE man!

okay. angklung performance was pretty sucky. my opinion that is. it's just sad that the school band din want to join in the ensemble. the guzheng and choir did. i love the teacher in charge of choir, shes so terribly nice, and sporting. HEH. yeah, shes very supportive also.

the guzheng instructor, is pretty cute hahah. she dosent really speak english. so she talked to mr rizal in chinese. mr rizal replied her with a little bit of chinese. lol, then she thought he couldnt comprehend what she was saying so she started speaking VERY broken english. and mr rizal tried speaking in chinese. LOL, it's so funny that theyre trying to understand each other but they speak the language that they do not master.

really cute. in the end, they din understand... a thing.


siti nurhaliza's concert was yesterday, i swear she was so vandamn gorgeous!!!!!!!! HOH (: (:

oh anyway. had lunch at LJS after school just now. aunty was a little.. sad and pissed. dont worry okay, maybe he thought you were in the jolly mood so he thought it would be alright if he replied THAT way. think of other possibilities okie. and dont be sad okay, youre just not yourself these few days.


): grr.

oh oh oh, i was lucky just now. hahahah, i paid $3.90 for LJS's combo 2 HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! (: we actually ATE just now. without much distruptions. pretty boring lah. everyone was just munching away, UHHHHHHHH. aunty wasnt in the mood so its okay lah, i understand.

decided to lepak at mickeyDs. but gahhhhh, the surrounding was just shitty man. so we headed for library. HAHA, it's been DONT KNOW HOW LONG eversince ive been there just to enjoy the air conditioner :D HOH. lepaked there. was pretty peaceful yes. ira and kecik studied a little. and i mean.. A LITTLE.

-_- me too. HAHHA. we ended up yawning ahhah and then,

took pictures! ahahah, not the pretty pretty type. those which are very.... HORRIFYING!!!! hahahhh, ira posed like a pig. i nearly pee-ed WAS THAT CLOSE HAHAHAHA but no, of course i tahan okay.

(: (:

much laughter there. much fun. wished aunty, aisz and the bebs were there though. it would be even.. FUNNER!

yeah, we got closer a little too late ):

OH WELL. hahah, had a little drum session with dearest brother just now. hes teaching me step by step. HEH, i know how to play drums!!! i shall perform once, HAHAHHA. such big dreams, will never happen.


new pictures up on friendster (: (:

friendster is like.. a snail.


okay, is that all???? i keep forgetting A LOT of stuff mon. damn sedih lah. it annoys me also ley.

AIYOH, and i miss.. Ms Peh.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Y11:40 AM

and two down.

one by one, they leave.

but, He isnt cruel.

ive just got to know that i have indeed seen atiff before. was with the bebs at that point of time. then he walked pass us, listening to his mp3 or something.


gosh, no wonder i had the feeling ive seen him. its such a poor thing really. to leave at such a young age, lose all the privileges to live.

een, jangan sad okie. about your grandmom. dont be okay. everyone has to leave eventually. just that, they left too soon..

i have bio test tommorow, and i'm not in the mood anymore.

bytheway, brother bought a drum set.



Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Y3:33 AM


yes, it's true. not only it's all disfigured now, the net keeps.. URGH. oh anyway. i'm updating me blog using the school's computer in ze library!!! hahahh, for the first bloodeh time (: was kinda excited a few minutes ago HAHA!

okay, i think the keyboard is kinda retarded. and SLOW.. how i wish, there's a laptop here.

MY dearest lappie ):

please oh please get well soon!

oh. reminds me. the allahyarham atiff. I DONT KNOW HIM BUT I ALREADY FEEL ALL EMO!!! no, im not THAT emo okay. but really, it somehow... affects me. i mean, i reaallyyyyy feel so frocktunate to still be breathing now. what if... the next thing i do can cause my life???? what if.. i get up the chair and boom, i get a heart attack and die??? -_- yes i know lame.. BUT IT CAN EVENTUALLY HAPPEN! i just hope he left the world in peace. really, i do not know how he looks like, even. prolly i had, seen him once. somehow. somewhere. but no, i do not know which.

i feel all emo....


oh yes, had ncc thing on sunday. was kinda... LAME lah. but the journey to and fro were (: (: ! talked and laughed alot. A HELL LOT. and i like it. actually, we did nothing much. just went there and sat. uhhhhh, YAH. ahah.

common tests coming soon. when? SOON lah. mdm rao challenged me on monday. she wants me to get an A1 for the upcoming biology common test. and yes, i'm up for it. i mean, i will try my best to work towards the A1.

(: (: dont give up *BANG BANG, BANG!

sheikha dont give up! HEH

after this.. is AMATH -_- emath has became equally boring and difficult as amath is.


hoh. but really. i get super bored during math (BOTH E AND A LAH). and .. I THINK IT'S THE TEACHER LAAA...

cracked up jokes and asked lame yet cute riddles during A/E math lessons. HAHA (: seriously, to get bored but to understand is one thing. to get bored and dont understand is.. MY thing. outrageous, die!

okiepokies. update later or something? MUAH! :D

shakie! (:

Friday, July 15, 2005
Y12:40 PM

so much happened.

and i am pretty disappointed with whatever that had happened. really. cursing and swearing were never my intentions and i very well know that what ive said and done were mostly wrong.

okay maybe it was her fault too. but ive thought alot too, it takes two to clap. i wasnt doing my part as, a student and also a daughter. i have rules to obey in school, as well as at home. but i guess i havent been obeying all of the rules as things arent happening smoothly.

rules are made to be broken? yeah. but then, what are rules for then? rules are made to be followed. and on my part, i havent been doing my duty.

as a child.

and a student.

therefore, ive decided to just listen to every thing she says. even if it's really really absurd or, dumb. i havent any choice, have i? no. probably, she was INDEED thinking of my future. probably, she WAS channeling me to the right road. maybe she was being the typical mother who worries to much when their child turns 15 or 16. maybe.

and i dont think i can possibly just push that matter aside. in fact, i cant. the only way out is to deal with it and yes, i think i did. with the help of a few caring souls. thanks and i owe you big.

i actually feel sorry for myself for actually burdening myself with all those problems. i am, actually contributing to them. if only i could try solve it earlier? okay maybe it wasnt meant to be like that.

going to school with my mood ruined early in the morning wasnt a nice thing by the way. it aches just to get hurt the first thing i go to bed and, early in the morning. i had much sleep, i presume. but tearing so much is something that i regret doing.

having friends greeting me early in the morning was something that troubled me quite.. alot. they greeted me so well, with that pretty eyes and smiles early in the morning just to brighten my day, affected me even more. the fact that i couldnt respond to their greetings is just.. hard for me to digest. cos the next thing i knew when i tried hard to reply back with a smile, they'll give me that weird, concerned look.

i am very appreciative to have such friends, really. having a friend that told me that others noticed that i wasnt being myself the other day really touched me. in fact, it made me realise that i seriously have neither a reason or two to why i should continue with that gloomy look that ive been displaying for the past few days.

and fair enough, the realness of sheikha came back slowly. thanks to the one who brought sense into my head. and you know who you are. and no, i will not write your name in my list of darlings. cos trust me, no matter how forgetful i can possibly be, you WILL ALWAYS be one of my darlings. and i WILL remember that.



and to those whom ive ARRRRGHHHHHHH at earlier just now, i will need to thank you guys so much. really, it made me feel better.

aunty, two things. dont be angry about the cikgu issue anymore okay (: trust me, hes not worth to be angry at. hes WAY TOO childish. next, happy advanced 1st month!!!! it's pretty sad that there are many obstructions but trust me, they will be more coming up so be ready to face them. and, i sayang you so much (:

roro, i need to spend more time with you, you little twit! and NEVER NEVER NEVEERRRR keep secrets from me again cos sheikha CAN bite.


locas, you guys are part of my life now. so please do not brake them apart.


syazo mazo, i know ive hurt your feelings, haha. but you know i know that you know i treasure your little teeny nonsense as much as i treasure the whole you right? haha. thanks for being VERY much concerned when i was down and close to giving up. i love you banyak also!!

yas, THANKS FOR SPITTING YOUR BUBBLE TEA AND WHATEVER ROTI YOU ATE JUST NOW AT MY FACE -_- it was disgusting though, hahahah. but yes, thanks for the crazy time.

BEBS, thanks for making my life a better one. and yea, i have to agree that coming to bedok view has indeed made me A BETTER FUTURE. okay, maybe still in the making lah yah. hahah.

whatever it is, i love my friends so much. oh yes, not to forget the dearest rabiatul. MUAH! thanks for standing by me everytime when i have problems with not only NCC but friendship STUFF.

you guys are just THE best. hahahahh, and oh oh oh AISYAH JAMBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahh, thanks for paying the group neoprints (: (: lol oklah oklah.. thanks for being the jambu one in the family (: satisfied now? MUAH!

i'm blogging all these as if i'm going to die any minute now. HAHA! eh hello, you will never know when youre going to die okay.

well, at least i know now that my time is up to secretly blog when i'm supposed to start with the english essay about national day theme thing.

(: okay now.

much love,

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Y1:29 PM

my mother's gonna keep the laptop tommorow.

what the FUCK.

therefore i shall say goodbye to my dearest blogging shit. yeah, was just about to start anew and this is what i freaking get lah damnit. i swear my life's sucky right now. like seriously.

i think she has lost trust in me and I HATE IT

education. job. money.

i swear i'm going to migrate and not live in singapore. what a corrupted country im living in. education job MONEY. nothing else. like seriously, GET A FUCKING LIFE lah.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Y11:15 AM

mother's back from KL.

she annoys me sometimes. she keeps blaming EITHER the net OR the cellphone. and i think it's really wrong of her to be doing that. i mean, seriously. i AM putting my priorities straight now. i know, when and what i should do.

and she was like, NO MOVIES starting from now. like WHAT THE -_- therefore, prolly i wont be able to catch charlie and chocolate factory with aunty. and i really find it unfair. she has high expectations of me and it's TOO much. she expects me to be studying every second she sees me and i think it's really shallow of her to be thinking THAT way. i mean, i need a life too okay.

i just cant allow myself to be going to school, STUDY, reach home, settle down and BACK TO THE BOOKS! it's really.. a no life everyday routine. and i just, DETEST it. i mean, isnt 2 and a half hours of studying enough for a sec3 girl like me? WHAT, will 20 minutes of no net do any better?????

what a bug.

i'm supposed to study now. gah, i am so looking forward to school nowadays. at least, my mother does not nag when i'm at school. that is if she does not call me.

-_- shes so.. different now really. not the understanding mother i used to know. and i find that.. really sad. and she is not happy with me having 2 CCAs. seriously, WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!

i am a sad person now, kill me.


Monday, July 11, 2005
Y1:03 PM

i think theres something in tom yam that makes me high.


i get extraextraextraEXTRAEXTRAEXTRAEXTRA high after eating thai tom yam. but i love it (: (: UHUK UHUK. lol, but seriously. thai tom yam is the brilliant-est recipe a chef can come out with! it's so spicy, yet sweet. every sip of the soup makes you want to fly.. fly.. flyyy ...


-_- hahahah.

but that dosent change the fact that tom yam rocks. :D and not, mee soto ayam.. HAHHAHA!! poor thing, you will not be able to find myojo tom yam at 7eleven nor at cold storage, HAHAH. but somewhere simple.. like..... A MAMA SHOP BAWAH BLOCK!!

(: (: i feel so happy. but a little sad cos ive finished a bowl of tom yam. but it's okay, the lesser number of times i taste it, the better the taste will be! that doesnt make any sense, does it?

oh i dont care.

ive editted a few pictures. up at friendster. i feel extra black and white today. most of the pictures are blackandwhite. oh well, considering that my favourite colours are BLACK AND WHITE, i shall not care if all the pictures ive editted are black and white.

okay, i'm not talking sense. AGAIN.

i think ive just hurt someone, lol. i feel so so sad for myself for being extra childish today. i mean, my childish rate for today is extra high. it scares me sometimes, to the point that i can die. that rhymed didnt it? HAHAH! okay, maybe it's just me. AGAIN.

i didnt have any study mood just now. ive not been studying, since just now. and that's really disappointing. i WANT to buck up yes, and i'm trying my best to change now. but lappie's being such a moron. it's just.. difficult for me to just look at it. lol, so drama-mama.

it's like calling for my name everytime. okay, nicknames. the ones my friends have created online. very fancy ones i must say.

mmm, i shall list down my nicknames. THAT'LL BE SO COOL!

; shakie
; sheeka
; shakes
; sheik
; shake
; mrs inamorato
; sheeka beeka
; mister shakes
; shakey
; shako
; shakie wakie
; shakester
; sheikha the shaker
; sheikhots

THERE! yeah, so many nicknames right.. i dont really like 'sheik' actually. cos it sounds like a boy, lol. my cousin calls me that! such a drag. so in total, i have 14 nicknames! OH, like the bus i take to school. hahahah, sick man.

thank god all my homework are due later than tmrw. if i were to hand in all of them (!!!), i will might as well just shoot myself. no, not afraid of the teachers. but, to finish up ALL the homework in.. a few hours will not be possible okay!

ya ya.. "if there's a will, there's a way"

TOO BAD NO WILL LAH! hahahah (: (:

i feel so corrupted right now. sitting in front of the lappie doing unproductive stuff. it's just not right. therefore, i shall sleep. hahahh, i sound like a fcuked up pig. oh no!


Y4:37 AM

there are these two particular.. PEOPLE, that annoy me.

one's soooooo obsessed with pout pout pout pout, pout!

i have no idea why but it annoys the hell out of me. you will too if you were to take a look at their pictures. they're just... scary. pout here, kiss here, pout there, kiss there. like WHAAAAAAthe...

okay next.

the next one is trying super hard to ACT cute. not that she is cute or whatever but, it's just.. UGHHH annoying!! she takes pictures of herself hugging her bear, her pillow, her bag.. have the picture taken from above so that she'll look even... 'cuter'.


i do not have anything against them lah but ..

okay maybe i do have something against them, HAHAH!

okay okay at least i thought they wouldnt pose as SUCH but lol, their pictures are .. aiyah, too scary.

-runs around the room,

i feel so traumatised right now!!



Sunday, July 10, 2005
Y11:55 AM





hahahahhahah, i feel so hyper right now (: yesyes, ive watched fantastic four and i'm really proud of it. hahahah, $9.50 okay!! haahahah. actually, it's a last minute plan la ya..

woke up and found myself all.. bored. therefore, i grabbed my phone and asked aunty whether she wants to catch a movie or something. so she agreed ahah (: (: THEN, we met like.. an hour later??

so then met up with hariz, his tuition mates and yazid. haha, at first i thought yazid knew the two tuition people but then yeah, he was like "i dunno them lah, UHUK UHUK" hahahah, the uhuk is the way he laughs, SO FUNNY!

so okay, watched fantastic4 as mentioned HEH it was so very bagus!! i love i love (: (: jessica alba is so gorgeous GAH GAH. and the fire guy was hot also lol, oh well. i think the show's fantastic. must watch alright!

took neoprints with aunty. they turned out really pretty and i love them. een and syah decided to join us so yes, we had another round!! hahaha. actually two.. lol. first round consisted just the girls. turned out pretty also. aunty, must scan!! the kekekness din just stop there. the guys joined us in the second round, lol. we were desperately trying to get each and every single face snapped LOL! really cute to see the.. SIX of us squeezing ourselves hahahahah.

but again, the kecohness din stop there. hahah, nees clicked on something lol and it was in japanese(?) therefore we were like.. UHH YES OR NO?? hahahah. so i thought the machine was asking us, erase? so i asked them to click yes cos usually yes is on the left and no is on the right. but TADAAAAAAAA! ahhahahhh, the question was actually.. "stop editting the pictures?" lol.

really funny i laughed too much, it was good though. :D

went to starbucks after that. utter madness i swear! een was extra hyper today.. that giler person. but nice lah, i mean.. without THAT kinda people, it wudnt be THAT fun (: (:

so een, i love you for that.

i feel sad for some people. like really.


anyway. guess what guess what!! ahhah, i was on the way home just now. LOL, and suddenly that pervez smsed me.

and he suprised me by saying that he saw me. lol, JUST! he said i passed by him HAHAHA I DIN EVEN NOTICE LIKE WHAT THE HEELLLL!!

hahah, i was so fckshocked!! ahhahah, i got the message when i was in the bus ahaha, and i immediately had my mouth so widely open when i read the message LOL. and those who were in the bus were looking at me strangely.

whatever ..

(: (:

okay okay i need to gigibiru the pictures now!!


shakie :D

Saturday, July 09, 2005
Y11:30 AM


i'm putting the picture that i took at hanis' as my friendster primary photo. i swear the picture is really funny, i was laughing okay hahahahhhahahahah

sigh, tired sia.

anyway, had ncc training just now. finally, we had our master parade. WHICH MEANS, we're taking over next week!! hahaha, but.. under training lah. not the real 'take over'. ahah (: (: it will be something different now and i'm really looking forward to the next training. it'll be way cool, yayyy! the marching was kinda tiring but it was nice to march after quite some time. i love :D

my badges were being such fcukers just now, i swear. and i think the others are really getting sick of my "anyone has glue????" seriously, it's getting on my nerves too. i NEED to do something about those badges, a.s.a.p! and oh, the worst part is, the stupid badges tested my patience RIIIIIIIIGHT before our master parade.

imagine THAT!

*grrrrr RUMBLES!!!

thank god maam khoo din ask me what happened, phew. i feel extra tired now, big time. mother, sister, brother-in-law, brother and sister-in-law are on the way to kl.

HOW EVIL! i couldnt join them firstly because i had to attend ncc training and next cos i will need to takecare of my immature 20 years old brother.

SIGH! -_-

but it's okay, prolly i'm going out with the girls tomms. aunty, ring-a-ding me okay if jadi (: eeen, must follow! ajak others also okay (: (: so fun!! i want to watch fantastic four, i just love them. and justice league WOOOOHOOO! hahah okay retarded.

people change, WHAT CAN I SAAAAAAY...!


WHICH, reminds me. roro's not able to make it tomms. she has.. NDP! aisz also cannot. someone getting married. sigh ): no full locas, and my mother's away.

i want coke lah.


Friday, July 08, 2005
Y10:03 AM

i cant decide whether or not should i attend tuition today. i mean, today will be the first lesson. i mean, any day also can but my mom insisted i attend today's lesson..


sigh, MALAY ORAL SUCKS SO BADLY I WANT TO FAINT ): the teacher asked me about why should we preserve the natural resources and so forth. i answered everything that has to do with.. TREES!

YES I KNOW VERY MEREPEK ): ): M.O.E is breaking my heart! hahahah, thats soooo star wars. i feel so tired now, tired of malay language! pkhh. saya here saya there, saya everywhere. moo moo here, moo moo there, moo moo everywhere. okay bullshit.

oh oh, bytheway thanks aunty for eBebsNeDoks collage. i love it so much i can faint. yes yes, it's so pretty. everyone looks so cool and nice and sweet hahhaah. like, whateevr. lol.but yeah, thanks nister.

"bunny hop, hop, HOP!"

oh guess what. lappie's going bonkers, AGAIN. it's not allowing me to write testimonial for others. so to those whom i still owe testimonials for, there might be a short delay. sorry and yes, i will write you guys a testimonial as soon as possible!

okay lah okay lah, i need to wash up and rest.

should i? should i not?


Thursday, July 07, 2005
Y1:11 PM



*grrrrrr rumbles.

ive finished all my homework and i'm so very proud of myself :D and yes, it IS a big deal (: ive not practised mother tongue oral tho, ahhah. wait lah later. i need a rest okay. 2 hours straight aiyahhh cannot.

oh bytheway, i think the lappie's gonna die soon. seriously speaking, it's so..... jiggly now. aiyoh, what a luck. okay maybe, thats the sign for me to stop with the internet and study more, AIYAH! i feel a little sleepy now. haha. oh oh, ive just editted a nice picture.


Image hosted by

eBebsNeDoks I LOVE!

i think it's really pretty. simple yet complicating, no? YEEEEHHH hahahahh. okay shut up, i'm extra hyper today.

extra hyper means extra tired. so.. im extra tired today ):


shakie <3

Y10:26 AM



i will so mati

may God bless me, amin.

okay. back from higher malay class. been such a long time eversince i went to temasek for higher malay lessons, hoho. speaking of which, the teacher just told us that we're having our mother tongue Olevels listening compre next week. and guess what?


therefore, i will need to take listening compre after road run. i bet i wont be able to concentrate cos i'd be super tired and all. road run ley..

AHA! maybe i can be those ncc people who will be helping the runners (: LIKE LAST YEAR HOHO! (: (: what a brilliant idea!

anyway, spent time at aunty's yesterday. was so lepakish i swear! bought cup noodles and just hang around there. i think that'll be my third house HAHA okay nis? :D aunty's house is just WAAAAAAY coffeetable. her bedroom!!! SOOOOOOOOO COSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i love i love i love!

watched van helsing. we din actually WATCH IT, WATCH IT but just.. to make the atmosphere more.. fun (: it was fun lah. OH OH!! hahahah, nis and roro couldnt take the spicyness of ze tomyam! it wasnt that spicy okay. just the normal average type. its the myojo brand somemore! -_- YES, TELL ME ABOUT IT! haha. but yeah, roro ended up crying yet insisted that its too nice.

DURR BRAIN! hahahah. aunty? well, cant say much. she was the last to finish up her noodle. JUST THE NOODLE. therefore, i shall declare that i'm the tom yam champion!

..okaylah okay lahhhhh, tom yam's my favourite.

sheesh. anyway, the new english teacher... ARGHHHHH he's so uninteresting ): i miss MISS PEH .. alot ):

okay, gots to study soon. i'm such a changed person now.

shakie MUAH!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Y2:27 PM


(: (:

i was away for quite some time.

i deactivated my past blog account. and just recently, ive decided that i need an online diary quite badly. but this time, i will make it visible to others but no comments thank you (:

actually, i'm deciding whether or not to put the tagboard up. not that i'm afraid of having indecent taggers tagging like the board's theirs, BUT, i just do not see a point having a tagboard. it'll become a mini chat area for .. people.

anyway, blogger did cock up quite a little.

but it's okay. you just do not want to know the little history behind this new account (: (:

by the way, I LOVE MY NEW BLOG! !! !!!

hhaha. chatting with jedi azmi right now. gosh.. he looked so different on sunday. i couldnt recognise him lol. it was funny how HE AND MDM RAO waved at me. hahahahh, it was such a comical scene.

so, i shall always remember that :D

homework's not done yet.
i did some but GAH, i was so tired.


there's this particular cat which has been lying around outside my house since.. GOD KNOWS WHEN! i think the cat's so lazy. cos i always see it there, just lying down.


once, it went inside my house without any of my family members knowing it. woke up early in the morning and..

"eh ader cat..."

ahhahahahahahhaha, how adorable? no. it wasnt. it dosent sound that way actually.. more to..


okay, info for the day : sheikha's afraid of cats.

now go away and shut up.

speaking of which, aunty found out that little info when we were at bandung. HOW SAD LAH EH -_-

okay now, i shall get ready for tomms (:




4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.