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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Y12:00 AM

Oh no I'm back to listening to Nirvana & Guns n' Roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhh so old school yet so scmold mool. Hahahahahahaha whatever that word really means. Currently I'm so stuck w The Man Who Sold The World by Nirvana & November Rain by Guns n' Roses, my all time jiweeeeeee songs. JiiiiiiIIIWEEeeEeeeEEZZZzzzzsxxxxssZzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lol, I sounded like I just lost my brain.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Y8:04 PM

Do you really need to hear me complain about how unfair it really is that the kids are going korea tonight??? And they do not know shit about Korea! I have a lousy life.

I shall steal the Universal Remote Control from Click! and let time pass by so fast that I do not realise I'm already 25years old. Time to get marrieeeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd and pass will you still love me in the morning notes on tissue papers to my husby.

But then again

Y1:50 PM

It's as if God knows what I needed. It's as if God knows I needed to play in the rain!!!!!!! Hahahaha yeah I did and I think I'm going to be down with a flu pretty soon. But it's alright, I have 3-4 months to recover! Hahahahaha

It might be the last time I put on my school skirt and class t just now. Passed a few bio books back to mdm rao and it was great meeting her, she made me feel chipier. Especially when she gave me really helpful advices that reassured me. Saw Mr Zaldy heahea must I really talk about ittttttttt???? Haiiii...

Ok so attention attention sec3 friends, there are a few textbooks that you might need for next year so lol you can have free ones. Help yourself, 1077. The lock's out (: Bought for myself yummy cakes and donuts from prima deli afterwhich I collected my brother's no.4 from the ncc shop. All the way, it was raining. It grew really heavily and wheeeee it was splendid marvellous fab gerek. You shud all do that. Really, rain brings all my troubles away. Away they go. Away away they go. Hahaha it was funny tho, the expressions on passerbys. Hahahaha, many were frantically searching for umbrellas and there I was playing in the rain. Alone. While listening to my mp3. Hahahahahhaahaha buang tebiat but still, YESSAH.

Will be sending my little tweet tweets off tonight. Told you ion will miss me. She already did! Hahahaha. Which reminds me fad misses me. Cos she said she'll call me tonight. I miss you tooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! AHH, I'm doing a hell of a job making myself happy. I am so great.

And since I am so great, you shall all read the lyrics of my very very fave song. & may you be great too. Tho I'm still very much greater hee

Here I stand alone
With this weight upon my heart
And it will not go away
In my head I keep on looking back
Right back to the start
Wondering what it was that made you change

Well I tried
But I had to draw the line
And still this question keeps on spinning in my mind

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know

Many roads to take
Some to joy
Some to heart-ache
Anyone can lose their way
And if I said that we could turn it back
Right back to the start
Would you take the chance and make the change

Do you think how it would have been sometimes
Do you pray that I'd never left your side

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know

If only we could turn the hands of time
If I could take you back would you still be mine

'Cos I tried
But I had to draw the line
And still this question keep on spinning in my mind

What if I had never let you go
Would you be the man I used to know
What if I had never walked away
'Cos I still love you more than I can say
If I'd stayed
If you'd tried
If we could only turn back time
But I guess we'll never know
We'll never know

&What If - Kate Winslet.

I miss studying and I need a job. SO FIND ME ONE. Yeah like as if there's still even one kind soul still breathing in this world. Hahahaha, if there is too, she/he might be packing for KOREA. Or, still very much desperately doing job hunting with me *grins*

Monday, November 27, 2006
Y8:49 PM

Tell me why I do not give a damn anymore? Hahaha

It was a tough week nonetheless. I woke up yesterday morning to find out that my close cousin passed away. She made me this butterfly pin for my headscarf. Both her kidneys stopped working thus all the toxic materials cudnt leave her body. Her mother told us she kept praying and even though it was uber painful, she just continued praying and hoped for the best. She was so strong. May she rest in peace & insya Allah enters syurga. Amin.

You won't be reading this anytime soon girl but I do care. Again let me reiterate that my decision was not based on what happened. It's long term. & I was just trying to think of the best way to let you know, the best way you won't get hurt and disappointed. Well, I guess I darn sucked at that. I wish you'd understand, really. And I'm trying hard to understand you too. Tho I know you will help me with things, I need to help myself too. You can do this, you know you can. Well, I know you can. I love you really I do and please do not be angry with me. I'm sorry I've failed you. Tho I may not be physically there with you, I still think about you, how you're coping with things. You're strong. You're confident. You're ready. I'm not. That's why I cannot commit myself with it. Do forgive me.

I watched Happy Feet yesterday night with siblings. & I've been stuffing myself with too much Toblerone. It makes me happy you know. Well, it amazes me how I'm so good in cheering myself up despite the various challenges God has put me thru lately. I am so strong. Ah yes, I need to do some shopping at Ikea very soon. I've pretty much discarded most of my notes and textbooks so my room's really clean. I did my own spring cleaning just now. Yessah. Hmm, let me think. I shall get racks and huge frames from Ikea. About time I decorate my room dont you think so? Hea. It's been a relaxing day today cos the only time I went out was to send my brother's no.4 to the ncc shop for the sewing of his new rank and attend the tahlil at my late cousin's place. Will have to attend many of those since her family is very religious. It's been raining lately and I wish it'd stay this way. Really cooling and it eases me.

My sayang afee and nurain are leaving for Korea tomorrow night. I'm gonna miss them ): Honest. You toots better get me an oleh-oleh(hahaha) from there la ok. Well hope you miss me hahaha. I will need to ask my parents whether or not I can see you guys off. Oh yes, hakim aniq nurulain nash and shah too. Well, may all of you have a safe journey to and fro. And do not *coughsaincoughs* *coughsafeecoughs* do anything fishy there ok. Hahaha

Btw Hi I'm listening to avril lavigne and singing along to the tune. Ah I surprise myself sometimes. So much for my happy ending, hahahahaha. I'm laughing too much. Right abee wong? Hahaha

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Y10:47 PM



I want to know the guy who helped me scoop pieces of cucumber on my plate! ):
and no I do not want to marry the younger one laaaa hahahahahahaha, what was wrong with me! I want the cucumberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Told you I'm fine, hahahaha and that really wasnt my ego lol

Friday, November 24, 2006
Y12:23 PM

You showed me how I can love. How I can care. How I can be loyal. For years. I've never loved someone so much in my life, cared for someone so much in my life. Though I always foresee what should happen, I neglect what my heart tells me. My friends said I should hope. So I have learnt that one should hope because it makes him/her happy. Though my mistake was to think of the implausible. I did not regret telling you how I felt. In fact, I felt great and brave. I felt like I was the couragest girl in the world. Though I knew there were many to risk, I am glad you saw it in a brighter way. As such, I have learnt. I have learnt how one-sided love when forced to die is great because therein lays great friendship. Going through four years of it had been great. Although there were times when I got very hurt, I managed to pick myself up. Thus, I have learnt. For years I had to hide them feelings. For years I had tried to put you aside. I tried. Now, I do not see any reason why I should keep trying, why I should keep fighting. Thus, I have learnt. I won the battle, not that I have not. I proved to myself there is so much more to me than just being blithely unconcerned over this matter. Though I've always hoped things would go the way I want them to, I know they won't. Thus, I have learnt. In movies, she cries knowing his heart is already reserved for someone else. The only difference is that I never knew she would feel that bad. Thus, I have learnt. Though I hope this will be over soon enough, it had been great. Now, I am looking forward, to a deeper meaningful friendship we have made.

P.S I love you.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Y1:05 PM

It's funny how I've made friends of totally different characters, the good;the bad.

On another note, I'm quite excited for tonight's prom. Or so they address it as lol. Finally I've gotten myself a decent looking ensemble for tonight so I'm pretty much contented hahaha. Was worried on what I'll be wearing later hahaha but yep I've gotten that solved. Bought a few pairs of earrings yesterday of which 75% of them are black in colour. That's bcos I did not know what I'll be wearing la. Wheee will be putting on the one that caught my eyes the most. & the one that I bought after someone stepped on my right flipflop for gazillion times. Imagine what I had to go through! Hahahaha

Well well, I'm exhausted. 20th nov was spent with 3As & syazanano's sister hahaha. Lunch at SeoulG was beyond description especially bcos that's my first time having lunch there teehee, ya I know so kental/jakun/insert word here. It was fun la ok, I was so excited about every little teeny thing that I ended up eating so much hotdogs. Those little tweets grilled them then put them on my plate, THATS WHAT I THOUGHT. Tsk! I shall never eat hotdogs this week again, phobiaa sehhhh! Hahaha. But well well, great lunch with great company (:: We window shopped aft that, they kept asking me to shop for prom lol but no ah, where got so much money at that moment. Spent quality cacat time at esplanade(where it rained duhhhh). Great pictures (actually more of like cacat pix and hahahahahah syazanano's ehem lol. I deleted the pix ready laaaaa jgn worry k!) & my apologies girls if I was a little crankymanky teehee. Ice skate next okiedokie? Hugs!

Yesterday. Went shopping for rings with syed. He bought himself a ring and I bought myself 4 pairs of earrings. Hahaha so kelakarrrrr the salesperson asked us to purchase the couple ring at $42! 42 bucks wasnt it? Hahaha, offer la konon. Buang tebiat. Swensens for lunch! (that's where I got attracted to this really cute manager or some person who was working there lol ahhh handsomeeeee ahahahaha) In short, great day! Except for the moments where syed kept stepping on my flipflops!!!! Gr!!! If koyak I buang at you ah!! Haahahaha and exclude the part when I wanted to enter the ladies but the cleaner locked the blasted door and I had to knock like some kental person. Yeah, ended up not going to the ladies and had syed carry my bag for me hahahahahahaha. Much laughter here there everywhere.

Cousin's coming over soon. I've forgotten to buy hair accessories for tonight. Hahahaha, so will be doing last minute shopping for hair accessory later. Will be rushing tho but it's ok, more fun!! Hahaha. & if you're wondering sheikha wear what sheikha wear what! Well,, I'm not telling youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Hahaha, not dress tho. It'll be so overrated already. Like, how to differentiate everyone like that! Hahahaha kelakar sehhhhh! Ahhh so exciting!

Btw, I'm glad we're fine now (: Trust me, you're usually there for everyone. Most of the times.


Monday, November 20, 2006
Y12:41 PM


Y10:38 AM




HeaheaheaaaHEAEAHEAHA. I got scolded by one of the invigilators when I burst out and got a little exhilirated with my nurain. Hahaha ok okkkkkk understatement, a littlee... heahea!!! Can you believe it? A week ago I went into an obsessive monologue about how unbelievable that the big Os finally came and how omggg it would be on the last paper!! Hahahahahah AND LIKE WHAT THE HELL RIGHT NOW IT'S 20TH, TWENTIETH OF NOV 06. 4 BLASTED YEARS AND FINALLY THIS IS IT. AND DID I SPELL THE 20TH RIGHT. OMG.

HAHAHAHA. & iyliee said I sounded so hyped up while chatting with her few minutes ago, hahaha who wudnt be laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm sure she knws how I feel right now :) Ok ok, so I texted my sister in gargantuan letters HEAHEA KAKKKK OLEVELS OVERRRRR!!!!!!!!! & hahahahaha she replied, oh yes then youre not going out to celeb? like at mcdonalds?

HAHAHAHAHA, PLEASE AH EH, I'M GOING SEOUL GARDEN AHH SIOL. Hhahahahahahah, ok minah minahh ahhahahahahahahaha, amacammmm. Ok pardon my kental way of blogging today, lol loll. So yes, I'm spending my 20th of november with my lovely As* (: Hahahaha those little tweets threatened me by saying "whoever who's late later will have to treat us all!!!" IDIOT. TAHU AJER I WILL BE LATE KAN. TSK. THESE PEOPLE KAN. HRMPH. NEVERMIND, I WILL COME EARLY TODAY. I'M COUNTING ON MY LUCKY STARS SERIOUSLY I TELL YOU.

Ok so movie of the month (nurain diam eh i know i slow eh),

Ahh faints faints faintsss.. The story's such a taikface want to sepak the main character who is the guy(farel)!! Gr grggrgrgrgr!! Do you know how exasperated I was?? Well, VERY!!! Tsk tsk, I was like cursing and swearing while crying and screaming. & mind you, my screams reached ear-shattering decibel levels. Don't believe ask my maid. She saw me cry. Diam ok, first 5 minutes got terrible downpour, haze, storm, thunder, lightning, volcanic eruption and earthquake ah ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Idiot ok the movie, I cannot stand that kind of plot, in which two girls and one guy and surprise surprise the guy suddenly becomes one bahlul maniac who is so potek(blind). CANNOT STAND THAT KINDA PEOPLE. SO POTEK. THE GIRL LIKES HIM. HE STILL DOESNT KNOW. BUANG TEBIAT.

Hhahahahahahahahahahaha, but still, movie of the month ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Sedihhh sehhhhhh hahahahahahaahaaahahaaaha. Haiyah, I don't know what's the oomph in that movie but it kept me thinking and still got very DEPRESSED(hahahaha what a pathetic choice of vocabulary word) after the muvie ended. Gosh la, I think the ending was just abrupt and like want to slap and gigit the writer's face like that la!! Gr, so annoying. What's more annoying is that I keep singing and humming the main sad song(which I'll post the lyrics and maybe the video at the later part of today's entry -see first)!!!! Ok ok, the annoying part isn't the notion of me singing, my voice quite nice ok! Hahahahahahaha, whats taik and tsktsk is that it's the only song I've been listening to since Saturday!!!!!!!!! Damnit man, I think I heard like more than hundred times. Ahhhh, bila kita mencintai yang lainn mungkinkah hati ini akan tegarrrr...... Hahahaha, and sorry hor syed that I kept singing like a baby the past few nights. Hello, I have no memorised the lyrics kan!! If I have eh, GET READY MAN YOU. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaahahaha torek telinga gw.

Ahh, what should I do next. Hahahaha, oh yes. Still have no idea on what to wear for prom. Many of my friends chose not to attend but whatever la, it's once in my teenage life that I'll get to graduate from my secondary edu. & it's time I give some attention to myself and attend prom. Hmm, hahahahahahahahahaha that did not make any sense. Haiyah hahahaha. Daddy said the place is quite good, the new one. Initially I did not want to go laa (hahahah so much of giving myself some attention merepek ahh sheikhaaaaaaaaa) but then last minute there was a change in venue and price of tickets so jengjeng I got excited for no apparent reason and agreed to go. Plus, may sounded hopeless and ahhhhh pergiii ahhhhhh the past few days so hehehe ok lor.

Hmm, need to get myself a pair of pretty cantek earrings that will match with uhmm, whatever I'm wearing on wednesday. AHAHAHA. I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR LAAA SEDIH LAAAA TAHUUUUUUUUUU!!! But what's for sure is I'm not gna wear any dress la. Dress is like so glam and ahhhh takpee eh.. Everyone will prolly be wearing dresses(girls la) so I shall wear top and skirt! Uh, not pasar malam skirt ahhh... Hhahahahahaha, I dont know la, see first. Lol.

Yessah! Ice skating with dearest 3As* on wednesday noon. Wheeee! Eat shit all of you ahahahahhahahahaha hahahaha ahhahahahaha hahahahaa hahaaha a little random there.

Okiedokie, shall spend my 20th nov in a more interesting way now haha take care all you lovelies. To Olevels candidates, HEAHEHEHEHAHEHHEHAHEHEEAHEEAAAAAAA!!! Hahahaha, and Double Ees, miss you hearts :) Hugs!


My Heart - Irwansyah feat Acha Septriasa

Disini kau dan aku
Terbiasa bersama
Menjalani kasih sayang
Bahagia kudenganmu

Pernahkah kau menguntai
Hari paling indah
Ku ukir nama kita berdua
Di sini surga kita

Bila kita mencintai yg lain
Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah
Sayang ku akan hilang

If u love somebody
Could we be this strong
I will fight to win
Our love will conquer all
Wouldn't risk my love
Even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart
My heart

Pernahkah kau menguntai
Hari paling indah
Ku ukir nama kita berdua
Disini surga kita

Bila kita mencintai yg lain
Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah
Sayang ku akan hilang

Bila kita mencintai yg lain
Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah
Sayang ku akan hilang

If u love somebody
Could we be this strong
I will fight to win
Our love will conquer all
Wouldn't risk my love
Even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart

Ciao all.


4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.