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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Monday, February 27, 2006
Y6:58 PM



Today's a good day. Was a little sucky in the morning but yeah, today's all good. Came to school with a wide smile. I just don't know but I just wanted to smile a hell lot today, and so I did. Heck about whatever happened earlier but mood's been whoopee today. So that's love.

Alright alright, let's just get down to business. 4EXPRESS2 WON THE DEBATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Sherly, Shah, Mayrissa & Darren were fantastic speakers earlier just now. While me, ameer and suhaila were fantastic rebellious bunch of people. Lol lol it was so funny.

The representatives from 5n3 were Hazwani, Syed Isa, Syafiq and Yusry. They were good I must say but they were sort of out of point. Hazwani started out loud and clear. Isa brought up the MMS porno videos topic which I seriously had lots of stuff to rebutt about. Syafiq .. uhh, I wasn't listening. Lol, and finally Yusry who.. well talked about the 3G phones.

Alright, I SHALL NOT LAY OUT MY POINTS HERE lol cos I think they've had enough of me, susu and ameer giving them THE look. HAHAHHAHAHA. Sorry but it was our job to do so. (:

Okiedokie, now time to recognise the loved ones. Sher was !!!!!! She started out really well it was just splendid. Love, sher! Shah was as usual, LOUD. But this time, it's all worth it, AHHAHA. Joking joking, he spoke really well & DUDE his points were great. SO SOCIAL STUDIES. (:

May!!! She won the best speaker award. Together with hazwani. Yeah, they won but there isn't any .. 'award'. HAHAA. She was loud, clear and she brought up real good points (credits to those who helped brainstorm for her lol lol). Darren was !!!! FAST and also fab. He managed to finish conveying all his points. Well, let's just say he made a very good conclusion.


I love debates!! Haahhahaha. Susu, me, ameer and nash had decided to occupy the "front seats" HHAHAHA. Yeah, we were in all ears even before the debate started. HoHOHOHO. We were the.. FLOOR MEMBERS HAHAHAHAHA. Pengrebutt. Or shud I say.. pengribut. -_- Anws, we did good too. HAHAHAHHA. However I still feel that susu shud have been given the chance to speak up.

Miss Peh was so nervous when Mr Teo was about to announce the results. Hahahah, I managed to get a glimpse of her shivering and shaking. Hohoho, we jumped, shouted and everything when they said 4e2 won. I guess the 4 lovelies have really done a splendid job for our class. LOVE YOU FOURRRRR!!!


Ah, DIA today!!!!!!!!!

& I have three bestest friends EVER.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, and they're not syaz, abee or afee. OH OH OH??? WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO??? HAHAHAHA HAHAHA AHHAHAHAHAHA. I don't think your bestfriends can beat them. HURH. HAHAHHAHAHAA

Okek, I shall .. stop blogging.

OH YES!!! 4/4 WON!!!!!! Congrats and much love abear (: MUAH MUAH.



Saturday, February 25, 2006
Y8:39 PM

I'm bloody irritated by two things in my life right now.

Irritating shite number one. There is this girl from bv who annoys the shit out of me by saying HI on msn. Ok, I get it, you're tryna be friendly and stuff. Ok, thanks for being such a friendly person. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you do not go online and say HI every single time you go online. & when I replied hi, you won't reply. DUDE, I APPRECIATE YOU SAYIN HI BUT IT ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME.

Sorry for that, but it's true.

Never, i repeat, NEVAR annoy me when I'm already annoyed. Which brings me to point number two.


There's this I don't know it's kind of complicated but I think I will need to refer her as my cousin. OH MY GOD I REALLY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL MADE HER & HER MOM SUDDENLY OH SO SUDDENLY so bloody close to my family, ESPECIALLY with my mom.

Ok, both of them will come over my house every single week without fail. Once, I think they came like almost everyday?!?!??!! They weren't THAT close to my family members a while ago. THEN BOOM suddenly they just became like SOOO GOOOD RELATIVES TAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ish ish ish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, YES I know it's good to have close baik family bondings but what THE.

They think I'm their.. "MESSENGER" TAU. Texted me so many times the other day to get my mum to call them. Mum wasn't at home at one point of time and OMYGOD THEY SMSED ME GAZILLION TIMES. WHAT. MUST I REPLY OHHHHHHH MUM'S NOT AT HOME. Ohmygoddddd


God..... I can't believe it that EYE am not able to follow mum and sister while SHE was able to tag along. INJUSTICE. Ok ok I know she's SOMEHOW(so bloody far type) connected to the other family. Why is she following my mum and sister??? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY didn't she just attend the thing as the host of the thing. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY must she become SO SEBOK and follow my mum and sister???? IT'S JUST OBVIOUS that she's so frigging sebok. My mum came out with the most ludicrous reason EVER to why I cudnt tag along. GUESS WHAT. The reason was bcos I'm still young.


UGH her name IRKS me. She's allowed to go while I can't. And I'm young. She's not. She's 15, I'm fifteen. I'm young. She isnt. GO AND DIE LAH. It's just obvious that her mother wanted someone to follow her so that she won't be alone. And my mom wanted them to follow her so that she won't feel uncomfortable. BULLSHIT. SO YOUNG.

Ugh, sometimes I prefer the TRUTH. UGH. The MOTHER actually told my mum, eh make her as your step daughter ah. ISH. Once I get my own room, step daughter step maughter. YOU, WONT, SLEEP, WITH, ME. And darling, there isnt any empty room left for you. SO BUZZ OFF. Ugh, come here sebok. Joget here joget there.

I'm being mean, but that's how I feel. I'm not what they always say "MENGUMPAT-ing". Nor am I BITCHING. I'm just pouring out my anger and disappointment here. SO IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY, IRRITATE ME NOW. Cos I'd be just so SO elated to give you a red mark on your face.



Friday, February 24, 2006
Y7:29 PM


(: (:

Two smilies for that then!!! WHEEE

Let's start with what happened yesterday that I've forgotten to blog about. There were two merlions yesterday afternoon. I don't know whether the term 'merlion' is even appropriate. Exorcist???? Water hose??????????

WAHHHHHH. I made a remark on what may said & lol, I didn't find it SUPER funny but rabiatul adawiyah a.k.a abear found it so hilarious that she had to hembus all the water which was in her mouth onto my legs. !!!!!!!! SO FRIGGING CACAT. How can she HEMBUS water (plus saliva plus the hotdog and donuts she ate omyGOD) onto my LEGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS omgg she's insane, out of her heads. After she did that, it was mayrissa's turn. -_- She just 'wakkkkkkkkkkkkk' everything out. ONTO FATHIMATU'S LEGS HAHAHAH AHAHAH AHHAHAHA !!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHH, hahahaha higher malay lessons (before and after lesson too) are funfunfun!!! (: WHEEEE

Okek, so that's the highlight for yesterday. Of which that I remember for now.

Today's a good day. Started the day by looking at susu's face at the bus stop again, HAHAHAHAH. Yah, and the brownies -_- WHICH I CUDNT EAT. Haiyohhh. Had our occasional morning talks while we were walking to school. Hahhaaha, insane girl.

P.E was not very fruitful. Did two rounds of running after which we discussed about the new creative game we have to come out with by a few weeks later. Hahaha, gabriel was as usual, kind as he took the pencil case & paper while we were just sitting feeling so pooped. Yeah, UNLIKE SOME OTHER PERSON AHHAHA AHHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH gentel-gentel rambutnya aja sih.

Anw that aside, recess was OK. Afee nearly murdered me. -_- I smiled at her & she misinterpret the smile as something else. Sigh, so much for smiling kan syaz??? Hahhah, yah she pointed the plastic fork into my face!!!! OMG.

*DOES THE GOOD SIGN, nyehnyeh*

Okiedokie, chemistry was -_- Sherly and I got picked by mdm ho.. meowmeow. She picked on us number one number two, she INSULTED ME. Hmph. Both of us were exceptionally sleepy today. It's not always that we're sleepy THEN WALAU. I hit sherly's shoulder with my right hand with the intention of waking her up. Mdm Ho saw it & thought I was playing around with sher & OMG HER EXACT WORDS WERE:

"Ah, the girl beside sherly gunawan ah.. You know what she did? She tap sherly's shoulder ah.. I don't think I need anymore primary 1 kid ah"

It was something like that ah. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD DO YOU KNOW HOW UNTRUE THAT WAS?!?!?!?!?! Good gosh. I turned and faced sher and we were actually conversing thru our eyes. Lol, we were cursing & swearing. I mean, THERE I WAS TRYING TO WAKE SHERLY UP SO THAT SHE CAN CONCENTRATE ON HERRRRRRR LESSON, THERE SHE WAS HAPPILY SCOLDING ME. So ape shit, man. I was, HURT. Hahahha, stupid sia.. she's so bloody biased. That's what sher & I concluded. HMPH HMPH HMPH.

I'm not happy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lol, okek. AND SO. Tahirah cudn't join us after school for some reasons which I personally found them ridiculous. I mean, why must THEYYYYYYY always be the ones taking all the initiative to raise funds for our grad night. I mean, not that I'm intending to help the commitee(no thanks) but I just find it really.. unfair that the usual people are always the usual ones who have been helping around while the others just get the credits without putting much effort.

Had lunch with susu & abear. So much laughter there too. She had to leave us after lunch cos she had something on after that. SEE, sighhe su, be part of the 5% of those who want to succeed lah. Naik mountain AJER. Hohoho, joking okek?? (: Anws, I'll be there for you if you need a listening ear k? Heck about all those shite. MUAH.

Headed for expo after lunch. Nyehnyeh got down the bus and abee burst out saying 'eh you know or not who's that, I know her seh, she's so pretty'. I thot she was referring to this nerdy cum ahlian girl walking away from the bus stop -_- DO YOU KNOW HOW SHOCKED I WAS. Lol, not that I'm looking down on the girl but.. .. .., SHE WASN'T FROM OUR SCHOOL. Lol -_- And she wasn't referring to the girl in the first place -_-

We talked about the cacat outings with our own respective parents/family members. Lol, I used to play a goondu game when I went jalan-jalan with my mum &sister. HAHAHA. There'd be different coloured tiles HAHHAAH, I wud be jumping from one tile to the other with much enthusiasm. How memorable. Lol, and HAHAHA stupid hop-scotch game. BAAAAHAHAHA SO FUNNEHHHH

Okek okek, that aside. We settled down somewhere very conducive for studying. I think it's a nice place. & I reckon that will not be the first & last time I study there. There was a meeting going on just now and I just burst out laughing thinking, just what IF the ncc girls travel alllll the way there just to sit down and have a short meeting??? HAHAHA. So hilarious if you manage to imagine it. Lol, imagine the usm & csm getting all worked up and serious about the meeting. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA AIYOHHHHHH

Blabbered about everything under the sun. Ahhh, the study session was well.. fruitful. Helped abee on her chem. I'm so proud of her. She did well for her emath tests. SEE SEE YOU CAN DO IT!!

Oh yes. We were studying when suddenly I noticed a man with a digital camera taking pictures of the people studying. INCLUDING US. HAHAHAHAH, it was so funny cos after I stared at him with the 'OH MY GOD, HE IS SO WEIRD' mindset, he walked nearer to our tables and stood behind abee. HAHAHA AND TOOK PICTURES OF US. HAHHAHA WHAT THE. I was laughing continuously and I think photographers shudn't take pictures just ANYWHERE. Yes I know it's artistic and all but.. it SCARES the hell out of young teenagers.

So anyway, the people around us were mugging for their upcoming Alevels -_- I think we were the only ones preparing for our Os. I was quite distracted by the idea that there was the coffeebean near us. Lol, after putting much thought into it HAHHAHA, abee &I then decided to get some stuff for us both. Abee bought a slice of chocolate cake. I'm not quite sure what's the exact name. I bought the cafe latte. HHAHA, ohh the expresso story. Lol, so funny. I had an embarrassing experience just now too -_- WHICH, I shudn't blog here HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Ahh so funny. So anyway, talked while enjoying the tasty chocolate cake and.. SWEEEEET cafe latte. I'm not sure how much sugar abear poured into the coffee lol. Ended off the study session with smart plans in our minds. HOHOHO.

Toilet after that. Uhuh, the toilette was very clean. It's once in a blue moon that I do my business in public toilets eh. Abee laughed like some mad cowoman after I did my business. There were two particular girls who were making so much noise in the toilet I thought it was quite irritating. They banged the doors of the different cubicles just to find an empty, clean cubicle. (AT LEAST THAT WAS WHAT I THOUGHT). Hahaha, abee was imagining, WHAT IF they slammed the door of the cubicle I was in while I was doing my business?? HAHHA. It was so hilarious and goondu. Haiyoh.

Went home after that. Ahh so funny. Much fun today. & I think for the first time for the whole month, I finally spent my friday well.


AND OH YES!! I think it's quite unfair hmph. I've been quite a fan of Oasis since my sister was in poly. Now she's.. a pregnant woman -_- Yeah. HOW CAN OTHERS ATTEND THEIR CONCERT WHILE I CAN'T. How HUGEEEEEEEEE fans are they?? Lol, phh.



Thursday, February 23, 2006
Y7:28 PM


It doesn't make any sense. Blogging takes me 10 minutes or less. & I've been online for half an hour. REALLY, WHAT'S IN THIS INTERNET THAT MAKES US ALL ADDICTED TO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


Umm.. Been munching on the chocolate crunchie. I do not know why only a few of my friends love crunchie. I think it's soooooooo sedap lorr & addictive, too.

It's been a very tiring day. GOH training, higher malay lessons, tuition and what have you. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXHAUSTED. And my neck hurts so brady badly that it's difficult for me to turn my head & face the left side.

I've been so so so busy since a few days back that I'm worried about the coming common test 1. Everytime when I get back, I'm SO dog-tired. Then when I flip open the book, it's always an assignment that I've to complete. Dang, not much revision & stuff. Gondola. I'm getting, REALLY, R E A L L Y worried. I might just faint. Lol that was a little too exaggerated.

Good news received on wednesday. Not THAT news (lol) but, there'll be no ncc training on friday which is a (: (: SPLENDID thing for me. Not that I'm sick of ncc trainings or whatever(mind you), but bcos I think without the training in my way, I may finally have THE FREE TIME. Dude, that's what I've been waiting for.

& so I've decided that I will be studying with a few friends after school. Yeah, perhaps I shud try with this new(foreign!!!) idea of 'group study'. May be the kind of method I shud practise.

May be not. Lol

Am thinking of doing chemistry & bio revision tomms. Hopefully the session will be a fruitful one. Do not laugh too much girls (:

Ok, I shall be off now. TO THE BOOKS, I GO.

Random thought: Perhaps I'm smiling a little more now syaz (:



Saturday, February 18, 2006
Y11:03 PM

I was just looking back at the pages of my life and it isn't as zesty as I thought.

Yea perhaps I am, in fact, living a total denial myself. I kept trying hard to control my emotions, my feelings without realising that, I can't.

Everything was good when it lasted. You took away everything real in me. Like how one needs 3 different colour cones to be located in your eye - red, yellow & blue, you played the role of one of the colour cones. Huge role, wasn't it?

Yeah prolly any random someone could have taken away the frown I wore when I was grief-strickened or vexed. But will that someone take that horrible frown away & plant a smile on my face, just like how you did?

It was just very simple for me to be frank with you. It was just very simple for me to converse with you about anything and everything under the sun. You knew most of my secrets. Major ones, and even those which others may find quite redundant. You knew almost.. everything?

Till now I do not know how you did it. Yeah, perhaps it might be ludicrous if I were to say you're psychic but everytime when I said I was 'okay', you cud sense something fishy & well, wrong about me.

Back then when I was in doldrums & crying my eyes out, your words hit me. It seemed like.. you were there? Yeah, it seemed like you were wiping those bitter tears away..

Back then when I was jumping for joy, it was as if you were there too, enjoying the excitement.. enjoying the atmosphere that was completely filled with euphoria.

Back then when I was all disappointed & baffled, you kept remindind me that I shud just try a little harder and to stop grumbling.

Back then when I was exasperated, you will mimic my rants. Those cursing and swearing eventually turned into laughers. Loud, horrible laughters.

& so they've advised me to make our friendship better. But you see, I'm just very exhausted of trying to make things better. It's really sickening when you try so hard and see no product in the end.

Argh, whatever.


Was surfing the net & I finally viewed the Danish cartoons. This is preposterous. They're still fighting for what they call 'freedom of speech'. Argh, it irks me.



Y7:40 PM


Next week, iyliee's birthday.

i need to be high says:
i think hv t give belated

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Reality has sunken in now, confirming all my fears. says:
can buy just nowwww

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Reality has sunken in now, confirming all my fears. says:
ya seh, of cos ah
i need to be high says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Reality has sunken in now, confirming all my fears. says:

i need to be high says:
bt i shall make sure YOU wont kasi lamabbbaaaaat gilerrrr

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Reality has sunken in now, confirming all my fears. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Reality has sunken in now, confirming all my fears. says:

Lol, sometimes her words hit me so bad my heart's bruised. Hahahahah, I knowww!!!!!! I haven't give een's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BACKKKKK birthday present. You shud all shoot me or something. Or better still, een, shoot me!!!!! Lol, I'm SO BLOODY sorry eh ): You didn't tell me you were coming the other day. Your pressie's all wrapped up. SeriouslY!!!! OKOK, SUMPAH eh SUMPAH I will pass it to you VERY VERY soon. Just tell me when you're coming over Bv. Lol my apologies een ): !!

Alrightoes. Taking a couple of minutes of real real break now. Practised on emaths algebra & loci since 2pm just now. Dude, 2pm-7pm (WITH THOSE OCCASIONAL PEE/TEA breaks, lol). But whoo I'm so proud of myself for starting revision this early!! Lol, ok... I knoww I knowwwww I shud have started revision wayyyyy wayyy earlier. BUT OI COMPARED TO LAST TIME(2-3days before exams), I THINK IT'S A HUGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IMPROVEMENT. So don't banyak comment or I will slap your face!!

Lol, if I can reach your face that is

*stares at someone*


& so, yining.. I'm sorry but my silly brother ate up the little muffin you gave me ): He did mention that it was delicious. YEAH, THAT BOTHERED ME A LOT. I know it will taste even better if EYE were to consume it. Hmph. Thanks anyway, much love!!

Will be continuing on chemistry chemical calculations. Lol, practised a few questions just now. DUDDEEEEE, it's been so long eversince I did questions on chemical calculations. Hahahah, but I did quite okay. Will finish up on chemical calculations before I proceed on Physics - Waves. TYS TYS ALL THE WAY!!! Bahhaha, I SHALL DO WELL.

Yes, I know I've been repeating that since .. GOD KNOWS WHEN. Well.. many said that if you want to achieve your goals, keep repeating to yourself that you CAN & you WILL achieve them. Not too late for me to experiment isnt it? (:


_score a B3/A2 for Comb Sci
_score a B3/A2 for Emath
_score a B3/A2 for Pure Bio (YIKES!!!)
_score a B4 for A Math (OMG OMG)
_score a ..B3 for English (?)
_score a B3/B4 for Comb Humans


Lol. I think some grades above have been.. changed. Lol lol, I'm not very confident for SS & Geog. BARGHHHHHHHH


& Mdm Rao too. (:

Okay. Shall continue with my revision now.

& I'm in GOH!!!! !!! ! !!! !!!!!!!



Friday, February 17, 2006
Y7:03 PM

Ok, blogger just stood me up.



A long entry & then we have 'Operation on loading blogger, time out' . Ok, don't guess my mood. DO NOT GUESS.




Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Y5:00 PM


& so I have a few minutes left to blog.

Tuition after this. I thought I could kill some time. WOW, really SOME time man. HAHAH.

Anyway, today's the Vday. & this week's the friendship week!! (: To me, it's more of.. the friendship week.

& so! A few lovely people have given me some stuff. Yining gave each and every pupil of 4expresstwo a banana muffin!! I THINK IT'S SUCH A WASTE TO EAT IT COS IT'S BEING SO COSILY WRAPPED UP WITH A TRANSPARENT COLOURFUL WRAPPER. Gosh, I will have to consume it soon. Best thing is, she made it herself. That's very sweet of her. I mean, I CAN'T EVEN MAKE MYSELF A PIECE OF BROWNIE -_- !!!! Aiyayayaiiii!

Next, we have.. Xinyi. She baked a few pieces of cookies for us too. Heart-shaped cookies. I think it was very sweet of her (: I mean, all the precious effort & energy.. THANKS you both!!

OK, here I go.

THANKS TAHIRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! !! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(: You've been SUCH a great friend (: THANKS FOR THE CUTE LITTLE FLOWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I'll get you something. I WILL. Hahaha, thanks again you're the bestttttttttttttttttttt with so many Ts behindd!!!!

& SHERRRRRRRRRRLY GUNN!!!!!! Thanks banget!! I'm having second thoughts whether or not I shud eat the chocolates too. The presentation is just so lovely. WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thanks sher, love you!! :D

And oh yes, thanks yesslin for the sweets. Lol



Ok, vday and whatever not aside (lol), my two friends were the most idiotic bunch of people just now. Don't ask me why, but they were the most annoying people EVERR. Those stuffs are untrue lah..


& don't ask me this that this that. Cos I don't know. Things haven't been betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



Went to the kindergaten place at siglap plain yesterday for CIP. I FELT SO EXHAUSTED. It's been a VERY long time eversince I took care of little kids. The boys were quite rowdy!! & noisy!!!!! The girls.. well.. some were very quiet, some were very NOISY!!!!!! Lol, but they were a cute bunch (: SOOOOO CUTTEEEEE!!! & there was one whom nurul ain labelled as "SHEIKHAAAAAA" lol, her name's fifin. I THINK SHE IS ONE CUTE LITTLE GIRL MAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

WARGHHHHH next visit will be next monday. WHEEE CUTE PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Am very tired. Very very tired.

OK OK, I shall get 7 As. Aiyoh but then quite.. impossible lah. HAHAHAHA, I MEAN, JUST LOOK AT IT. 7As!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAA. Ok ok, how about 5 As?? LOL alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh I shall futher boost up the confidence in me by doing well for the first common test.

I shall get A for Combined Sci(!!!!WALAAAUUUU). An A or a B3 for Pure Bio(Homeostasis & excretion more more more more pls!!). A good B for emath. EH I'M WEAK IN MATHS LAH OK. A B4 for amath??? I SWEAR MR CHU DOESN'T HAVE ANY TEACHING SKILLS LAAHH. Ok actually he has. BUT SO LOUSY LAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH how am I supposed to score amath??? ): BAAHHHH!! I need miss Goh to teach me againn. How many zillion amath teachers does 4e2 needs, MAN?? I shall try getting a B for Combined Humans. EH NOT EASY LAAAAHHH I'M WEAK IN MY COMB. HUMANS SIAAAA!! (: NEVERMIND, I CAN DO IT! English.... a B3 would be good enough for me.


I shall.. alah, mother tongue... ):

Nevermind. So I will need to start my revision tomorrow. If possible today but there's tuition after this. Might be too tired when I get back.



Syazana, don't be sad ok? Just do what you think is right. Different people have their own different perspectives. Perhaps she's facing so many problems that she blames you for everything. You know that as a good friend, you shud just put up with her. She'll realise one day that she has put all the blame on you when you're not at fault. So do not fret, okay? (: HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAYYYYYYYYY OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

& I still want my ayam goreng mannnn...



Saturday, February 11, 2006
Y6:46 PM

And so the brother has finally found this wonderful page, ehem. HAHAHHA. But I really do not care lah. I mean, what do I have got to hide???? It bound to happen anyway, so tadaaa

That aside, my legs are still very ouch. IT AGITATES ME WHEN I HAVE TO LIMP LIKE A GOONDU EVERYWHERE I GO. The left side is slowly getting better but the right side is still GRRRR. SO REBELLIOUS!! JUST LISTEN TO ME AND BECOME OK LAHHHH HAIYOH. My left leg is getting all worned out now cos I've been putting too much pressure on it. Oh man, hopefully they get better by Wednesday.


Will be wearing me ncc uni to school. There'll be a short selection session. Those who march really well will be one of the Guards Of Honour(GOH). WARGHHHH SOME OF YOU MAY SAY IT'S NO BIGGIE BUT TO ME, IT'S A BIG BIGGIE!!!!! I really hope to be selected. REALLY REALLY REALLY, I want this.



Everytime I want something so badly, I tend to not get it. So, I'm having those little worries in me brain now. WARGHHHHH PLEASE LEHHHH


Been revising a lot today. Yes, and I'm proud of myself for doing that. I shall do constant revision to get those As. YES I CAN DO IT. Shut up you losers who think I can't. I smack your face, sedap.

Anws, did Bio revision after which I read the NewPaper dated 10th Feb 06. Hahahah, there was this small little portion which they put a very cute article:

Net Buzz

Stuff adults learn from kids:

1. A 4-year-old's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restuarant.

2. Play dough and microwave should never be used in the same sentence.

3. Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

4. Always look in the oven before you turn it on.

5. Plastic toys do not like ovens.


Oh yes, have you all heard about the psb academy??? Read about it too just now. I shall not put that as one of my options for Olevel aftermath cos I don't think my parents will be able to afford it. So, I shall not burden them with expensive fees. BAH.

Wargh, I'm serious about obtaining real good grades for Olevels. Had ncc training yesterday. Saw the Olevel candidates feeling all shaky and nervous before receiving their results. THE ATMOSPHERE WAS SUPER POWWWWWWER! Lol, BUT REALLY LEH, I EVEN FELT NERVOUS AND SCARED FOR THEM!!!!!!! Ain saw my taik face. Lol, I bought brownies which the peerleaders sold yesterday (SO YUMMY!!!!) and gobbled them up like a pig. Ok, gobble isn't a proper word actually, it's more of TAIK FACE!!!!!!

Yeah, I've received my MT Olevel results. & it's equivalent to a pile of cow dunk. !!!!!! I AM SO BLOODY DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. See, doesn't mean you're a higher malay student, you score an A1 for your MT Olevels. So stop labelling me (in a sarcastic manner) - the malay one. Pfft. I will start reading malay newspapers with effect of... MONDAY. Let me start a new week by reading malay papers!

Ya, sure.


Anyways, I must thank the lovely girls who were there for me when I received that stupid grade. (: Thanks zafirah a.k.a fiffy the rabbit, syazana a.k.a ANE'!, ain a.k.a ion, rabiatul adawiyah a.k.a ABEAR fathima a.k.a fathimatu, suhaila a.k.a susu, tahirah a.k.a TAHIK(lol), khairunnisa a.k.a rooney -_-

But really guys, thanks.

As for abee & fathimatu, I'm up for another try. You guys too, okay? Let's become serious about our mother tongue language & do not fret about that measly B. Cos that grade will not appear in the slip, ok?? WE. CAN. DO. IT!

Ain was very sweet the other day cos she was trying her very best to cheer me up. Lol she did lend me a listening ear & accompanied me for quite some time. Thanks ion!! (:



Een, see I told you you can do it!!!! SEE SEE SEE, NOW NO ONE CAN LOOK DOWN ON YOU ANYMORE KAN EEN?? I'm so frigging sure your parents are SOOOO proud of you (: If they aren't(which is impossible), I AM PROUD OF YOU!!!!! Do you know how action I was when I heard that you got such a baik grade???? I TOLD EVERYONE I KNEW YOU KNOW!!!!!!!! !!! !!! !!!!! DON'T BELIEVE ASK TAHIRAH!!!! Lol haaaa... now that's out. (:

Congrats lin too!!!! WAH now all of you can say "Olevels? HAH, been there, done that laaaaaaaaaaaa" ): I cannot. At least, not yet.

Shall continue revising shortly after this.

The amygdala of my brain isn't doing me good.




Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Y8:45 PM

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
u know tat kakak wants me to do a song and give it to HP?

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
they are goona use me as guides in their roadshows?

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
cool ey??

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
for what????

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
you write a song for themmm????

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
call kakak ar

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
alah later she balik

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
her boss want to talk to me during next week

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:
and i have to make a song next week ar

ghost[ on air ]Good day passengers, I am Capt Zaid. Today, me and my crew pilot will fly you to Paris. Have a nice flight...CRASH says:


I know I shud be supportive of me brother but I nearly died laughing my ass off. Hmm. What have you got to say about that???????????? AIYOHHHHHHH SURELY LATER WHEN HE COMES HOME HE'LL GRAB THE GUITAR & START STRUMMING IN FRONT OF ME THEN KETOK HERE KETOK THERE & THEN MAKE ME LISTEN TO HIS 'MASTERPIECE'.

Sometimes I feel so, unfortunate.

Lol lol

I read my entries just now. For god knows why. & oh my.. I think I am forever exhilirated when I blog till I type stupid typo mistakes. Stupid grammar mistakes, stupid spelling mistakes. I think it's about time I type slowly & let my chain of thoughts flow slowly, bit by bit.

BUT CANNOT LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bah, why can't I just stop being soo... hyped up when I carry out the reflection of the day?????

Today was a good day. As I am psychic, I have told afee that her future business will be prosperous one. But which business, I've yet to discover LOL!!!!!

AFEK. Please do not disappoint us ok? Heheheheh!!! You must put them on one day. If you are shy.. just tell us the code : My business will prosper.




(: (:

Hhahahahahahah I cannot stop thinking how you reacted. Lol lol it was so, priceless. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHUD HAVE RECORDED TAUUU



HAHHAHA ABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAHAHAHHA AHHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA franz ferdinand. Lol, everyday I love you less and less!!!! Hhahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa I shall laugh a lot today.

Anws, my legs are hurting. The calves part actually. SO FREAKING OUCH MAN. The muscles are like contracting, FOREVER. Wthhhhhhh LAAAAA

Oh yes, I would want to blog about this. I'm sure many of you have heard about the Cartoon issue. I'm quite happy that we Singaporeans are very united & multi-racial. I mean, they SERIOUSLY shudn't have given such atrocious racist comments or the very well-known, CARTOON DRAWING. I mean, everyone has their own respective belives & ideoligies. Don't you think it's about time we spread the 'peace, no war!' message? Don't you think it's SERIOUSLY about time the countries promote racial harmony????

Not just that. I mean, HONESTLY SPEAKING, do you really want someone to insult the religion that you believe in??? NO RIGHT. What if it wasn't the Danish who insulted the Muslims?? WHAT IF, the Muslims were the one who started insulting other religions?? WHAT IF, the Muslims were the one who drew stupid, no-brainer cartoons about the other religions??????? WON'T YOU FEEL HURT?? WON'T YOU PROTEST???

Yes, probably they were entitled to their own opinions. Or shud we say.. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. But dude, your harsh words (thanks to your FREEDOM OF SPEECH) have aroused anger & animosity among many people. Don't you think the FREEDOM OF SPEECH reason/EXCUSE is well.. RIDICULOUS?? I mean, why give such a stupid reason. Why not come out with a better OBVIOUS reason??

I'm just VERY happy that one of the laws in Sg is to not have freedom of speech. Cos if there is such A THING as freedom of speech in Sg, I wud want to just leave this place. A country with all sorts of race, FREEDOM OF SPEECH won't do us any good.

However, the prostestors shudn't have reacted so violently. Yes I do feel that it's incorrect for those Danish people to have insulted Islam cos I am a Muslim girl myself. But.. our own God wudn't want us to do such stuff, right? I mean, everything that happens do happen for a reason. & I don't think I'm just speaking for my own religion. I'm sure any other religion will support that.

I know I've made several grammar or whatever errors up there. HAHAH, I was typing so bloody cepat(fast) lah. HAIYOH.

But that aside, I LOVE SG AND WE SHUD BE UNITED, OKEK SGREANS???????????????



I don't know, I don't think I shud easily be taken in by people's words. Sometimes I feel that I trust people too easily. & people might have taken advantage of my trust in them. And that sorta hurts. That's why I'm being extra cautious now.




Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Y7:36 PM

Belly Missy says:
goreng garing garing for me!

Belly Missy says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
UHH ok. princess again

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
dream on laa kak

Belly Missy says:

Belly Missy says:
that is NOT the anak

Belly Missy says:
that is ME

Belly Missy says:
now I am still PRINCESS

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

Belly Missy says:
later after she is born... I turn queen... very old liao.

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
hahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Y6:21 PM


HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY AFEE THE FIFFY THE RABBIT !!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you're one lembab eater tau tak!! I hope when you turn 16 (tomorrow!!!), your eating pace will get faster lol lol lol & I hope you will love our pressies (: They're really pretty.


Sad tho that you'll have the everyday activity a.k.a NPCC TRAINING. Gr, your birthday also got npcc training. SLENG SIAAKKKKKKKKKKKKK AFEKKKKKKKKKKKKK

But I love sleng sleng people. Lol

Much <3 afee!!


FINALLY I HAD MY WANTON NOODLE JUST NOW. Thanks ane' for wanting to follow me in the first place (: Abear was so fickle-minded, lor. & Tahik, see we are your true friends.. You were sitting alone waiting for your tuition to start & see who ajak you kluar??? WE, JUGAK. Tsk tsk, we are such baik people. Sometimes I wonder why are we so baik. LOL, whatever ehhhhhh

Anws, before I start with what happened today, I shall thank Nur Ain for accompanying me yesterday. She was there to witness my greatest downfall or what you call it, the period of depression. HAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH!!! I was so rejected yesterday ): I HAD THE WANTON KEMPUNAN AND NO ONE ACTUALLY WANTED TO FOLLOW ME TO SIMEI BANQUET TO EATTTTT LUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Many were busy & the few others are CHOPED. So sad lah ): But ion decided to teman me & we ate fried chicken lol. The makcik also was being mean to me. She gave the last piece of chicken wing to ain. AND NOT ME.

It was a memorable day yesterday. I was rejected. Lol lol lol. Prolly I shud write about this IF the topic 'A Memorable day' comes out as a narrative essay for Os. HAHHAHA, THE WRITER WILL BE SOOOOOO IMPRESSED LAH!!!! Hahahahahah, haiyohhhh!!

(: But of cos, when we finally settled down eating, so many others joined us. See, we are not sadists after allllllllllll HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA WE HAVE NEVER BEEN LAH ANW.

That aside, nothing interesting happened yesterday, of that I remember. Today. Hmm, nothing interesting except for after school makan session. Had a NCC meeting before that actually. I think it was quite worthwhile. I mean, everyone voiced out what they wanted to say. & I think I did speak up for some of them. So I really hope that we part Ds can be as united as we were last time.

As for the blogging thing, I think it's ridiculous. If you aren't happy with si polan, please just talk to her about it. I mean, you made it a little too obvious and I think if you were in her shoes, you'll be hurt too. Ok girls? (:

And for si polan (you know who you are), just take it as a learning thing ok? Some people might have misinterpreted your intentions. Just don't be too strict on your cadets tau!!!!!! I also scared ): But that aside, please please PLEASE do not feel bad about what comments the other Part Ds & myself have given. If you think whatever they have said were total bull, then don't bother about those comments. You know what you've done right & what you've done wrong. So cheer up ok, polan!

(: Mmuah! (Copyrighted - AFEK lol)

Anws, went to simei banquet. So much laughter here and there. We had all sorts of topics being brought up. & I'm quite impressed with how Abee, Ane' & Tahik have been collating THOSE gossips. Incredible gossip mongers. Lol, I'm serious. Almost all of the stuff they brought up were SO NEW AND FOREIGN TO ME MANNNNNNNNNNNN. I felt so... Doink.

We talked about broke families too. I feel so fortunate. I mean, I've been complaining too much about how FILL IN THE BLANKS my family members have been, without realising that others wud rather be in my position instead of having an incomplete family. I am so babi sometimes.

Which reminds me, I mean not the babi part ah but the family members idea HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that I'll be getting a niece SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UHUH UHUH UHUH. Just one more month you crazy monsters!!! Sister's tummy is so boncet now like santa claus. However she is a special santa claus. In a negative way. She doesn't bring me stuff I want but 'TAKE FOR ME A GLASS OF WATER PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' & she's a woman. Mrs santa.

Oh yes, I remember her commenting about teenagers these days. I was saying how pathetic the local shows on suria were. And then she commented "GOD, kids this generation are so 'EH YOU WATCH SURIA EEE'. What's the matter with you people? DIA is playing on suria HELLOOOOOOOOOOO"

Lol, I find it very true tho. But I'm not one of them lah. I'm very semangat about my malay culture lor(AZMI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE). But I think the local malay shows are nonsense stuff. For example, HANYUT. Bahhhhh I personally think that by showing the habits of such people, the media is actually encouraging more people to be like that. I don't know lah. I'm just not fond of that. ANOTHER EXAMPLE IS THE FOUR KENTAL BOYS. GERAKKAN BADAN KIRI KE KANAN HAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!


They're so bloody everywhere lah haiyohhhh even taufik batisah isn't that... everywhere.


Ah! I need to revise Bio lah. Tuition tomorrow. Did not choose to attend tuition today cos I'm dog-tired.



[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[I'llTakeYouHome]-i'm leavin on an x-wing, goin to dagobah to begin my training says:
penat issit?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
i need to recharge batt seh

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure, it wasn't strong. says:
nanti after this studying bio

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[I'llTakeYouHome]-i'm leavin on an x-wing, goin to dagobah to begin my training says:
usb or 3 pin plug?

Sunday, February 05, 2006
Y4:59 PM

Bah. Sad to say, there are people who are living in SUCH total denial.

I don't know what's your definition of cool. Hah, you've gotten the whole 'cool' wrongly perhaps. Bah, sad thing is, you're trying just so ever badly to become cool but at the same time deny that you're putting such huge amt of effort to be, what you call.. 'cool'.

Confusing isn't it? BAH, HOW SAD.

I really do not know why certain people would want to live their life like that. I mean, just do whatever you want in your own way lah. Heck about others. What significant roles do they play in your life, man?? Ok, perhaps... just leading their own lives & everything they do agitates you. WOW, HOW SIGNIFICANT.

I mean, you do not want them to bother you & what not. But dude, you're constantly giving comments about her, him, them until you're neglecting your own poor self. I mean, what right do you have to give ridiculous comments on someone when you're not perfect yourself??

BAH, what I'm trying to say here is that everyone has his/her mindset & ideology. Rather than watching their backs, watch yours. BAH, AND DON'T MAKE FALSE ACCUSATIONS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.


Compaqlove smacked me in the face yesterday. Uhuh, I blogged & bam, blogger stood me up.

Anyway, nothing much but I was expressing my excitement over the fact that mum& sister bumped into fiffy (dia show) yesterday @ orchard road. BAHHHHHHHH AND I WASN'T THERE CAN YOU FEEL THE PAINNNNNNNNNNN I'M GOING THRU?????!!!!

Lol, how.. dramatic.

But, ): ):

Mumsie managed to get two photos with her. & my sister burst out saying fiffy is one gorgeous indonesian woman. Yeah, I must second her statement. I mean, she has THE LOOKS. She has, well, EVERYTHING. Yeah quite a number of you may say that she looks tuek. But she dressed up as a matured woman as that is her role in DIA. Trust me, she looked awesomely gorgeous and young in real life. As in, pictures -_- REAL LIFE ALSO LAH!!!! HAHAHAHA.

You shud have seen my face when I had a glimpse of DIA's next episode. YOU SHUD HAVE SEEEENNNNNNNNNNN MY FACE. Lol, I kept saying WAHHH SHE LOOKS SO MATURED SIAAA IN TV I THINK IT'S THE OVERALLS, MAKEUP, HAIR COLOUR AND LIPSTICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, bahh I shud have followed them to Orchard yesterday ): TUITION'S FAULT. Lol

New tuitionmate (:

Anws, been studying for the past couple of hours. Bah, amath test 2 this coming tuesday. Problems on min/max & rates are exceptionally tedious. Once you make a goondu careless mistake, say goodbye to all your later methods. SUCK RIGHT, I KNOWWWWWWW!!!

Well, will continue with amath after this. Biology after that. Hmm, I think it's about time I start revision on the other subjects, no? TIME IS SOMETHING I DON'T HAVE. Bahh, what if I haven't given up Angklung?? IT'LL BE WORSE. & the kickass latest results wouldn't be as they are now. Prolly MANY Fs!!!

Oh well, MT Olevel results this coming friday. I bet you my hands will shiver so bad that one of you friends might have lingering doubts whether or not I'm suffering from any fatal diseases.

Ah, I shall stop right here & say.. continue with amath? YEP.



Saturday, February 04, 2006
Y7:30 PM

My sister & mum went to Orchard just now.




Ohhhhhhhh god, they bumped into fiffy. The other day, WE bumped into lulu tobing (nadia). SOON (HOPEFULLY!!!) WE WILL BUMP INTO ARI WIBOWO (IFAN not ivan ahhhhhhhh)


_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:
mum and sister bumped into fiffy at orcharddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:
shes so jambuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:
they took pictureeeeeeeeeeeee i didnt goooo ARGH SO SAYAAANGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:
fiffy who?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:
the cerita dia

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:
she in singapore?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:
why they nvr slap her face?

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] One thing is for sure it wasn't strong. says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:
relax..nanti athsma

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:






Friday, February 03, 2006
Y8:55 PM

Ah, finally some rest.

Yep yep, every Friday is the so-called Rest Day -_- Lol lol merepek laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anyway, ncc training today was okay but BAH BAH VERY TIREDDD!!!!!!!!!! I kept saying "alamak I can mati lah" Br br. But hahaha, the part B cadets were extra cheerful & fun today!!!!! Lol lol!!

The training started out to be quite merepek actually. It was mr sun's fault actually for shining just so ever brightly. The atmosphere was VERY tensed at first. Started the training with everyone being all moody & BAH ANGRY BANGRY. Haiyoh, but it was OK. They needed that few minutes of angry session anw cos they performed quite well after that.


Very angry okek!!!! Don't say my part b cadets are tak bagus!!! Sepak your pantat blue black laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Whatever. Lol, so I got quite agitated with both the TETT and the kidds for a while. Asthma asthma asthma, after that -_-

The part b cadets were so cute just now. Hhahahahah, me & dashima made them do the hentak kaki & BAHAHAHAHA we created some cacat moves lol aaaaaaaaaaahhh so cuteee lah they alllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wah, suddenly the enthusiasm just died ah.

Hmm, shall blog some other time. I do not like to blog when I'm not hyper. Hahhaha, it's just.. DIFFICULT to convey my thoughts & EXPRESSIONS lol lol

Oh yes, just before I forget, Mrs Meowmeow pronounced my name SO terukly. & HOHOHOHOHO GOOD GRADE FOR CHEMISTRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okek, laters



Thursday, February 02, 2006
Y6:38 PM

Today's a grade B day.

Started out in the morning feeling all lousy & groggy. Got to school & found out that some people weren't cooperating for the bloody debate. Ok I know I know, you're waiting to read this ; The proposition team lost. Was expected actually cos it was SO bloody obvious that we had no team effort.

Yeah, some people TIRED what.

Like as if I'm not tired, no Higher malay classes no this no that. HELLO. Gr GR GR. But it's OK, at least the debate wasn't cancelled or anything lah. So obvious that we would be losing LAH.

I talked like a train. Germs gotten from Abee the abear nyahnyahnyahnyah.

Oh well, had Bio after the debate. Did some learning with the help of IT, lol. Mdm Rao told us yesterday that she would be attending some course. -_- Then she came. I asked "Mdm Rao, why are you here today????" & she answered "Oh, such enthusiasm."

Hahahaha strike one by MDM RAO. -_-

School ended. Had the waste time session with syaz & abee & suhaimi before attending higher malay class. Talked a lot. Bah, I don't know what to say anymore lah ane' & abear.

I love higher malay lesson just now. As usual, abee, fathimatu (nice name!!) & I were talking non-stop. & they still remember the psychic case. Bahlul lahhhhhhh

Whatever, hmt was fun.

Other than that, everything else sucked.

Thought a lot before I went to sleep yesterday night. Reality struck. So I shall disappear. I don't know.




Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Y10:07 PM

Feelings have been going up down left right lately. Isn't good for the health, bah bah.


Bah. On a brighter note, I have convinced myself that I can do better for Amath. HEE, got a 17.5/20 for the recent amath test. SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know, I feel so motivated laah!!

& Nur ain, I'm so happy that you did okay for the test too!!!! We shall improve and improve and improve okek??? (=

& Sher, Mdm Rao nonsense lah. You're still the top student for bio. TEACH ME LAHHH!!!!!! Love you sher, my best indon chinese partner!!

Hmm, nothing so interesting today. Had higher malay lesson after school. Was considering for zillion years whether or not I shud attend the class or not, HAHAH. But just for abee & fathimatu, lol. ACTUALLY NOLAH. Hhahaha!!! Okek, so higher malay lesson was fun today. Abear was being a little bacin face during hmt lesson earlier just now cos she laughed at me bcos of some psychic stuff. Abee, I'm psychic tau you dont main2 with me can or not?!?!?!?


Lol, she insisted that I'm not psychic. But after much scientific testings, she has finally realised that I AM, psychic cos she kept telling me stuffs I already know (thru my wonderful psychic powers) lol lol lol baahahahahha hahaha hahaha!!!!

Dah abee diam, don't banyak comment okek.


Br br br br

Ahkong is finally.. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!


Led me on, BAH BAH BAH I swear I will soo scream at your face one fine day. Erghhh so angry tau!! ): Abear asked. "What if one day while you are walking, then suddenly tett tett comes from behind & said hello & pats your shoulder?" Ok abee, I change ans ah. I scream at his face ah, HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, you shud have seen my face when I typed that. HAHAHAHAHHHA BACIN FACE. Dahlah, stupidlah. I'd rather do homework or study or whatever rather than thinking about HELOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOO!!! Hahahahha hahaha hhahahah, HAHAHAHA. Ah, I need my daily dosage of Abee, AhKong, Ane', Afee, Anees!!!!! WARGHHHHHHHHHHHH

& Nees, I am serious about this. If you want to kesian kesian eh, you text me. I will SO seriously change your KESIAN mindset. Okek?? Hehh, love you okek??


Afee afee.. Tsk tsk tsk


Oh well, such lovely friend.


DAH, nap.




4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.