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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Sunday, August 27, 2006
Y12:30 PM

Hello bloggers,

I've been utterly busy for the past few days and argh, resulting in several pathetic outcomes. I just discovered that I effing lost my appetite, feel turned off over every simplest matter, show the lowest level of enthusiasm and all these for just one lousy reason. Exhaustion.

Apparently, what shud be my fav home-cooked dish is making me feel uneasy. Ugh. Lately, everything's going simply wrong. What with myself trying my best to make things better between a supposedly close friend and myself. But I suppose my actions and thoughts are misunderstood & perhaps things wud just stay as wrong as it is. It's your choice, whatever it is.

Several languishing feelings engulfed me and I felt no better of course. Few friends cheered me up, very glad. Thanks for the little little meaningful words of kindness great people. Thousand apologies to those who felt affected when I kept hopelessly silent for 3-4 consecutive days. I just needed time alone.

It's true, someone just proved both me and my As the notion that some guys are just plain idiots. Egoistic cheaters. Please do not treat my loved one like that thank you. I never liked both of you pairing up. I think it's about time you truly appreciate your girlfriend rather than just treat her like that. Annoying. Girlfriend, I luv you :)

That aside, the week's been pretty eventful. What with the strange happenings during night study in school of which, I'm not gonna do the honour of blogging about. It gives me the creeps, ok. Ah yes, the school shud just eliminate the whole sec1 level. They annoy me much. I'm serious. Two ridiculous events. One which involved may, su and several others. Well, at least it gives a whole new meaning to bullying. Doode. Imagine, a sec1 girl complained to her aunty/cousin whatever that may bullied her. Haha and may just told her friend to let her know that she shud watch her attitude. Watching one's attitude, well, is an abusive bullying term now I discovered. Whatever with that, I thought the thirteen year old was childish. Period. Next was the incident of two thirteen year olds ramming themselves into the noticeboard. That's just plain dumb la ok. Apparently they had a tiff and pop goes the weasel! Hahaha what the hell la ok, I was a metre behind them sitting on the yellow bench witnessing the whole shite. The introduction of the fight, the fight itself, the ramming, the shattering of glass into small pieces, the blood, the bloody effing cut on one of boys' hands. In my face yo. Yeah, that's what you get for coming a little earlier for night study to warm up by revising in the canteen. Tsk la.

Oh well, other than those above there aren't any other strange happenings that happened. Week's been Ok since may's going gaga and feeling rather happy now about several stuffs. Su, ehehehehehehehehehe!! She's feeling ecstatic too!! Tsk, 6 years of friendship and I don't even get even ONE saga seed till now! Hmph.

Nevertheless, luv you suhaila alias hassan! Thanks much for listening k :) Tahirah too. Please stop blaming yourself for what had happened. Fate, that's what they say. They happen, with you, or without you. So please cheer up honey! Lastly, syed isa bin syed omar aljufry. Hueheuheuheuheue, thanks dude :)

Study session with that gila boy the recent friday afternoon. I think I overslept at home, lol. I was supposed to sleep for 10 minutes but ended up sleeping for 20 minutes. Nokia snooze (::::: Met up and headed for expo. It was.. well, pretty productive? Lol, we talked a lot after which I demanded we start studying. So we did. Got distracted several times by textmessages from friends. Ise's convinced I'm attached. Lol, same mindset as my mom. I think he's possessed with my mom's soul. Oh no. Got myself The Ultimate. Ah, coffee perks me up. Please do not try tiramisu there cos it did not taste nice. Tasted more like some random sponge cake and coffee powder sprinkled on top. Ok, exaggerating lol. Revised alkanes & alkenes. Covered pretty a lot actually, considering that I did chem tys on speed of reaction too. Hmm yeah. Talked a lot after that and yeah, I suppose we did real catching up. Other than that, when was the last time we went out pakcik? Anw, that's beside the point. Thanks for hearing me out too :) & the advice, TOPMAN AMBASSADOR (or so you labelled yourself lol nice shirt bytheway).

BabyK turned 5months yesterday. She has really cute fringe hahahaha, mom actually made her look like punk rocker with spikey fringe, hahahahahahahahahaha. She looked adorable la ok. She wore a dress yesterday nite when we went out for a family dinner. Mom actually ordered a chocolate cake from my aunt can you believe that? Dude. Everyone else ate much but I just ate a piece of hopeless roti john. Let me remind you I've got no appetite nowadays la hor. Back to sister's house after that. Cut cake, zillion pictures, delicious, mm. Checked out my sisters' wardrobe after that. She borrowed me a simple jacket/coat/blazer for career seminar. Ehehehe, I'm wearing the coat over my black Zara formal top and my pair of beige pants. I hope the outfit's office-like. Hmm but I don't know, I'm contemplating whether or not I shud bring along the coat. It's not those super formal coats la ok. It's rather simple and not too formal, beige in colour. Matches with my long-sleeved top. Hope the weather is kind and not some mr scorching sun. The career seminar will be held at the hall, isn't it? I seriously hope so. AHHHHHHHH PLEASE REMIND ME TO BRING CAMERA. THANKYOU.

:) Teacher's day.. aiyoh, I don't know what to wear. I cud be rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair last time bahahahahaha, but now, so short what rapunzel. Oh yes, hee I just got back from the salon. Thinned & layered my hair. Aiyoh, once again I reminded the aunty zillion times to make it short but at the same time to be able to be tied. I was planning a neat bun that matches my outfit on tuesday laaaaaaaaaaa! Oh well. Ain I will slap you if you laugh at me tomorrow. With or without aniq being there, lol. Ivan wants me to be botak like him. Insane.

My sister still has not returned from the salon. Lol, she itchy butt go and rebond her hair. She offered me too. OF COURSE I SAID NO. WTH SHEIKHA WITH STRAIGHT HAIR? SIAO TING TING!


Well excuse me,
Cos I'm mistakin you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn
Somebody more like myself



Saturday, August 12, 2006
Y8:15 PM

Hello lovely readers,

For those whose minds have been racing over the various possibilities to what's been taking so much of my time(wow haha), I'd luv to let you know that the month whizzed past with me resolutely doing my own things. So much had happened but let me first begin by telling you that I'm now immuned to BabyK crying non-stop, the tormented tears of teething that could reach ear-shattering decibel levels. She's very diligent & always seeking for attention and company. So, I was left with two choices. Either I grant her her silly wish or she'll launch into another miserable aria. The latter of course. She's 4 mths last 27th by the way, teehee very adorable hyper baby. I wonder if she gets older, what shall I call her? ToddlerK? K? Gosh the very thought.

Next, the results for the recent mid-years have proven to me how far off I am from my 11 points. Perhaps I hid my misery from my family members for a couple of days but I was momentarily lost for words when I witnessed my parents not reacting as scary and horrible as I initially imagined. Nevertheless I shud always stick to my mantra of always being positive as I miraculously hope for five achievable A grades for Olevels. Miraculously, being the operative word. The guilt of having gotten lousy Bs & Cs was enough to give me sleepless nights eversince, resulting in the return of insomnia. Jeng jeng jeng. Other than my results being a sore subject, let me just say that now zillion pimples & horrendous black circles around the eyes are obligingly smiling at me the mirror. I am thinking of taking up yoga lessons after Olevels & say... perhaps experience the idea of being possessed of endless monastic calm?

Other than the above, several misunderstandings had evolved in the family with me known as the argumentative 16 year old determined to push my parents to the limit. I became fiery of course & wound up like a spring. Other than that, nothing much has changed in the family just that yesterday I was bewildered by Mom's notion of me having problems with my boyfriend. I know, that's ridiculously insane cos I'm not even attached to begin with! Tsk -_-

The month's been incredibly hectic as it is and to top it off, I'd have to miss watching pretty fireworks. It's true abee, my social life sucks too. Despite the bitter idea, I'm still trying to think positive & well, there is still a next year right? Hopefully then, there'll be the true 17yearolds nite out. Abee, afee, syaz, su, ain, tah.. reserve me in your August 07 okie? Furthermore, I'm very well awared that I've got to get down to mugging. It's serious business here, Olevels! (Hahaha fakeness of it all) Ok seriously, I do not want any of my family members to waggle their fingers in mock disapproval. Neither do I need any drowning of sorrows in front of the television, grumbling at the hopeless results. Don't want! :(

Oh yes, Msian sale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spent last Sat (if I'm not mistaken) with family at JB. I went bonkers scouring the different shops/boutiques for good bargains!! Bought a pair of mng pants & a pretty tote bag from topshop. Felt utterly contented since we only had three hours in JB. Yes, incredulous to shop, have dinner, do some grocery shopping, feed BabyK in just 3 measly hours! But we did.

Feel rather glad nowadays that I have lovely friends around me. Night study scheme (NSS) has been rather quite productive.. depending on the teacher-in-charge actually. Yesterday's was great!! Hahaha, the moment spent doing crazy things with ain, afee & abee was just priceless and pretty. They left me in fits of laughter, just ahhhh so hilarious!! Girls, let's cross our fingers & hope we do not get called up during morning assembly :) Teehee. Alright I've got to get back to writing down biology notes & completing higher malay essays. Hopefully the creamy expanse of fresh paper would invite creativity.

P.S -

1) To those whose MT Olvel results are rather disappointing, chin up okay? Been there, done that :D

2) Wish me luck for English oral this coming Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm, so many exclamation marks, imagine the 1st paper for Os. WARGH.

It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see

You were always there beside me
Thought I was alone
With no one to hold
But you were always right beside me

This feelings like no other
I want you to know

I've never had someone that knows me like you do
the way you do
I've never had somone as good for me as you
no one like you so lonely before i finally found
what i've been looking for

So good to be seen
So good to be heard

Don't have to say a word

For so long I was lost
So good to be found

I'm loving having you around

This feeling's like no other
I want you to know

I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before, I finally found
what I've ben looking for


4) Isa urged me to do this. Hi Isa.

[[-.::IsA::.-]] // [mastermind] a wise monkey never monkies with another monkey's monkey. says:
say hi to syed isa aljuffry too okek

[[-.::IsA::.-]] // [mastermind] a wise monkey never monkies with another monkey's monkey. says:
tahnks,youre the greatest

[[-.::IsA::.-]] // [mastermind] a wise monkey never monkies with another monkey's monkey. says:

! Bewildered.

Ciao for now


4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.