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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Y10:17 PM

Muahahahhaa, I really dont know why the hell I've been laughing like this since a few days back. Wargh, prolly the late night msn kaki has influenced me too much with his taik laughter & kental sick videos. All hail suhayl. (Ok ok, a huge JOKE there muahahahhaa)

Lol, but that cacat botak friend of mine will leave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on friday, tsk. DOK NS DOK. Wahahaahaha, that means my brother will be gone too!!! OH, SUCH BLESSING IN DISGUISE. Nobody to irritate me by switching off the toilet lights, poke me out of a sudden, have me do 2.4km around the dining table just catching him to get the thing called sweet revenge, wearing all white to scare me while I'm taking my food. Oh boy, glad.. but I will miss him lah. Tsk, he better not read this man. Ghost, on air -_-

SO ANW. Today's been such a tiring day. Effing scorching mr shining sun made me want to head home & sleep. And so I did. Muahahaha. Woke up & did some memorising of bio terms. Gosh today's such a sleepy boring tuesday lah.

Oh yes, hahahaha so funny. I was still sleepy in the toilet so my brain sort of shut down for a while, lol. I intended to put conditioner on my hair so hahahhahaa, I grabbed for the tube ah then omggggggggggggggg hahahhhhahhahaha, I squeezed it and nearly massaged my head with it OMG THEN JENG JENG, I FOUND OUT IT WAS THE FACIAL WASH LA SIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I laughed alone in the toilet like a pig man. AHH IRONIC RIGHT PIG CAN BATHE, HAHAHAHAHHAHAA.

Ish penat man laugh so much.

[i dun wan to do this anymore][] says:
What steps are you going to take to carry out the project?

[i dun wan to do this anymore][] says:
wad ar?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
1 2 step

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

[i dun wan to do this anymore][] says:

Tahirah's such a gila person, ohh so best (: We are like two idiots trying to do something we've never really done before - The Proposal JENG JENG hahahahah

HAHAHAHAHA. Yah, do online somemore. Lol so great sia.

I feel like having wanton noodles from simei banquet ): & I want a bouquet of pretty fresh flowers )))))))))): SO SAD. Hhahahaha I feel like a loser who wants flowers & wanton noodles. Like, what a perfect combination la lol.

Wahh so fast. My coming fri&sat will be spent at school having NCCGirls camp. WARGH then next day is sunday market. Wah, I think I'm like so not gonna put on my tudung lah on that day dok gila panas want me to die in my own school is it/!? Tsk. It's like 10am to 5pm??!!! LIKE, WARGH THATS LIKE LONGER THAN THE DURATION I TAKE TO DO MY WEEKEND REVISION LA. Oh shit, lol. I'm not really looking forward to sunday market la, like.. there isnt much cos the 4E classes arent involved in the selling & stuff. So I'm just gonna walk around the school for like 7 hours. Omg, come to think of it, that's worse than the duration of the whole week of revision chemically combined together. WARGH DIE. But it's okay, this shall be the reunion. Of the bebs&doks(IF POSSIBLE LA I NEVER SAY SURE GOT WHAT), liniylieeEen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wargh I miss them la sia.

Oh swells. I think insomnia will strike again tonight. EH WALAU.



Monday, May 29, 2006
Y9:06 PM


Yep, then abee became solo. "I'm gna snap with or WITHOUT YOU"

Then when I tried hard to fit in, she took the whole place doing tarian, HAHAHA.


Finally she wanted me in, but still VERSUS AH. LOL BUT CAN STILL SMILE AH.

Ayam penyek faces.

She still not happy tau now, she smacked my * & made me look like a pig.





Oh man, such great time. Wish syz was there with us tho ): Lots of fun with abee & it was double the fun when afee joined us about an hour later ((: Chemistry all the way then the two girls wanted to retire, weak la siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Retired at about 5 plus after which we headed for the ladies. Lol, those pix up there, theyre taken @ the ladies. MUAHAHAHA. The toilet's so pretty la I give an A! WEI, it's never easy to hear an A-grade for toilets from sheikha haroon okay! Cup corn & cotton candy after that. Sat down at some random wide space made me feel like a kental woman. In tudung, at that. 0_0 Reflected a lot about ourselves. We've concluded that Me&Abee are the two irritatingYETlovable ones, afeefeefeefee is the soft soul deep inside whose words can really cure your pain & syz is the kind caring one whom any of us can easily open up to. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Mdm rao (3rd mother) & us. (: She's so nice laaaaa!!

Hahaha, yep yep I've got the whole package. THAT ugly hair and THOSE small eyes. But still pretty set of teethhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok shut up thats all I can REALLY brag about manz.

Eh amacammmmmmmmmmm ncc hahahaha.


Omg, can you believe it those oily faces?!?

Ain wants to terberak(umm, shit) hahahaha.


My zaman angklung days -_-

That luv, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (: (: Hugs:&Kisses!



Muahahaha so setyle.


Walau, school tomorrow. SICK SIA. But nevermind, must study lah. Haiyah so exhausting. Where's ernest wong when I REALLY need him. Wah rau, cannot text jedi anymore. No more texts mean no more connections. WAH LAU. ): & he does not understand the seriousness of this. Brothers. Or shud I say, BOYS. Aiyah, so sedih )):

Oh well nevermind, gnights all.



Y12:55 AM

You were there for me
When I'm feeling low
When I need you to be
And I knew you wouldn't go

There were times when I was sad
And some moments when I'm happy
But no matter what feelings I had
I knew you'd be there for me

You'd give me advice
You'd knock some sense into me
But all the time you're nice
The positives you make me see

You are the light of my life
Shining brightly guiding me
In my life I will strive
Holding my hands, you will lead me

Thank you.
For everything



(: Be jealous cos I have a sweetheart in my bestfriends list. Muahahahahahaha

Kudos Assjedi/Brother/Kong/BF/light of my life


Sunday, May 28, 2006
Y10:16 PM

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

&RobbieWilliams - She's The One.


Wargh, so much love in the air. Thus, the sudden tinkling urge to show my heartfelt appreciation toward my dear 4As. The significance of their roles became clear only later after they've helped me realise that bad days are well, like rainy days. (:

Azmi, I think it's fate that made you my kentalGREAT brother (: I've no idea wth made me want you to be a brother when I first chatted with you, lol. Really really really hilarious when I think about it, you know. The first & last attempt to discover the thing called mirC & well, made a friend with someone who plays an enormous important role in sheikharoon's life. Like, dude. How often do you find a close to 4 year everlasting friendship from the first attempt on mirC?!?! & that friend of yours has been by your side since... you made friends with him. On & off, once. But dude. Azmi, he's really one special lad. Man. I've even shared several secrets that my other 3As (lol) do not know. UHUH. Hehehehehehehehhehe!! ;D

My Abee, this girl, she's a sweetheart. If it wasnt for higher mother tongue & ncc sea for closing down, duddeeeeeeeeeeeee I might not even know her. Yep, and by now she'll see me as the sombong one (gr) & I'll see her as the... well, THE MULUT SARCASTIC GILER PUNYERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR one. Hahahahahaha. When I'm down and troubled, she's always REALLY REALLY there for me. Even when I think she's not. Once, I felt bloody sucky & down, I told syaz about it.. Then a few days later, abee asked me if my problems all fine. You get me? I forgot to tell her what happened and you know, she knows!!! & I really think that's sweet considering that she knows even when I think she doesnt. Little things make me happy ((:

My syazanananananananannaa. One thing about her is, she's such a sister. Scrap the whole shitty idea about her repeating her sec3 year cos mind you, she's grateful about that. She's my irritating partner, the one whom I go eh alamaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk with, lol. She & I, we know how to irritate the other two (B&Fee) with our annoying tone. Hahhaa, it's so fun when we get it going. It's not easy okay!!!!! Hahahahhahaha. She's really a dear to me and I wont let any normal random person to hurt her. In fact, I wont let ANYONE hurt her. Babe, just listen to your heart kay?? We 3As will be there for you. I, will be there for you (:

FEEEEEFEEEFEEFEFEEFEFEEEEE, hehehehhe. I just love it when I do that. This petite lady, she's got the loudest annoying laughter amongst us. Hahahahhahaha and she's so professional in mimicking and imitating people's expressions OMG HAHAHAHA. Being the soft one inside, she's really one of the best girls to get advices from. And she's quite gila also, that's why I click so well with her, ahhahahahhaa (: Man, this girl's something, too.

Wargh, I always feel great when I do reflections. Like, how those four are so important to me. Never fails to make me feel so bloody effing thankful. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (:




): & what did I do at home while they HAPPILY took PICTURES of SUSI??? Tsk, lots of chem and sg idol. I've had a boring sunday. Lol, there was this guy on sg idol tho. He was mistaken by the judges for wanting to be elvis presley when his intention was... buble. YES, MICHAEL BUBLE. MY MICHAEL BUBLE. Ok, his voice was okaayyy... But, NO NO NO NO NO, NO ONE CAN BE LIKE BUBLE SO BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Lol, I really dont knw why I'm blogging like this today. The tone and all.. Aiyah. Hmm, but I'm okay with the chinese guy whose voice is a little like buble's. He's quite laid back and not really the TRY HARD DIE HARD MUST. BE. LIKE. BUBLE. kind. Lol lol lol. & there was this another guy. He reminds me so much of juzan&haziq combined together. Chemically. LOL LOL. & the rahimah rahim(?), old school name.. but her voice is quite great I guess (: Alah, boring lah this topic. Lol.

So anw, will be going (outside) school tomorrow to celebrate mr bang's birthday. I agree with abee, HE BETTER APPRECIATE IT MANZ. IF NOT, ***********. Lol. Chem revision after that with abee prolly. You see, I love the subject but I * the teacher.

Shall be off now.

He's the one.
Go figure.



Y1:40 PM

I did chem revision, first two chapters. TYS, too (: HAPPYHAPPY!

Famished, no food @ home. Wanted to have lunch & do lots of revision with someone. But it seems like none are free, ALAMAK WEAK LA.

Celebrated daddy's bday yesterday. Wasnt some kind of huge celebration but you know, have dinner together.. the.............. 9 of us, eeek, the 10 us (including BabyK)!! Ordered nasi goreng ayam omg I nearly died la, God Knows how many cups of cooking oil the chef added man. Bad food, add only the top dry part. EEESH. But it's okay, fried baby squid was yummy ((:

Hakim's bday today so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR BANG!!!!!! Muahahahahhahahaha. Alamak, tomorrow must meet the others even tho I've got no school. Weakkkkk uh! Lol, nevermindla.. UNION PER.

Nis' birthday tomorrow. Aiyayai, I havent gotten you anything man ): I know I know such a let down! But do no fear, I'll be getting something soon, very very soonsoonsoon!!!! Hyehh.

Time's up, back to the books (: [Psst, just a reminder.. it's about 5fked mths to Olevels, ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH]

That sure made my day -_-



Hugs:&Kisses luvs.



Saturday, May 27, 2006
Y12:37 PM

Long lost holiday friend is back, greetings insomnia.

Texted azmi & boy, he was asleep. I think his insomnia's transferred to me laaa. That boy slept early & woke up late. LIFE IS SO UNFAIR OMG.

Let's skip the plot that I went to school yesterday to be told at the eleventh hour that chemistry rem had been cancelled. It's not interesting. & nurain, stop smiling.

Canadian pizza for the mini goodbye suhayl lunch. Hope he has a great life ahead, he's one of the better librarians. In fact, the best so far. YouTube, good stuff. Check out the video entitled Kiss Me because I'm a Girl. Concentrate, then say hello to puddles of tears. Mine was equivalent to a waterfall.

Aye, got to have lunch before my brother eats it. He's a pig omg, he ate my share just now.


1) Syaz, hehehehehehehehe (: Lol.



Friday, May 26, 2006
Y10:14 AM

Awake at 9 am, gee.

Off day for the higher mother tongue students today cos the mother tongue triple S ends at 1230pm which means............. there's no school for me, cos school ends at 1230(or so) every friday. Hmm, all HAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HMT.

Mum's forever feeding me with prata for breakfast, I appreciate it but I do not really fancy prata ): Pasta yes, prata poor poor. Hahahahhaha. Oh yes, my brother-in-law's promoted to captain for ns. Wah sehhhhhhhh, boleh tahan lah he. My (NOT EVEN PRIVATE LOL) third brother will be gg for ns this coming 2nd june. Geeeeee. Some peace at home ey.

I watched american idol again yesterday night. You see, I caught the earlier one (the one at 8am) so I knew the results and everything. Hmm, dont you think prince looks like a female version of paula abdul?? HHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG, I really thought she was the one who sang you know. Omgggg. I told my sister and she laughed like a goondu. Aiyah, they really look alike lah, with the mole and all. OMG....

5 people out of 159 people are online on msn, omg so hopeless.

Bored was an understatement for me yesterday so I spent my time updating my friendster about me. Gah, now.. I've got nothing much to do. Started up on the homework, gee theyre a lot. How are we supposed to start revision manz?!? I'm gna start waking up at 8am tomorrow & follow my study schedule. Yes, I shall score 11 points for Olevels!!!!!!!!

Aiyah, TSK.

Was supposed to have brunch with B today but she had eaten already. I slept pretty early yesterday cos well, I was exhausted. Since I had only 3 hours of sleep the night before, I thought I shud retreat early. And I did, duh.

Chem remedial later. Now tell me, hasnt she had enough of ruining my days?????? Aiyayai. Go to school for a freaking period of chemistry. Well okay, whatever.

Mum, sister & baby K are going shopping today. And I'm not following cos I have chem remedial. Gee okay, that's a good enough reason. Lol. NOT FAIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I want to have breakfast at Macs ): Aiyah, but 1030am already, lol. Breakfast at tiffany's.



Thursday, May 25, 2006
Y12:40 PM

Greetings avid readers of hala(aunty) sheikha! I am Baby K. In two days time, I will be 2 months old. It's so different in my mummy's tummy. It's pitch black & there werent much down there. But now, there are so many new things that I've discovered & have YET to discover. I wore all kinds of expressions on my face and I think you should see how my life has been. Hmm, below.

Amezaid bit my cheeks so I was annoyed, hehe

Then I got sleepy

So I began to cry so that someone will put me to sleep

Then I slept

Mmmm comfy but too much

Hala took my pix, I tried to pose

But I was still tired

Told you, I was tired

Dah, aunty sheikha says must go now. Bye bye! (Psst, click on the pictures and make them bigger I'm really cute if you see properly!!!)


Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol.

Hahahahah that was like, bloody fun. Loll lol

Since yesterday was syazana day & she posted pictures, today is sheikha day & I've decided to post pictures tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. (Above)


Slept late yesterday cos well, I just cudnt sleep ): Slept at about 3 plus am close to 4am. I do not like sleeping late cos I feel like a goondu kental taik bahlul person who's awake when others are happily blatantly snoring. Hmm, english poor poor. Hahahahha what the hell was that, koboi. I wanted to call people yesterday night when I cudnt sleep but I knew I'd be the first class idiot, lol. Then I thot I shud call azmi. Then I search his name under my phonebook, pressed the call button, heard the first ring, and boom I hung up. Lol, indeed I was the first class idiot. I didnt want to wake him up if was sleeping. I din want so wake anyone up. But he wasnt asleep -_- Talked for a while and then hung up. Cudnt sleep till 3 plus 4am. Played xbox (yes I know like a goondu at 3 plus am) and retired at about 4am. Din notice what time I actually fell asleep but, I DO NOT LIKE THIS!!!&@!(*(@&!_


Hmt later, wargh. Mums and sis going out. Aiyayai. Sis came at 7am just now and woke me up to remind me american idol's at 8am. -_-------------

Distorted, I KNOW.

Aiyah, she went into the room 4 times to wake me up. YES FINALLY I woke up lah. 2 hours of american idol, TAYLOR WON!!!!!!!!! He DESERVES to win. But sad, katherine was still very gorgeous but she didnt win, lol. But it's okay, both of them got a car each so win tak win, WHO CARES LA. Lol, they'll get a record anyway.....


Glucks jedi on your event today, you'll shine (:


For you, a thousand times over.



Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Y9:06 PM



Katherine's 2nd song was Wow, again. She looks MARVELLOUS. & well, I love her lah.

Taylor was WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, he's just damn good lah!!!!!

I do not really care who shud win. Both are great. IF the american idol choice is up to me, OMG CAN MATI SEHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anw, daniel powter closed the whole thing, WARAUU. I've been loving this song lah but OMGGGGG.

Since I'm so in the american idol mood/daniel powter bad day mood, I shall post the complete set of lyrics here. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOW YOU ALL CAN SING WITH THE LYRICS, HAHAHAHAH LAMEEEEE LAAARRR.

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to gray
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carryin' on

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Will you need a blue sky holiday?
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oooh.. a holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the bling
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong


So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

&Daniel Powter - Bad Day

Walau, I had a great day lah. Tomorrow onwards two down! No more DIA, NO MORE IDOL. Alamak weak man, sg idol -_- Haahahahahaha YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY -_-

I've got 3 books to complete (((((: HAPPY!

Azmi worried me by ...not replying the whole morning and afternoon cos he was busy. Tsk tsk, zillion scenarios were playing in my mind. Eg did not pay bills, misplaced his phone, someone stole his phone, angry at me for GOD KNWS WHAT REASON, did not want to reply cos saving outgoing text messages (outgg calls, outgg textmsgs, make sense?? hhahaa), and THE WORST CASE SCENARIO WAS OMGG.... HE GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT. LOL LOL LOL LOL


Plus, he's my boyfriend! NOW DONT ASK ANYMORE. :D

Hahahahhaha. Hahahaha, had a taik convo with afeefee;

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
my future husband must knw hw to sing lagu daniel powter ah

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
sedih seh

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
ah, ketawa lagi

How cud she laugh when I was serious, OMG.

Anw thanks fee, for the song. MMUAH!

Abee's *TOUCHWOOD* pregnant. She wants pineapple. OMG, WHATS HAPPENING TO ABEE AND AFEE NI SYAZ!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

i. am. such. a. worried. friend.


& syaz's on brb mode. WEAKKKKK AHHHHHHHHHH.

Alright, I want to read a book.


1) I have a very very cute little niece & the past entry, do click on e pix and make it bigger. The magic works when it's bigger, then you'll go OMG SHE'S BLOODY CUTE. Uhuh, or maybe one of those close to gibberish baby languages. (:

2) Suhayl, the current BV librarian will be leaving on Friday. ALAMAK WEAKK SEHZZZZZ. Anw, he allowed me & abee (out of desperate measures LOL) to borrow a book each number one number two, he sent me an ugly taik picture of an indian pakcik (nothing racist or whatever ahh) bt it was so damn funny laaaaaaaa I laughed like a goondu. I am not one, OKAY.



4) I am the new version of rudolph the reindeer. Yay.



Monday, May 22, 2006
Y6:45 PM

Ninety miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving I don't know why
So many questions I need an answer
Two years later you're still on my mind

What ever happened to Emilia Airheart
Who holds stars up in the sky
It's true love just once in a lifetime
Till the captain of the Titanic cry

Someday we'll know if love could move a mountain
Someday we'll know why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you

&New Radicals - Someday we'll know


Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out

&Oasis - Stop crying your heart out


;) My niece knows hows to smile, laugh & says ma.

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, she's not even even two mths old.


> An Englishman could not
>construct sentences using numeric, which is exclusive
>only to Malaysians
>and Singaporeans.
>Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using
>1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Not
> >only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10
>back to 1. This is
> >what he came up with...
>1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep.
> >But the couple saw me,
>so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to
>5 with me. I run
> >until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven
> >and grab some 8 to
>throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10
>God he run away.
> >
> >So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7
> >eleven. Next day, I call
> > my boss and say I am 6. He said 5, tomorrow
>no need to come back 4
>work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump
>down. I don't understand,
> >I so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.

Gotten from an email, thought it was pretty cute.


Manusia - Azan sudah kedengaran...
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, bersegeralah menunaikan kewajipan
Syaitan - Baru pukul berapa... . rilex lah..

Manusia - Eh, eh... .tak boleh tengok ini,berdosa...
Malaikat - Wahai anak Adam, alihkanlah pandanganmu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Syaitan - Perggghh... best tu... . rugi ooo kalau tak tengok..



ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson .

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

With respect to point number 5, can I look into your eyes azmi? ):

I. Feel. Rotten.
& mum's irritating the shit out of me.
F, everything.



Sunday, May 21, 2006
Y2:16 PM

You know, sometimes.. The person whom you think is the worst at a point of time, is actually one of the sweetest you've known.

Azmi, I can't thank you enough. I apologise for the harsh sentence, I did not mean it.

I think I just had the worst week ever. So many problems, all bottled up. But I'm glad they're all out. I wanted to blog about how much better I felt(well, at least during that point of time) spending quality time with susu. Swensen was great and we did a lot of studying & catching up. Su's a camera whore too I just found out, heh. Great pictures with two great people in them. I wish I had the mood to blog about that tho. Sorry my avid readers.

On a brighter note, susu's done with her peribahasa (: I HELPED HER.

Yesterday night was spent with the family. Parkway parade afterwhich we watched THE DA VINCI CODDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Journey to & fro SUCKED SO BAD but the movie was marvellous. But please, do read the book before you watch the movie. Cos my third brother was lost the whole time. He didn't understand the plot, but he sure was fascinated with Silas. Never catch a midnight movie, ESPECIALLY when youre watching the da vinci code cos I think your brain might be too worked up to think. The movie's all about thinking. & I think it's quite fast-paced. I got confused a little even tho I had already read the book. Hmm, the irony.

Passed by khatib yesterday, hometown of azmi. I've never really been there but it seemed normal. GV at yishun was wow. A whole building set aside for movies. Very late dinner at BK cos we didnt have time to dine at parkway. They boys forced me to finish my double mushroom swiss in 5 minutes. Wicked.

I've officially watched an nc16 movie, heh. (Not that I havent been watching nc16 DVDs lah.. but watching it in the theatre is more official you see, heh)

On the way back home at about 2 plus was quite fcked up cos there was a bastard who insisted in driving his car in front of my brother. Even tho it was fcked clear cut that my brother's car(the one I was in) was ALREADY right behind the car in front(my other brother's car). So that bastard actually banged into the side of my brother's car(the one I was in). We went out but that bastard & family didnt. What is wrong with singaporeans and cutting queues. We took down his car plate number and my brother was so pissed off he actually uttered "What the fuck is this? Tell me, what the fuck is this?" I was really scared but at the same time I wanted to walk and place my face 5cm of that idiot's face and ask the same thing. But with a thick British accent.

That isnt the end of the story. Another bastard in a car behind us shouted "Can you move your car?" Asshole, our car's just been knocked and it's less than 2 minutes the car's been there and you're already complaining??? We're all tired at 2am but please show some consideration lah, ugh.

So pissed. Journey back was crap. I felt crap and it made me say something to azmi that made me feel MORE crappier. So you see, learn from me. Never do things out of anger/sadness.

But it's okay since we're okay now. He's such a sweetie.

[Assjedi™]-PtD-[EternalFlame]-i'm a Jedi, like my father before me says:
you're still the light in my life sheikha

[Assjedi™]-PtD-[EternalFlame]-i'm a Jedi, like my father before me says:
nothing changes

(: Thank you jedi (((:



Thursday, May 18, 2006
Y9:12 PM

Hello, all.

The week's been quite a rollercoaster ride.

Failed my hml midyear karangan, got the lousiest mark I've ever gotten for eng prelims oral, parked wrongly at the red fountain & got saman once(so far), felt super fcked lousy & worried about the upcoming major Os and kept having stupid dreams.

Yeah, mistakes are inevitable *NOW HAIL SHEIKHA FOR BEING SO POSITIVE*


But it's okay, it's a wake up call for me. I'm aiming for 11 points (OMG) & meridian jc here I come! Wow, I wish I were to say that with like 6 As currently backing me up. -_-

I've to rush cos my sister wants to use the lappie. Ok, quick stuff. DIA had finally reached its final episode end nada few days ago-monday. Very sad cos there'll be no more DIA episode to cheer me up every mundane mondays.

Mdm Rao was .. sweet just now even tho I thought she shudnt have spoken into the mike and asked whats wrong with me in front the whole class -_-

"Sheikha, I wont start the lesson if you dont smile.."


I tried faking a smile tho. Hello, I've just gotten a super lousy mark for my eng prelims oral HELLO. ): The boys actually replied "Arsenal lost ahhhhhhh" when Mdm Rao asked "Sheikha why are you sad???" Hhahaha that tickled me a little tho.

I'm contemplating whether or not I shud come early to sch tmrw or just haaaaaaaaa sleeppppppppp weak sehzzzzz. I havent fold my uni sleeves tho, ncc tmrw. Ahh.. looking at it, maybe I'll skip the whole wake up early in the morning thing ey. All hail malay triple S.

Dahlah sudah.


1) Su, cheer up okay? As I told you, my week's not been great either. There are so many problems. But to every problem, there's a solution. I may not understand the complex situation but I'm sure it felt better that you had laid them out to me & tahirah right? You can do this, luv.

Tak perlu seribu bintang
Yang bertaburan dilangit sana
'Tuk malam-malam mu
Ku ada disini
Tak perlu seribu sahabat
Dengan senyum sapa dan hangat cinta
Cukup satu alasan indah
Ku ada disini

&Rio Febrian - Ku ada di sini (WARGHHH DIAAAAAAAAA)

3) Err, bye.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Y6:37 PM


Ok, bad news first = I'm gna flunk my eng prelim like nobody's business ): Ok, here's the catch. I got Mrs Freida Lau(??) a.k.a Miss Freida ho..... So yes, I got her & there's a rumour thats been going around saying that she is very stingy with marks when it comes to oral. AND THATS A REAL BOOHOO FOR ME BCOS THIS IS THE BLOODY PRELIMS FOR GODS SAKE & ITS THE PRELIM MARKS THAT DETERMINE WHETHER YOURE ABLE TO ENTER THE FIRST 3MTHS OF JC!!!!! ): ): I dont know, that whole disgusting idea of her being stingy made me stutter quite a few times & I dont know, she did nod and smile and WHATEVER but, I've seen teachers who give lousy marks even tho they nod smile laugh(FAKE ONE LA). Sheesh, I'm gna flunk eng prelims WAGRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Brady hell. :( I was quite moody after that. Especially during bio cos when I came into the lab, violet & weizhen asked me who was the one who tested me and when I replied saying freida ho, both of them immediately TNGGGGGG & *GIVESTHATREACTION*. Ommggggg... I wanted to just die LAH. They then did what MOST students did, saying eh she stingy lehh. Yep, GO SHEIKHA YOU CAN DO THIS! FFFttttttt. Learnt new stuffs about menses & pregnancy during bio so cool manz.

Bought fries with abee, fee & susususususussusssusu. HHAHAHA boy do I love to do that. Got ourselves fries(su din). Too much potato inside my stomach so I gave the left ones to susu. See, I'm like, so baik laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Walked back with su and bee. Fee took a bus home. Just so you know what happened to ane', she went out with nash I think. Hahahaha, or maybe keluar with rafidah since it's a tuesday. OOOO, I'm 16 and a week old. Damn, so fast!!!

Sent bee home and well, journey back home continues with my tayang susu. We talked about our crushes. Her setan, EHEM and well, idiot ultimate mr gorgeous. AHHHHHHHHH, yess that oneee laaaa. Hahhahahahaa wth.

I kept having the same dream everytime, but I cannot remember it in detail. The irony. It's weird to begin with, but I don't know.. maybe the dream is like trying to tell me something???

My past dreams were mostly merepek about vampire trying to throw cloths at me HAHA WTH RIGHT and you know, those STUPID merepek nonsense stuff .. so when I have dreams LIKE that, it's weird and... I dont know, Maybe God's Telling Me Something. Wthhhhhhhh

Having a good chat with beebeebeebeebeebeebeeeeeeeeeeeee, I actually forgot to tell her what happened. LOLLLL.

Anw, today morning was the most embarrassing moment I had in sch. Running to the parade sq with SO MANY PPL LOOKING AT us(may su me) and like, OMGG..... THE BELL ALREADY RANG AHAHHAAHAHAHHAA SHOBANA KINDA SCOLDED US. GILA MAN. I cannot believe we made it. Seriously sehz.

Oh man, I shall study later after the great chat with abee. Oooooo I love such convos.



Monday, May 15, 2006
Y9:26 PM


Today was okay since I've bought may's pressie (: I was really worried to end up going to school without anything to give her lol. Cos she gave me a pretty pair of earrings last week so I must balas her budi also laaaaaa!! Anw, had NE quiz today and shut up senior not SENIOR CITIZEN SYAZ!!!!! But anw, I din do well but lol, I had fun doing the quiz lol. IM JUST NOT INTO THAT KINDA THING EH. YOU ALL CAN AH, BANGLA. AHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.

So hahaha, ok, waited for afee&abee to complete their quiz for like an hour. Bought bubble tea while waiting & sheesh syaz kept gropin my butt I DO NOT LIKE IT SYAZ. She's like so gigglish lah today. Lol.

Abee and afee brought down good food which they baked/cooked (F&N LAAAAA OII). SERIOUS good food(even tho afee's version of badak berendam was MAYO HAHAHAHA) LOL. Talked till 3 plus, quite surprising lol lol. Headed to east point to get may's pressie with afee and syaz. Abee cudnt tag along cos not only she had zillion paper bags to bring back(ok exaggerate sheikha) but she wasnt really feeling well. Bee, get well soon ok? & PLEASE JGN LET THOSE ITCHY FINGERS WORK THEIR WAY THRU TO OBTAIN THE THING CALLED SATISFACTION AFTER GARUK. Lol. (: (: Please take care!!!

Su din come today hope she gets well soon too OMG DIA START ALRDY SUDAHLA BYE

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Y8:05 PM

Oh, great.

I'm having asthma attack & it's so horrible I'd rather die than waitin to be suffocated. So many people here at sister's place due to the akikah event. The whole thing started at about 10 plus 11. I slept at about 3am yesterday night, I really cudnt sleep. & I dont think its insomnia this time. My mum asked me once (quite recently) "you look like youre all stressed out, what do you keep thinking about sheikha?" (of cos, in malay lang laaa). I denied of course. I thought about everything, everything that just happened. Watched DVD with the others. We're just taking adv of the presence of ze projector you see. Woke up at about 6am for subuh prayers and cudnt sleep anymore after that especially bcos my brother was annoying THE shit out of me. Man. He was so annoying he switched on the speakers & played all the marhaban songs and worst of all omg.... he grabbed the huge huge pillows and smacked my face for a zillion million billion fizillion gazillion mamillion e9hsdlion time, I was so irritated omg..

All that fiasco went on till 8am. I tried to shut my eyes & sleep but to no avail. Surrended at about yeah 8 plus when I got up and grabbed my pillow and did some revengeeeeeee. Hahaha, I smacked his face omg it felt like wrestling. Just so you know, this is the 3rd brother I'm talking about. 2nd brother was giggling by himself and by then the three of us laughed out loud. Lazed around for a few minutes after which I got ready for the event. Baby K was dressed in a pretty sailormoon dress HAHAHA WTH. Well, that was the only dress she cud fit in la. Very pretty she was. Complete with the little hat -_-

Anw, the maulud started at well 10plus 11am. Since no boys were allowed, I video camed the whole thing. Which was really tiring considering the fact that I had to do so many other jobs too. Like, answering those every 5 minute calls from by brothers, changing dypers and basically, makin sure everything was right. Sister's busy with you know, her baby. Mum's busy with the maulud and all.. So, I'm the one who has to ensure that everything was a-OK. & everything was.

(: Glad.

The people who came went down to have their lunch prepared by us. Not EXACTLY us but yeah, the caterers. The tables & chairs were set up at a huge hall nearby. Good food, convenient place. So, thats a good thing.

Picked up the EXPECTED litters left by THOSE insconsiderate bunch of people who were invited for FREE FOOD. OMG. I mean, is it THAT difficult to pick up your box of drink and dump it in the rubbish bin????? IS THE KITCHEN THAT FAR??? Sheesh, I had to do it, along with the maid. Mums & sister were busy entertainin the guests. I cannot really DEPEND on the maid to do EVERYTHING can I? So yes, I helped. After the living room was all cleared, I took care of Baby K. Unlike others, she's able to sleep when I dodoi her. Yes I know, I'm such a great aunty. Hala sheikha, auntie sheikha (: Hahahahah wth. So anw, took care of her till she fell asleep which took me about an hour. DO NOT BE SURPRISED. Others took a few hours to get her to bed, okay. Asked the boys to take care of her after that while sister & I went down to have our lunch. So many people wanted us up after that so we packed our food (omg so troublesome) and brought them all up. Wasnt too good since we cudnt enjoy our food slowly.

Entertained the guests. Oh yes, this is SUCH a piece of news I must tell you. Mum was pissed yesterday afternoon cos my sister, sister-in-law and myself do not know how to bake cakes & cookies and whatever nots. Lol lol so she is going to make me learn how to bake with my very professional aunty who made business out of that. Lol, it's the mufti's (syed isa bin semait) wifey. She's so great in makin all these yummy goodies so I wasnt reluctant to agree with mumsie's idea. Perhaps, just perhaps, I can bake little great stuff when there are special occasions. Shud be cool. Hehehehehehe!!!! But I din agree with what my mum initially said. About me not knowing how to bake! Hello! I made brownies(diy comes in e box ready to make type HAHAH), umm... helped mum layer the kuih lapis(just that I din EXACTLY make the main thing, I just layered it lol lol) and well,,,,,, I did pineapple tarts last time what! Ok fine, not arguable since I just filled the pineapple inti -_-

I shall be a great cake&cookies maker! Yayy!!! & I shall bake yummy ones & share them with my besties, and friends of course. Hehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehe.

Ok, now comes the shitified part of my entry.


): I'm seriously suffocating. The whole house is so bloody cold. Air conditioners everywhere. People pushing here pushing there. Like, HELLO??!?!? Tsk tsk. The aunties were shouting. Typical alhaddad. When they speak, it's like they want that piece of info to be on front page of the papers. Tsk. After much hesitation(I was afraid ppl wud think it's rude), I locked myself in a spare room my sister has and well, for this occasion, the room's mainly used for guests to do their prayers. So anw, I locked myself in here(yes I am currently in here) and grabbed my sister's lappie & ENJOY MYSELF OMG. & yes in fact, I do feel a little better. Bloody hell...

Nokia charger has gone missing and so, my batt's left with one bar. I'm just waitin for it to totally shut down and then will I scamper and panic to get myself a nokia charger. I see, lesser people outside. God's telling me something.



1) I heard miss peh is very sick. I really hope hope hope she gets better. I cudnt visit her today due to the above obvious reason so I texted her. Will try to visit her soon.

2) I think too much.



Friday, May 12, 2006
Y1:12 PM

Yes syaz, I shud stop being too nice. Sometimes, it's all not worth it.

But it's okay, things are better now.

Syaz, you make a good listener. Thanks.



Thursday, May 11, 2006
Y5:15 PM


Just got back and well, was sposed to attend tuition class today but didnt. & thats bcos we had an extra class for chemistry OMG YES CHEMISTRY. Tsk. My class missed quite a number of lessons with the Ho so, we had to stay back for an extra lesson. So now she cannot brag about not calling us back for lessons, cos she just did bloody hell.

Today has not been entirely right/good/+ve. Woke up and got a text message & actually changed my mood for the day. I'm not sure whether it'd be for long but, sucks. You see, when there's something bothering me, people do not know cos well, I do not show it (: But sometimes I SHOW IT MAN.

So anws, to start things proper, let me first THANK HANIES FOR THE PRETTY PRETTY FRAME & CUTE LITTLE SELF-WRITTEN STAR CARDS I THOUGHT THEY WERE SO CUTE AND WARGH I JUST ADORE THEM. & the pix - rocks. Cos there are the two of us :D Hyehh.

& with that also, I'd like to thank susususususumumumu for giving me such an inspiring lovely poster. I thought it's very very meaningful & well, useful too. Really, thank you so so so much :p

No school tomorrow so that's a huge yay there. Spent time with syaz after school for a while yesterday. Bought fries & bubble tea and headed home. Talked a lot and I'm glad I did.

I'm serious when I say it sucks when you're down. I really am.

Headed home with 4As* just now. Afee & abee initially were waiting for syaz who INITIALLY(again) said that she had to stay back only till 2.30pm then jeng jeng, even after my chem rem had ended, she hadnt come down. Cacat.

I did something silly with my mmc card & the laptop. Which nearly made me cry & sweat like a first class pig. A cool one, at that.

I have over 400 text messages in my phone inbox and I'm planning to delete half of them. & after I'm done, it'll stay that way cos I'll text lesser. Cos, cos, I have my own reason.

Somebody's been talking about the 4As* and saying that we're immature bunch of kids. You know, that's a mean thing to say considering the fact that YOU'RE wayyyyyyyyyyyyy immature than us. Ha, insultin us further promotes your post. If we're immature, duddeee.... what are you. Anw, I hate to say this but I do not like doing this. You know, all these (!#$%()^%$ in my blog. I know that you're a nice person, deep inside, I mean who isnt right? Perhaps you shud just reflect & ponder, how does it feel if people were to belittle and critisize you? You know, that may be a measly simple question but, I'm sure it'll make you become a much better person.

Eeen, I'm truly sorry for being very very very busy ): Schedule's packed and I cannot make it on days like tomorrow, saturday and sunday. I have plans already. Sorry. But do have fun at sentosa with neesnees okie? We'll meet up soon. Worse to worse, BV sunday market - 040606.


I once told you I'd be there if you need me. I meant it. But I'm sorry that my actions recently had proven otherwise but as I told you, I just cannot bring myself to let you indirectly tell me off anymore. I know you appreciate that I've been caring & concerned and I appreciate that, tons. But you see, everytime I check up on you, I tell you something, I ask you how are you, I try cheer you up even tho I know it'll be quite useless, all you do is to give me that go away I do not need you tone. You see, I'm human too and I know you're sad and your actions might be too abrupt but, too many of those, suck. You're a nice person you really are and whatever shit perceptions you have about yourself, those arent true. Women, they come and go so please do not take relationships too hard. Especially at your age. Yes I know you're a mature growing man and you want to find true love now but you see, if God does not permit you to do so, you cannot sulk & be sad about it. You'll find her one fine day, that I assure you. Unless you're gay which is, no wont happen situation. You see, most of the words that I utter are usually words that I've put much thought into so that I'll not regret whatever I've said. A friend tries to listen when you have a problem but I, I try to listen & help you solve it. If not solve, cheer you up. Perhaps this huge issue isnt something I can wipe out off your stubborn mind but if I cud, I really wud. Your problem is my problem, remember? So until you're fine, I'll be fine too. I read your personal blog/diary & why not go for her instead of her? But please, this time, do not be serious about it. If you are meant to be with that certain someone, you will be together. Trust me. God tells me that everyday. I know you do not want to read this but, do cheer up. Cos I miss you being the wicked, cool, interesting, full of little crazy stories, funny, caring person. This paragraph will not cheer you up but, I don't know.. I thought, I thought I'd express my thoughts here.

& I will be there for you whenever you need me.

That goes to my As* too.

Anw, pictures (sorry they havent been editted)-

That's the 9thMayBESTROCKINTAUREAN birthday girl (with the bad haircutFFFF) (:

Not lookin at the -_- (little little sheep HAHAHA)bedsheet mum bought me, those are my lovely pressies ((((: Excluding the ones susu & hanies gave me cos they're taken on my birthday itself.

Lovely goods.

The cute mistaken as IMMATURE kids, hahahaha. I thought that was like, REALLY funny.

Idiotically sweet :D

Oh, greatest triple S.


Just so you know how little baby K is doing,

& ALSO just so you know that I've ALREADY turned sixteen and looking forward to the 18th of mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 06,

Dahlah sudah.



Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Y4:41 PM

Hello worlde!!!!!! :D


Alright, I do not want to be like one of those who say "Oh, I'm in the sch lib now" HAHAH but I am TRULY in the sch library and apparently, I am one of the temporary, I repeat, TEMPORARY librarians. (: Heh.

Syaz and I are currently waiting for the other two As a.k.a abee & afee. Omygosh I swear they are the biggest bunch of slow pokes. WARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. But it's okay I love them so that does not matter (: HEEHHH. Yep, sumi's waiting also. So we're like waiting for them OMG SO SLOW.

Oh well. Now, let me start with today's entry since I've got about 40 minutes to spare :p Alrightoes.

It started off quite, -_- bcos I wasn't really looking forward to today cos SOMEHOW I got the stupid gut feelings. My gut feelings never really lied to me but, this time, it did (: Hahahaha.

Started off with may asking me to close my eyes and to have my palms open. Then she laid a small transparent box with a pair of earrings in it (: Hohoho. It's purplish pink in colour and I think it's really pretty. Thanks mayrissapurwanti. As usual, we headed to school together with susu. Wow, reached school like 3 seconds before the bloody school bell rang. Hahaha, the start of your birthday, like that - wonderful yo? Tett.

Anyway, headed to the locker after all those........... flag raising delay haha, then received well wishes from my chinese classmates (: Such lovely friends I have really. Well then I was on the way to class when my bestest chinese girlfriends a.k.a sherly g!!, gave me her present for me (: It's a sheep and WARGH IT'S SO CUTE. Lol lol, thanks SEXY. Hahahahahha. Ok enough el. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA.

Headed to classroom and I found out that my syg ain got her ankle sprained ): She is so cacat I swear. Bcos hahaha, let's skip the story (psst, she might not like it lol). So ANW. Sasa & Nazo gave me a flower each. A pink and red, not sure which is from whom but, THEY GOT SUSU SO JEALOUS HAAAHHHHHHH. Yep, that's bcos susu loves red colour and the softtoy flower was red and the best thing is, IT'S MINE. Well susu, HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Ok, sudah.

Soon after that, Susu(lol) and Ain gave me their present for me. Hahahahaha damn cute mannzzzzz. Lol, they gave me a DIY tabung!!!! Hahahahahahahhahaha so cute laah!! But of course they painted it already!!!! TSK. But it's okay, it's so cute it's so irresistable! Ha. Anw, thanks you both I love it a lot. I thought it was reallllllllly sweet cos you actually spent your time(su) to paint it nicely and you actually attempted to wrap it but then you broke your leg(ain). Heh. Thanks so much. Luvs. Yining gave me a strawberry white chocolate WARGHHHH I THINK THE COLOUR OF THE BOX IS SO CUTE HAHAHAHA!!!! Anw yining, thanks so much (: I didnt expect anything from you. But that aside, I REALLY REALLY am pleased :) Thanks girlfriend!

Lessons after that. Amath lesson felt like it was never going to end OMYGOD I NEARLY DIED. Recess was, well, okay. Met the usual bunch of recess loves and well, it seemed like they cudnt be bothered with my birthday. Hahahaha, omg they acted so well. Oh yes, I forgot, early in the morning, I met saifudin on the way to school and he looked at me blatantly and like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lol. I said lah "EH! My birthday today!" Hahaha shut up I know I'm thick-skinned WHATEVEERRR. But yes anw, he answered " Oh, really? Happy birthday". WOWWW. HAHAHHAHAA. Anw yes, back to the recess story. The girls gave me a PRETTY card which syaz made using the SCHOOL FOOLSCAP PAPER OMG. Hahahahaha, but I thought it's alright since they've been REALLY REALLY busy and yeah, it's alright. At least, they remembered right. :D Headed back to class after that.

So anw. Emath after that was full of doubts hahahahahah lame laaa.. Ain was high on drugs due to the medicine she had. So she was SUPER high then she was talking rubbish all the way and ahhahaha it was so funny!!!! Ain and susu were like orang gila OH YES DID I TELL YOU SUSU BURPED LIKE A BERUK JUST NOW HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Uhuhhh it was THAAATTTT bad. Hahahahahhaa. Ok, I'm happy. Geog after that was... spent in the library OMG. Hahahhaah I came up with the MOST BRILLIANT IDEA ever and that was to play scrabble! Hahaha idiot shut up, it's brilliant okay!! So, we were very noisy in the lib and was SHH-ed zillion times OMG SO ANNOYING. Oklah, sorry OKAY?????? Tskkkk..

Argh, no more time, edit later when I get back home. :D


Ok back.

After school was great (: Had lunch with susu. Sat with susu when suddenly I got a text message from isa. I was bloody surprised la that he actually got me a present cos I was like so bloody kidding when I said EH! PRESENT! HAHAHAHHA WTH. Hhahahaha, thanks a lot anw isa (: I love the teddy bear it's so CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (: THX. Then lina & tahirah gave me their present to me - a necklace with a letter S. SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks luvs, I think the pressie's really sweet and wargh I LOVE IT. (:


Of course I was so bloody shocked and surprised and happy and flabbergasted and ecstatic and fortunate and etc etc etc etc etc etc!!!!!!!!!! Syaz saw some tears but hahaha, takkan nak kata EH SHEIKHA NAK NANGIS EH!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH DENG. Lol lol, I mean, tak glam la nangis infront of the boys! HAHHAHAHAHA WTH. But anw, OMG YOU SHUD HAVE SEEN MY FACE LA ALL OF YOU!!!!!!! I WAS LIKE TERPEKIK MCM ORG GILA AND I WAS JUST, STUNNED.

They asked me to open my presents and hahahahahhahaha, I did la. 3As gave me a HOTPINK! crown-shaped photoframe with a SPECIAL EDITTED PIX OF ME(-.-) & 3AS!!!!!!! EHEM EHEM, MY SYG ABEE DAH PANDAI DENGAN ADOBE LAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Heehehehehe, thanks bee! I thot the hotpink was so hot OMG. LOL. Okaaayy moving on! Lol, they also gave me a cute cute cute cute HOTPINK ALSOOOO purse or I dont knw what they call it. (: (: I got so many HOTPINKS! Lol. Every one of the 4As has it and I think it's really, SWEET of them :D Ok now comes the MOST BLOODY INTERESTING PART, hahahahahahha, they gave me another present that was.... AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SO CENSORED!!! LOL, A PUPPET LIKE CREATURE LOL, ITS A SHE AND SHE WAS WEARING A SHINING I DONT KNOW, BIKINI MAYBE?!?! AND SHE WAS ALSO WEARING A WIG! OMGGGGG!!!! AND AND AND THE BEST THING IS, ahhahahahahaha hahahahahaha I DONT KNOW WHETHER I SHUD MENTION IT HERE LOL ITS TOO CENSORED!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I BETTER NOT. (But I think thats the way they celebrate me turning 16 -_- HAHAHAHA!!!)

Ok now, (: Thanks my sayangs ; Nur Syazana, Rabiatul Adawiyah & Zafirah. That was the 2nd shock I got apart from Isa's present. Oh boy, I am so glad and you shud be jealous you dont have them as your bestfriends WARGH! Lol.

Then I opened the presents from UNION. Lol, firstly I read the card and omgggggg they bought me the card which you can record your voice one!!! HHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH quite vague ah the voice but they mentioned union(-_-) and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hhahahahahahaha, that's the first time I ever gotten such a cute card and OMGGG I was so... WARGH EXCITED WITH THE CARD. Lol. Then I opened the present they bought me. It's something that you can really use kinda type. It's like to have pictures clipped on to the various clips and warghh, they even sempat wrote little little cute cards and paste little little pictures!!!!! Two were pictures of me & my 3As* and the other two were on them. Hahahahahaaha, there were many beautiful quotes and well one of them which they at first claimed was by them, was actually.... editted ahhhh but it's someone else laaa. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. But anw, I thought the effort theyve put in to make the cards were nonetheless, of great amount. And I really really really appreciate it. Hahaha, and thanks also to sumi cos he wrote them all!! Hahahaha, cud see it was him who wrote them -_- Hahahahha.

Sumi, Hakim, Fareez, Aniq & Din - You guys are the coolest bunch of boys I've ever made friends with cos whatever happens, you guys stick to one another like youre one another's boyfriends. Hahahahahahhaha, and the fact that you Union boys & we girls are close, is a blessing for me. (: I'm sure it is to my other 3As too :) Thanks again!!!

Amath remedial later was such a draggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.... I cudnt concentrate the whole entire time cos I was still very stunned with the surprise the boys & girls have given me. 3rd shock there bytheway. El, ameer and shah slept during amath HAHAHAHHA SO FUNNY!!!!! Susu actually threw little bits of eraser at them HAHHAHAHA I LAUGHED MY ASS OUT MAN. CUDNT ANGKAT.

Waited with syaz for the other As heh. Saiful and lina gave me a huge piece of yummy chocolate cake!!!!!!!! Lol. Syaz insisted that it was mine so she cudnt eat. I was like, SYAZ JGN MEREPEK AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. HAHAHAH. But I managed to give that puppy look(lol) and made her have a bite. :D She didnt eat anything you know, nak mati eh!

So spent quality time with my dear syaz & sorry rafidah(if youre reading this) but I had to steal syaz from you only for this tuesday! Hahahahaha :D Thanks! Lol, used the computer in the library and made friends with Suhayl the librarian. And he asked me to blog here "Eh write I say happy birthday" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA WTH. They were so involved with stupid mind tricks games(syaz, sumi & suhayl). Then Saiful, lina and haikel ...thumb....... joined us. (: Then abee and afee dah habis course yayyyyy!!!!! See, computers are good stuff.

Had dinner with them I'm so glad I cud spend my birthday with them (: Dinner at LJS and hahaha, I didnt have a boyfriend abee!!!!!!! WHATEVER HAPPENS, I HAIL SINGLEHOOD. & please tau,....... we were just, close friends. OKAY. Good food, good topics talked about, good time. GOOD PEOPLE. Hhahahaha. That's an understatement lah. GREAT PEOPLE more like it.

Omg, I'm so exhausted. So anw, went home after that.

Was greeted by mumsie and she sang me a birthday song!!!! Hahahhaha so cute kan!!!! Lol lol triple lol. 2nd brother was praying and 3rd brother was as usual, ANNOYING me with a birthday song. You see, when a mother does it, it's cute. But when the brother does it, it's a combination of both. HMMM. Hahahah but it was good music la -_- lol.

Went into my room with my mum WAH BANYAK NYA HADIAH! Then she asked who gave me and my 3rd brother said my boyfriend, TSK. Tell me why I hail singlehood. Ok so ANWWWWW. Hahaha, then I put my stuff on my pretty goldilocks bed then I took off my hairband and put it on the dressing table and OMG OMG OMGGO-[EPKJVDSL;PN2Q W,MSC WARGHHHHH I SAW A BOX AND A 'Happy birthday sheikha !!!" note on it WARGH I WAS LIKE, WHAT THE?! Then I was like "eh, apa ni" Then OMG I FLIPPED IT AND I READ DIGITAL MP3 PLAYER OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS LIKE WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AND I SCREAMED SO BLOODY LOUD LAAA AND RAN OUT TO ACTUALLY HUG HIM OR SOMETHING lol but he was praying uhhhhhhh 0_0 then I was like so happy laahH!H!H!H!H!H! Lol. Thanked 2nd brother and showed off my beautiful presents from the beautiful friends and my mum was pleased.

You know, my gut feelings never lied to me. But this time, it's gone wayyy wayyyyyyyyyyy there. I mean, I had those idiotic fugly feelings about me having a shitified sixteenth birthday but look at what I've gotten, I think this is like, the greatest day ever. All thanks to my loveliest 4As*, Union boys, susu, nurain, sherly g, isa, may, naz, sasa, yining, tahirah, lina, een, iyliee, lin, nis, saiful, those who gave me their well wishes and not forgetting, my family (: & to those whose names arent mentioned due to my pathetic old age forgetfulness(dok dah 16 dokkk hahaha), you know I was on cloud nine when you wished me happy birthday (: Thx!

5 people texted me at about 12am. Hahahaha, syaz was telling me how irresistable it was to just text and wish me happy birthday hahahaha you see, those are besties that you guys do not have and I SHALL SHOW OFF AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Lol lol tolol. Nazo texted me at 11.59pm! Een texted me next. Followed by.. azmi. Then MY SISTER. Then susu (: I was very touched that my sister texted me at such an unearthly hour. She told me that she'll not be coming over tomorrow cos she has lots to do at home. And that we'll celebrate on friday when we overnight at her place :D She's the best sister ever, and I mean it.

You know, my sixteenth birthday has been really special so far and I'm glad it is :) I've gotten almost everything a 16 year old might want. But the only thing I want now is for someone to be happy WITH me. You told me that it sucks when I'm sad and stuff, now I'm telling you back. It sucks when YOU'RE sad. You know, all the while I've been happy and excited and everything just now, I've always constantly wishing you'd text me in a more excited manner. I felt like you wanted me to just leave you alone and just be happy fine kinda thing. You know what, it sucks so bad that I don't know it's to the power of what. I texted you sharing you my happiness and you texted back with that tone. At a point of time just now when my friends shocked me with their unexpected beautiful presents, I have to say I forgot all about you. I sort of, gave up. Cos I don't know, I felt that if I were to tell you, you'd reply in that tone. Again. And again. I texted you after that, guilty. I know you're trying and I know I'm being selfish. I think I've done all I cud and I just hope you'd be happy and hopefully, just hopefully, you'll cheer up soon. & just so you know, I'm sorry I cudnt ans your call. I just cudnt.

2 hours before my birthday ends;
Happy birthday Sheikha! ((:

Triple S - Sheikha's Sweet Sixteen (:

P.S -

1) Ion dear, please STOP JOGGING!!!!!!!!!!! Take care of yourself and jangan sprain sana sini lagi... ):



state of emergency, is where i want to be ; says:
you want to go jc kan

state of emergency, is where i want to be ; says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
im re-considering anw

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

state of emergency, is where i want to be ; says:

state of emergency, is where i want to be ; says:

state of emergency, is where i want to be ; says:
if i see you in nanyang next year i slap your face tau

Omg lin...........


- © E r U r O i © - They said it changes when the sun goes down - © Š У Ħ Ļ Є Я © - says:

- © E r U r O i © - They said it changes when the sun goes down - © Š У Ħ Ļ Є Я © - says:
sixteen years old only mah

Yep, he's just jealous.



Monday, May 08, 2006
Y8:49 PM

I have a HUGE feeling my birthday gonna suck tomorrow.


Abee and afee are involved in the english course. Syaz might be meeting rafidah. I thought my birthday wud be spent with my favourite girls and I thought it'd be the best birthday ever.

): I am very sad.

But it's okay, on a lighter note, een remembers me. She remembers my birthday too. Iyliee too. Little things like that can cheer one up if you dont know.

Lin has forgotten me ): She didnt reply my text messages and msn hellos.

Little khadijah just went home. My sister might not be coming over tomorrow. So that's another let down. Oh yes, my class malay girls are such sweethearts. They do not get sick with me and my "ONE MORE DAY". But yeah, that was just now. When I was excited.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, I might just take a day off. MC, or something.

Oh well, DIA later. God is telling me something.



Sunday, May 07, 2006
Y6:58 PM

Just what have I gotten myself into ):



It is really THAT bad. Lol.


I shud change my gender hahaha hello sexy, HAHAHAHAHHA WTH.

Sudahlah, off to sister's. Bye and shut up I know you're itchin to laugh at me tomorrow. IDIOT.



Y6:58 PM

Just what have I gotten myself into ):



It is really THAT bad. Lol.


I shud change my gender hahaha hello sexy, HAHAHAHAHHA WTH.

Sudahlah, off to sister's. Bye and shut up I know you're itchin to laugh at me tomorrow. IDIOT.



Saturday, May 06, 2006
Y11:05 PM


Just got back from granny's and I had chilli crab cup noodles for dinner, hahaha wow. I'm itchin to cut my hair short tomorrow afternoon. Yes, that's what I said last saturday -_- That's what I told my friends and wow I still have this taik hair a week later. Hmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

TSK, lol.

The results of this year's GE is on now. Why, at least there'll not be the "VOTE PAP!" anymore. Hahahaha funny, there was once when I heard it before I went to sleep and I heard it again when I woke up. Sheeesh.

Bought a pair of purplish pink pearl studs today, very cute.

I cannot wait for june. I need a break already ): I want ncc camp, I want sunday market, I want to rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARGHH. And not to forget, part B chalet!!!!! WARGH WARGH!!!!!!

(: (: Oh, blessed.

Tahirah.. I hope you're doing fine. Not that I expect you to be okay now but do chin up dear. At least you both broke up for a genuine good reason. Which means, he DOES love you my dear. Not to worry, things happen for a reason. If you guys are meant to be together, you WILL be together. So you might not like this but, think positive ok. And remember, you just call out my name & you'll know wherever I am, I'll come running to see you again. (: Love you. Much.

Azmi, you too. I don't know why but I feel it's hard for you to spill out how sad you feel about whatever happened to you & her on the phone. I hope you meant it when you said you were fine. You know, you've got nothing to hide from me (: Like myself, I've nothing to hide from you :D Love you ah kong a.k.a brotherbear a.k.a jeditakjadi. Hahaha.

Tuition tomorrow, GAH. I shall do intense revision tomorrow. I havent been studying and I think that is very very bad ): I dont know why but I've slacked my way thru tooooooooo much these few weeks omggg how will I ace the subjects for midyears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*&!9076w20

Oh well.

3 more days all of you, AHHAHAHAHAHAHA.


I've nothing more to type, so long now.



Friday, May 05, 2006
Y7:40 PM


So much fun playing in the rain after zillion years. Lol, ok nolah, actually last week was the last time we played in the rain hahahaha. Cacat abee actually THREW MOST OF THE WATER IN HER WATER BOTTLE AT ME OMGGGGGGGG,,,,,,,,,,,


But of course I pandai kebas lah. Hahaha not like syaz, lol lol. Syaz was so kelakar cos she used her payung to collect rainwater and air kotor OMG WE USE CLEAN WATER SHE USE AIR LONGKANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA CRAZY PIG MAN. LOL

More details at syaz's & fee's blogs. Hahahaha, I laughed like shit when I read their entries hahahahahaha so much fun ayeee

Anw we baring baring at bee's. Slack man. Went home to find momster and the others already at out, WOW. Indulged myself with the OH SO YUMMY -_- (haiyah) cup noodles. Sick man.

Eh, nothing interesting la today. Lol

Just that I'M BACK WITH MY FAV CHEM PARTNER SHERLYYYY THE SHELLYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH, I nearly dieddddddd without her do you know! ): but it's okay we're together now, (: lol. Oh oh, and mdm ho was so angry her face grew red just now! Hahahahahhaha OH HOW I LOVE IT WHEN SHE'S MAD. Haahaha okay, so THERE IS something interesting today ahahahaha.

& FINALLY JENGJENG she returned us our metals test. Hahaha funny how she blames us that we are slow and how we keep blaming her that SHE is slow. Hmm. I kept smiling when she scolded us hahahaha, I CUDNT HELP IT HAHAHA. Damnit, hahahaha nurul ain was looking at me hahahaha aiyoh.... Whatever lah. Lol, chem test was (: I got an AAAAAAAAAAA 1. HOHO. Shelly too. She got 30 I got 29. Boy, I never thot I was capable of that. OKLA IM NOT BRAGGING LA, IM JUST BEING HAPPY ABT THE MARKS I GOT FOR ONE BLOODY CHAPTER hahahahhahaa, bloody hell. One bloody chapter.

Man, sometimes I wish she can just shut the gap up.


ahhhh kelakar nya, lol



Thursday, May 04, 2006
Y7:39 PM

Azmi, Syaz, Zaf, Rabiatul & Hanis,
Susu, NurAin, Tahirah
4e2 Classmates, NccGirls, UnionBoys(lol)
Iyliee, Een, Leen,

When you're down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend

If the sky above you
Should grow dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud, yeah
Soon I'll be knocking at your door

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yes I will
To see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh yeah, but don't you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yes I will.

You've got a friend
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again (oh baby don't you know)
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
Lord, I'll be there yes I will.
You've got a friend

Oh, you've got a friend.
Aint it good to know you've got a friend.
Aint it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.

&McFly-You've got a Friend

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.


1) Give YOURSELF a chance. <3Azmi.




Y6:57 PM

Been really sick, ARGH.

Ok, actually I have nothing to blog about.

So I shall remind you my birthday is in 5 DAYS TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!1!

Hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha kelakar nya

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Y3:10 PM

My nose has been like a 24hr broken pipe, I feel like The Axe from the worker's party logo's been knockin my head for gazillion times, my eyes been burnin & my vision is limited, my throat shud be awarded The Best Bitch of the year label and my body feels utterly weak.

Yep, but to sum it all..

I. Feel. Like. Shit.

) :

Sat market (FUNNY YES) wud have been great if it wasn't for the I DONT KNOW WHAT SICKNESS IS THIS! ): The event started off with a mass walk, I nearly died. Hello, I thought it was C.I.P AND IT NEARLY BECAME R.I.P INSTEAD. Tsk. Different booths were set up by a few classes & sorry, but I did not really bother to you know, check out, stuff. Ha. Su & Ain(nur) were busy kissing people (CPR LOL) while I was in the world of my own. Yes, my vision was blurred and I nearly fainted. BUT I DIN. Cos if I were to faint, those two girls will be.............

YES, TAKPA AJA. Lol lol lol

I got myself a hotpink balloon which I loved so much. Yep, THAT'S the kind of pink EYE like. Now now, don't get excitedd.. Hur. I was tallest amongst the rest. Wow, for the first time I was happy to be the tallest one. Hahaha, stupid shit how old am i. They're just, KIDS OF ONE DIGIT AGEEEEEE HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Thick-skinned, I grab hold of one of the strings attached to be the balloon (and of cos I even sempat to choose the colour hahahaa bacin).

Made ain jealous soon after that. Then SHE made me jealous 2 seconds after after that. Lol, idiot she got flowers from aniq. BUT BEDEK PUNYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHHA. I'VE RECEIVED REAL FLOWERS BEFOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Lol. Nothing great after that, talked to 3As for 5 minutes or so. Abee got flowers from a certain someone and gee, why wasn't I surprised???????? -_- Anw bee, The Person is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy jauh from MY syg, ok. (:

Headed home with syaz & sumi. Yes, sumi. Hahaha what was it that made us go home with him ah syaz??? Lol. Syaz was such an idiot cos she actually wanted to live me to faint/DIE. Suhaimi witnessed those unkind words muttered by SYAZANA. Tsk, but she was such a sweetie at the end of the day :) :) She waited till I board my bus and for that, thanks luv :D

Came home and bam, I found myself on MY bed. ): For once I appreciate the THERMOMETER. Cos, I was 38.6 Degrees Celsius hot. Geeeeeeeeeee ): I teared a little cos my head was throbbing like one hell of a shit. That last sentence shud be said in a thick indian accent, heh. Nothing personal there.

Ate medicine and I THOUGHT I was okay. Gee, you think I think who confirm?????

Bed-ridden on Sunday & well, finished reading Kite Runner by khaled hosseini. Extraordinary book, good read. Completed it in well, a day actually. Yep, after that I thought I was feeling better, I thought I was okayyyyyyyyy.. -_-

May day was spent outside. It felt like hari raya, lol. My family & I (the NINE 0f us) got up early okay well... not so early but still.. quite early for me you see, -_- shut up. Parents, two brothers & I were ready by 11.30am. Bloody hell the other siblings took their own sweet time to get ready and left home at like 12 plus?!?!?! !!!!!!, lol. But I still love them.

Oh yes, before I continue, my sister had already moved to her new house. RAHHHHHH, HER HOUSE IS DAMN PRETTY, VERY MODERN VICTORIAN PRINCESS WITH A TINGE OF OLD ROMANIAN DESIGN TOO. PFFT, khadijah who is now 1 mth 5 days old has a PRETTIER room than I have. And what, I've lived 15 years of my life already. So, bloody, unfair. But it's ok, I've gotten my room and gee, I THINK IT'S ABOUT TIME I START DECORATING IT!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEEHEHHEHEHEHEHE SO INTERESTING!!!!

Hmm, okay. Where was I..?

Alrightoes, so.. 1st brother&wifey and sister&husby left their apartments and headed for bedokhome. They were so slow my dad actually managed to have an hour's sleep hahahaha so cute. Set off for marina sq when they reached at about 1pm? Yep. It felt like the first day of hari raya ahhaha cos it's been quite a while since the NINE of us went out together. Usually just sister, brother and mum or something. Yeah

Makan lunch at Cavana(house of chicken) hahaha. Good lunch, very nicceee.. Actually, it's like a kopitiam selling chicken rice & wanton noodles BUT, with aircon. So cool right! Yeah, of course la this one is like waayyyyy UP laaaa. Lol, but the price - affordable, so I think it's better than at the kedai kopi there la.

I ordered roasted chicken with noodles.

WAH, sounds like some hotel mm mm food right. Hahaha bacin, it's actually wanton noodles.

-_- Lol, the best wanton noodles I've tried so far. (:

Window shopped, didn't do much of shopping since it was like, with the OTHER eight of them, lol. Shopping with mum/sister then can! (: Went to giant after that. Bought dove choco(the one mr yong gave us) at 6bucks. One box consists of 16 of those chocolate. We thought it was quite worth it.

Went to carrefour after that and we found the same DOVE SELLING AT 4.50BUCKS BLOODY HELLL WE TOOK 20 BOXES AFTER THAT AND BOUGHT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahaahahaaha, not for us to eat 16 x 20 of those chocolates LAAAAAAAAAA!!!! GILA eh. Sister's inviting relatives & friends over to her house next next sat (13thmay) for her child's akikah (however you spell it). So mum (as usual) extra want to give people chocolates


Lol. But sokay, extra is goood, hahahahaha.

Did grocery shopping (mcm ye ye only) at carrefour and then headed for macs for a quick bite. I accompanied sister to the nursery room to change khadijah's diaper and to breastfeed her. As in, MY SISTER BREASTFEED HER LAAAAAAA ISH! Hahaha

Tsk, her poo is like..................... tissue paper that's been in water for quite some time and then come out like, you knoww.... bits and dots and, YELLOW. Hahaha, quite a shit she got there.

We went into an enclosed room for the Mader to breastfeed her baby. Gee, the pores(24 of them) of YOU KNOW WHAT kept aiming their milk at me. Idiot ahhahaha, she actually played the modern day watergun with me OMG THE MILK ACTUALLY KENA MY FACE!!!!!

HAHAHAHA. I was like "kak, don't merepek here laaaa. I'd rather drink HL milk which you know I hardly drink than having you spray your milk into my mouth!!!!!!!!"

Lol, we laughed so hard the baby cried -_-

BUT, I didn't really care cos that's what babies are good in, crying.

Met the others at macs after that. OH YES, I counted wrongly, now with little Khadijah, it's the TEN of us (: OMG, THE FAMILY'S GROWING GROWING GROWWWINNGGGGG


Hahahahahaha, stupid shit, reminds me of The Chemistry Teacher.

Number one number two, we headed for sister's after that. Stopped by at 1st brother's house before that to do our prayers then brought his xbox over to my sister's house. Brother in law ordered 80bucks worth of canadian pizza (:::: Good food, 4 boxes of pizza, zillon pieces of hot spicy chewy yummy chicken drumlets and wings, 2 hot pieces of garlic bread & not to forget, all hail The Coke. Two bottles actually, ahhahaha.

A good night spent there cos well, the laura ashley designed home equipped with aircon, projector, lorenzo leather sofa & lazy chair, scrumptious food, xbox, pretty non-itchy carpet all the way from turkey, GREAT sound system, the wild dvd and not to forget the 930pm SINETRON DIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, made the night better than splendid.

(: Imagine watching one of your fav shows on a big screen, omg. Heaven.

Stayed up till DIA was over at 1130pm after which we headed for home.

Yep, that was when I THOUGHT I was fine.

But bloody hell, went to school just now and surrendered myself to the office after the first period. You do not want to know what are the everyday things those people in there do when you walk up and down the staircase heading for your next class. Anw, God bless the kind-hearted teachers & non-staff who were kind and checked on me. My thanks even go to Mr Chu, you know! Lol.

Oh yes, I love my 3As cos they've been texting me and checking up on me. I'll take care of myself don't worry (: Yep, especially to syaz, love you (: (: She's been a sweetie pie.


Hehh, HINT HINT ALL. LOL LOL, I joke I joke.

Now, I've gotta rest. Goodday.


1) Nees, I'll return you your book & vcd tomorrow if possible. You pinjam me your jodi picoult, (: LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

2) Fee,

"and through all that, my friends stood by me eventhough they were busy with their own actvities but they always know when to check on me. especially abie, syaz and shee. they are always listening to me that i swear at one point, they got sick of the whole thing."

We've never gotten sick of The Whole Thing trust me. How I believe that you will be (or try your best to be) there for the 3 of us, it's the same back to you - We will try to be there for you every now and then. The dream you had the other day?, do not think too much about it. Dreams like that suck in reality. That's what dreams are for (: lol. Cheer up already, and who needs boyfriends when you have the 3 COOLEST BESTEST GIRLFRIENDS EVER!!!!!!!!! Lol :D

3) Just like how Khaled Hosseini needs help to deliver his stories well, my 3As help me to make my life sweet & full of "wow". They're not afraid to pull every string in your heart to make it sing. Hugs:&Kisses luvs.

4) My thighs are burning




4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.