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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Friday, June 23, 2006
Y10:53 PM

Hi readers of inamorato.blogspot,

I'm taking a break. I've made myself a private journal that I might update as and when I need to. So there isn't much to blog here anymore. Mye's this coming monday onwards so I'd like to wish all candidates the best. I might be back to update once in a while but, that too, depends.

I know I've disappointed you my 3As but I honestly do not know what came over me. I was hysterical, I was dumb, I was stupid, but now it goes to show that I really am capable of doing anything. I'm sorry if the news have shocked you, making you worry but I hope you won't bring up the topic when we meet. It's painful, the whole package. I know you 3As will always be the three kind souls free to lend me your listening ears but there are just certain stuffs that are difficult for me to tell. I'm just used to keeping things to myself. I'm trying to open up with you three, I really am. You girls are special, I'm sorry I did what I did.

You, I'm sorry too. I know there's so much that's happened but I hope we could return being our usual selves, the happy laughing ones. I hate it when we do not agree with things even though yes, a friendship isn't complete with disagreements but it just sucks when we argue. I hope it'd be like last time when I cheered you up when you cheered me up when I made you laugh when you made me laugh when we both would laugh when we would trust each other in cheering ourselves up when we'd go michael buble is my favourite when we'd go hey do not be sad you're better off without him/her when we'd go you're the best when i'd go omg i want to smack your face when you'd go no you cannot reach my face when you'd go bear i love you when i'd go kong i love you too when you'd go tell me why i keep waking up when you text me when i'd go i don't know maybe i'm special when you'd go you're the light of my life when i'd go aww thanks now where's my poem when you'd go i kept listening to sixpence none the richer's kiss me when i'd go have you tried talking to her when you'd go i miss her when i'd go i miss him when you'd go will you allow me to live in seclusion when i'd go you know my answer to that when you'd go i want to tido when i'd go you're a lazy pig when i'd go you're so kental when you'd go kental is strong when i'd stay up till very late due to insomnia when you'd stay up till very late due to insomnia when we both wud stay up till very late due to insomnia when you'd go asam pedas is asam sedap when i'd go asam pedas is not asam sedap when you'd go what nonsense when i'd go i just ate pasta so yummy when you'd go i just ate briyani so yummy when i'd go i will feed my future husband with pasta everyday when you'd go i pity your future husband when i'd go again i want to slap your face when you'd go again no you cannot reach my face how many times must i tell you when you'd go i promise to be there for you when i'd go do not make promises you may break when you'd go i won't when i'd go i feel sucky when you'd go what's wrong when i'd go nothing when you'd go tell me what's wrong when i'd go i want to cry when you'd go you can only cry on my shoulders when you'd go maybe i should cease to exist when i'd go no, please don't.

Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present.



Thursday, June 22, 2006
Y3:35 AM

The lights. The blood. I'm tired and it's painful.

Monday, June 19, 2006
Y9:19 PM

I do not know how to react to such a painful piece of news. You'd gone through so much pain which I or any other human being will never feel or know about. Perhaps I should be glad that your sufferings had come to an end. That piercing pain you feel everyday, from one to another, only you knew how terrible it felt. I remember, during our days of our examinations, you dragged yourself out of bed. Despite the excruciating pain you were feeling, you saw yourself trying your very best to attend school just so you'd see us doing the same thing too, trying our best to ace our english and emath papers. And there I was, trying to find all sorts of excuses to skip school. I thought a fever of 39 degrees celsius was major enough, but you. You're so strong, I'd like to be like you one day. True, maybe I should be glad that you're no longer suffering but no, I miss you a lot already. Those precious moments we had, will permanently be etched in my mind and live in me for every heart beat that will occur. I still remember, the second emath lesson my classmates and I had with you, I still remember that. I told sherly gunawan how fun the lesson was, how great you were. And now I am telling everyone how great you still are. It's ironic how I usually ace emath when you taught me. & then when you left for a moment, there were various disgusting poor grades that I got. Sucked really, but then you made a come back. So did my A2. You're so smart, I'd like to be like you someday. I remember during emath lessons when I was sitting with the two crazy Ains. We three girls used to laugh out so loud and then you will notice. You'd stare at me and you'd doubt, you'd doubt whether or not I was mentally "ok". Then I would stare back at you and smile. Then you'd laugh. Emath lessons were good stuff. English lessons too. Remember when all of us had the 1 hour "excursion"? I thought that was such a cute meaningful experience. We J-walked. Walked up and down the hill. Was it a coconut that darren was messing around with? Yeah, then we bought titbits for breakfast. Then we reached school a little late for the next lesson. Then you'd save us all just by saying a simple sorry to the teacher. I miss you so much. I really do. For the past few weeks, I kept asking myself whether or not you were still alive. Then earlier today, I got a call and zillion text messages telling me I just lost somebody so dear so lovely so caring so meaningful. Ironic how you mean a lot to me when we're not related by blood. Plus you're decades older than me. You're a teacher/a mother/a friend I never had. I still keep the goodnight and goodluck messages you sent me. They mean a lot to me, they really do. Every text message you sent me, I've never deleted any of them. Any of them. And I never will. Funny how others could bring themselves to dislike you. They are crazy people. After hundreds of words I've typed, I still do not know how I should react to this piece of news. When I found out that you passed away, I was stunned but I was okay, I was calm. But now, I don't know it's difficult, I kept having flashbacks about the times we spent together. I'll try my best to get an A for both english and emath, I will. Cos for you, a thousand times over.

Miss peh, I love you. And may your soul rest in peace.

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Y10:31 PM

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.


Ok shit, I've totally stopped studying for about a few days now.

& that's because red fountain attacked, the tuition teacher cancelled out on me last minute, the entire family brought me out shopping at taka, spent a night at sister's, television was a bitch asking me to switch it on (of course I did) and the thought of me burning the midnight oil the other night made me tell myself that I deserved a break(which has never really ended btw). Ok basically because I was lazy -_- (and tired ahahaahahahaahaaaha, ah sheikha you amaze me sometimes)

Oh no, I'm back with my taik habit of listening to songs that I do not quite understand. Ok who am I kidding, I do NOT understand the lyrics at all. Lol, korean songs are good stuff. I'm stuck with the one from sassy girl (the korean movie) entitled I believe & a very well known tune omg from the movie winter sonata. Hahahhahaa ain actually said that it's ridiculous (the specific word she used was: merepek) that there's a korean version of the musim salju something.....yea, that! I think it started from the korean version because ... it sounds better in korean!

I listen to malay songs btw, but not the latest songs. Hahaha, gol gol gol or whatever the title played on suria before I watched hikmah the other day. Ok don't be surprised now, I only watched 5 seconds of it. Let's just say it was too good. *pause* Bahahhahahahahaha! Old school malay songs, that's what you call true jiwang. Manzzzzzz, hahahahaa

My little niece gets cuter & prettier as the days go by.

Study session with isa was cancelled last minute cos I couldn't make it, sorry :) The plan was to attend tuition class. I was all ready and hyped up for tuition yay!, when jeng jeng tuition teacher texted me saying that three words that could change my life HAHAHA, Sorry I can't. HAHAHAH, I thought there shud be a little room for drama here too k!

Tuesday & wednesday will be two total off-days, omg what is wrong with me. PartBs chalet, yayy! I'm so glad somehow that I'll be away from home for.. bahaha a night -_- And wargh, it'll be so fun I can feel it already. I know, I shud be worried about my studies. My coming myes. I don't know but.. I'm just pooped with even the whole studying idea. For the first time yesterday night while shopping with my sister & mother, I told them well.. I think I'm thinking of entering poly. I don't think I'm ready to commit myself with such a heavy responsibility in being a decent enough jc student. I do not want to see a tiring, stressful life ahead of me. Bah, like there is any other choice here in sg. Perhaps I shud stick to the score well then choose idea. Sheesh.

I had a dream the other day. More to a nightmare actually. I dreamt I had cancer. The symptoms weren't obvious tho. Well, I found out (somehow or rather) all about it one fine day. The doctor said I might just leave the world anytime. Say, tomorrow? A week from now? A month? 10 years? He didn't know. Just that, there won't be any signs, I'll just die. Yeah I know, so drama right. Hahaha, so I told my 3As. Apparently in my dream, I told them @esplanade, lol. We were sitting and chatting. Parentals allowed me, for once, to be out enjoying and not studying before Olevels omg nightmares rock sometimes. And so, I told the 3As. They were shocked like hell, the three of them cried like shit. Abee cried like the time she received the malay Os results. Even worse. Syaz cried like she just lost nash. Afee cried in disbelief. Actually, all cried in disbelief. They thought that was some kind of funny joke I came out with.

Then syaz suddenly asked whether I've told azmi. I answered no cos I didn't know how to tell him. Syz insisted I told azmi a.s.a.p. I called him up immediately with my 3As listening to every bit of the convo, hahaha. I asked if he cud meet me cos I had something very important to tell. Even for 10 minutes. But he said he cudnt, cos he had choreography. Then I tried asking again and again but he insisted that he was busy and it'd be better if I were to tell him on the phone. I was like wth am I supposed to say Dude I've got cancer I'm gonna die anytime? Lol. Tears flowed down my cheeks by then. Then suddenly jeng jeng!, abee grabbed my nokia and shouted at azmi, Wtf can you just freakin meet her for bloody 10 minutes just wth is wrong with you damnit?! Hahhahahahaha yes abee you did that! Hahhaha, then you hung up, bahahaha!! Then azmi texted he'll meet me. Hmm, come to think of it, wth was wrong with you in my dream azmi?! Esplanade & the place you practise choreography are so close to each other hello! Ok back back to the story. So I told azmi, he was.. ok la boring la everyone was stunned. He was stunned too. He stared back at me trying hard not to blink cos if he did, tears will flow (I guess he didnt want to cry in front of me, hahaha). I cried like shit too while thinking a way to break the terrible news to nees, su, tata & ain. The ending was great tho. I had my lovelies by my side. Azmi apparently did not mind skipping choreography training/lesson after that, lol. 3As*, azmi & I laid down on a huge grassy comfy field and stared at the pretty starry sky. What a dream/nightmare, where got starry sky in sg tell me, haha.

Hmm, what if I were to have cancer in real life? Omg so drama.

Hanies tagged.

7 Random Facts About Me
1) Ok let's start from the basic, hahahaha I am sheikha,
2) I'm like the normal everyday girl,
3) I eat, I drink, I shit,
4) I study,
5) I have a mother who just killed a grasshopper a size of my middle finger omg,
6) I have a papa so a shoutout! HAPPY DADDY'S DAY DAD!
7) Ok no, abah! Hahaha I call him abah! Lol papa perrrrrrrrrr hahahaha

7 Things That Scares Me
1) The Almight God,
2) Judgement day,
3) a week before Os,
4) the whole stretch of Olevels examination days,
5) yeah then you have the dessert - RESULTS,
6) insects,

7 Random Music At The Moment
1) Winter sonata - Winter sonata korean movie,
2) Because I'm a girl -Kiss,
3) I believe -My sassy girl,
4) Tears -XJapan,
5) Kiss from a rose -Seal,
6) My destiny -Katherine Mcphee,
7) She's the one -Robbie Williams.

7 Things I Say The Most
1) Hahaha so kelakar,
2) So funny,
3) Kelakar perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,
4) If you think that's cute, it's not.,
5) Don't worry everything will be okay,
6) I'm tired (hahahahahahahhahahahahaha),
7) Eh sudahlah.

7 People To Do This
1) Heheheheheehehehehehehehehe,
2) Afee,
3) Abee,
4) Syaz,
5) Ion (that lazy girl),
6) Een,
7) Iyliee.

(If you guys have done that, then don't do that anymore lah lol)


I have always dreamed of this
I'll admit that there was something I missed
Wondering if it is for real
Every mistake

Every wrong turn
Everytime I lost my way
Led me to this moment of bliss tonight

With you
Finally I can break free
With you
It's all changing in my destiny
Dream come true
It's so funny now that I see
How different life turned to be

You were always by my side
That you believed in me was enough reason why
I didn't stop
Didn't give up
Even if sometimes I lost hope
I did my best
And I am blessed in life

&Katherine Mcphee - My destiny

If I ever become the sg idol/american idol/whatever idol, I will sing that song.

Yeah, If I ever become an idol. Keyword: If. Yeah I know, idiot la you all.

My wedding dinner will be held in a huge pretty garden filled with various gorgeous, beautiful flowers including daisies, roses & lilies. There'll be two little 4 year old girls dressed in pretty white gowns as my cute flower girls. & as I walk down the aisle, the tune will either be vitamin C's friends forever/my sassy girl's I believe/sixpence none the richer's kiss me/katherine's my destiny/faith hill's somewhere over the rainbow. The dinner tables will be named after different flowers, there'll be huge pretty chandeliers and the main colours will be champagne gold, white & red (: Ah, so much love. And to end the elegant glorious night, my future husband and I shall sing sinatra's what a wonderful world. ((: Nope, don't want the typical wedding dinner at hotels, so boring! Ah, my inamorato. Just who are you.


Friday, June 16, 2006
Y7:37 PM

Because I'm a Girl

I just can't understand the hearts of men
they tell you they want you and then they leave you
this is the first time, you're special
I believed those words and I was so happy

You should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

I heard that if you give up things too easily
to a man, he will get bored with you
I don't think this is wrong
a girl says that she will never be fooled again
but she will fall in love again

You should have told me you didn't like me any more
but I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything

Don't take advantage of a girl's willingness
to do anything for love
and her caring instinct
I didn't know that to be born as a girl and
to be loved was so hard

although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
although I will curse you I'll still miss you
since I am a girl, to whom love is everything


I will read ashes for you,
if you ask me.
I will look in the fire
and tell you from the gray lashes.
And out of the red&black tongues & stripes,
I will tell how fire comes.
And how fire runs as far as the sea.

P.S My botak brother's coming back from tekong today, that means Suhayl will be back tonight too! Just in case you're reading this Suhayl, HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol (:


Thursday, June 15, 2006
Y9:36 PM

Hi I've got a confession to make.

I haven't touched any of my books since 4am earlier today bcos I was having too much fun with my ncc girlfriends at HQ & esplanade, hmm.

Please, I'm pooped okay I needed a break! :) I'll mug like hell & not sleep later. Hehehe! Slept at about 4am yesterday and woke up at 11am omg. I din even realise that I actually clicked the stop button when my phone ayam started to cock-a-doodle-do. I was like, shit it's 11am? I have something on today don't I???? OMG WHAT DO I HAVE. OH, P.O.P!!!!! I checked my phone & re-checked with susu on the meeting time. I thought 1 hour was shit, that's little time. And true enough, I was late to meet the others. Ok ok okkkkkkkkkkkk I admit it....... I WAS THE LATEST. Lol, but whatever ehhhhhhhhhhhhh kalau tak salah right, I waited for TWO PEOPLE for like about GEE AN HOUR???? HMM, KALAU SALAH ENTAH EH. Lol lol

Was still feeling sleepy and wth-I-want-more-sleep while on the way there. Reached hq and tadaaaaa found out the whole "POP" wud start only at 3pm. & yea let me tell you what time we reached there, A FRIGGING 1.25PM OMG WANT TO DIE IS IT I CUD HAVE SLEPT FOR AN HOUR MORE OR SOMETHING.

Ok so kiat hui won something & we SENIORS AH DOK SENIORS are really proud of her (: Well, bedok view boys.. Did they win something? Anything? Anyone? Hahaha I'm not so sure about that. OH on a second thought, I think they won. Hahaha, they won nothing! Lol lol, geez. So much about bv ncc girls sucking big time. Pretty obvious who's the better one now huh? Sorry boys, we're better than you think! Pump pump, tapi menang (: LU, pump pump never menang. COMPLAIN SOMEMORE WAH. Some people just don't get it don't they.

The girls looked elated just now. Wow they're specialists already. We're seniors now, weak laaaaa lol. Told the girls to save the story for the next training cos we had to go on different ways. They wanted to have lunch at long john bedok but....... WELL I/MONMONMON/ANYONE ELSE DID NOT WAKE UP JUST TO HAVE COMBO 1 AT LONG JOHN BEDOK! Lol, headed to esplanade with su, bee, tata & lina instead.

Esplanade session was good cos I was able to destress a little. The singapore river and the buildings well... made quite a pretty scenery. (Even tho that bloody river was badly littered with all the random things from a-z -_-)

Talked to abee about a certain something. I'm glad I told her about it cos well, I felt much better. Yeah, syz knows about it too. Havent got the time to tell afee tho. Anw, thanks k bee? It meant a lot. & you cud hear by my tone that the whole shitzoid issue hurts me pretty much. It's difficult for me to talk about it to anyone. I don't know how I told you so much in real life just now. I was struggling tho, but yeah you got my point which is great. Again, thanks for the listening ear :)

Had mee soto as I don't know.. what do they call dinner&lunch combined together?? Hmm, dinnunch! hHAHA. Kentalon. Mee soto was okay. Yummy.. But mom's still the best (: The gado2 was scrumptious too (explains the 3 times curi gado2 from lina hehehe!!) Omg and do you know how much a normal can of green tea costs there???? A frigging 2 whole bucks! OMG, and the mee soto was like $3.50 hello! Just add a dollar fifty more and you can get a huge bowl of mee soto. Like, hello! HAHAHA. Sudahlah, I ended up buying mee soto and that can of green tea la. The unty was pretty stuck up anw. She was trying to dig out the shit from her fingernails when abee and I asked her how much a can of drink costs. Omg so disgusting la eee.

We bought icecream (THE 1 DOLLAR TYPE THAT ONE LA) after that. Ah, then we tried to act cute by sitting somewhere sucky to watch the sun set. Hmm, bagus eh. We headed to the rooftop garden quickly then. Hahaha, so funny.. apparently there was a boy who wanted to "kenal-kenal" with tahirah. That's more to like, kental-kental with tahirah! Hahhahahahahaa, ok ok ok here's the catch, HE expects TAHIRAH to pass him her contact number when HE was wearing A FISHING SUIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, he was wearing an ugly transparent black net type of omg I dont know what is it called. HAHHAHAHA IT WAS SO UGLY OMG, AND HE THOUGHT THAT NET BAJU FISHING WHATEVER THING WUD SHOW OFF HIS BODY LA KONON! Ha, so kenet his body no manly shape he looked like a kedi. Gee that kinda rhymes. HA.

Ah, took pix anyway. Yeah, and in front of us was a couple who were kissing and hugging omg. THE SIGHT. Hahahaha but whoever cares, we still continued to take pictures and be in our own world gitu! Hahahaha. Headed for home after that..

It's a great day while it lasted. Hmm, currently all of you think I'm in a cheery mood now. Gee. Anw anw, hady mirza got into the top 12 for sg idols (: He sang well with one of my all time fav songs. WARGH JIWE BRYAN ADAMS DOK!

Btw I wore a 10 sizes too big tshirt today I think my dad's able to fit in it too. HAHHAAH WHAT A TAIK SPEC COURSE TSHIRT OMG HOW CUD THEY DO THIS TO US, GIVE US HUGE SIZES GILA TAU.


suhaila says:

suhaila says:
its definitely how i acted uh jus now

suhaila says:
whatever ahhh

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
eh hahahaha biar aja lah

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
we won something

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
who cares about manners

suhaila says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
like as if they got manners like that

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:


Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more

Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven
Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way
I've bin waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Ya - I'll be standin' there by you

&Bryan Adams - Heaven


3) Ok I've got another confession to make. I think I might want to sleep after this, lol.


Y2:58 AM

Dang pooped/exhausted/worn out/shacked/very tired.

But on a brighter note, I've done quite a lot today. Hmm, yes if it's a normal not-mugging-for-major-exams day, I'm doing well. But since it's mugging-for-major-exams day, I'm behind time. In fact, I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyy behind time. Sheesh, I thought 3-7pm*11pm-3am was more than enough of revision but I din really complete much. Ok maybe quite so but, still not there yet. Shit manz.

Right reality check sheikha:

Amath- 16 more chapters (holy cow)
Emath- Revision on sec4 chaps. Sec3 chaps done but a brief revision needed.
Bio- 7 more chaps to go. First 3 done.
Geog- THE WHOLE SHITE MORE TO GO. Tourism done. Just, others.
Chem- 4 more chaps.
Physics- THE WHOLE SHITE. First 4 chaps done.

[11 more days]

Bugger, 11 more days damnit. As you can see, I've decided to cancel off the red ones first. Yeah just look how scary it was when it wasn't cancelled, !!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Uhuhm, and as you can see also.. I'm forever left with 16 chapters of amath I think I'm gonna die soon really. Bio's still the same also, dead lah sia. For the next few days, I'll be concentrating on amath, bio & physics. And I must finish up with the 4 chapters of chem. Uhuh, and I shud get the various subject files&textbooks that are currently comfortably(geez) sitting in the four-walled thing called locker.

I'm still contemplating whether or not to go part C's p.o.p tomorrow. If I were to tag along, one whole afternoon will be wasted. I can do so much during just that one afternoon, omg what's happening to me.

I've got more visible eyebags, not good !#$%5$^7*


What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.

What is the thinnest book in the world?
What men know about women.

And here comes the best part,

What do men and beer bottles have in common?
They're both empty from the neck up.

Hahahaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahha!! No offence to males, they're from afee's so blame her. Hhahahaha, but no don't blame her blame net buzz!! Gee, that's good stuff. But not really very true, men are not empty from the neck up, they're just you know.. You know. YOU KNOW.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Y3:59 PM

8 Things you fail at

1) To relax,
2) ease my mind,
3) getting over a an idiot mr gorgeous,
4) turning up early,
5) attending tuition classes twice every week,
6) when I try to survive a week without green tea,
7) or cup noodles,
8) and lastly amath :(

SEVEN songs you listen to today

1) daniel powter -bad day
2) new radicals -someday we'll know
3) katherine mcphee -somewhere over the rainbow
4) whitney houstan&mariah carey -miracles
5) nufan -for fiona
6) oasis -stop crying your heart out
7) michael buble -home

6 things you desire or need

1) I desire for some peace perhaps I need to meditate or something,
2) good passes & a few As for midyears,
3) 11 points for Olevels,
4) Os to be over soon so that I can sit by the beach&dream,
5) not getting taken advantage of,
6) & lastly a hero/samurai/prince/shinobi ninja to help me thru, stuff.

5 Annoyances

1) getting 3 pimples at one shot,
2) people with annoying kNOw emoticons on msn,
3) to be told off directly or indirectly,
4) when parentals "remind" me to study while I'm having a break,
5) & the sudden sadness/rage/etc due to a certain reason. not, menstrual.

Four things you will never do

1) Join anugerah skrin/superband/superthat/superthis,
2) sex before marriage/smoke/drink alchohol/eat bugs
3) Other than that,
4) I'm capable of anything else. I think.

Three people to tag
1) I'll cut you some slack.
2) Ok maybe not, hanis.
3) Iyliee & een.

2 people u saw today
1) Ma &
2) 2nd brother.


Now that's done. I'm not sure whether or not to be relieved already but, I've completed sec4 SS revision :) Sec3 SS revision shud take lesser time since I had already made notes last time. Yeah, they're in the green file. In school. Below the hall. Near the canteen. In the locker.

Right reality check sheikha:

Amath- 16 more chapters (holy cow)
Emath- Revision on sec4 chaps. Sec3 chaps done but a brief revision needed.
Bio- 7 more chaps to go. First 3 done.
Chem- 4 more chaps.

[12 more days]

I might revise geog's tourism chapter later on from the book miss farhanah ordered for us. Yea, shud be fast I guess. The notes.. They're in the locker too, together with the original text book. Gee. Might start on physics later. Then do a little of emath. Perhaps, I'm not sure. Maybe I shud just cover a lot for physics then proceed on to say.. bio? emath...? Last minute mugging used to work but now, it's failing me badly.

Did not manage to stay up late to do some revision. Was just not in the mood to do so due to certain reasons. Syz, thanks a gazillion right? & 3As miss you dear.

Yet again, I'm exhausted. I'm considering whether or not I shud switch off my phone for the next few days. Weeks, if I can pull thru without it. Which is possible since nothing is impossible. I've deleted many text messages yesterday. Been weeks since I deleted text messages. Now it's down to 200. I hope it'll stay that way. I just realised, most messages are sweet. From abee, afee & syaz. Abee, remember? Those messages you sent me to be strong about my sister-in-law? The baby? Remember? & the ones you replied when I go *faintsfaintsfaints*? & the ones which you told me to cheer up, take care and get well soon? I still keep them. There are others actually. (: Afee, your messages about the jerk, remember? You're so strong, I'd like to be like to someday. And I still have the bear messages, hehehe. Syaziewazie, you've helped me a lot. Remember the time I got sore eyes? Hehehe, you told me to get well soon & that you missed me, I still keep that (: And I keep those which you said I managed to make you feel better, too.

Yes, I still keep the ones from hanis too. The ones which she told me to be strong and that I can pull thru that difficult shite about a bestfriend disappointing me. Yes that used to be bestfriend. Sad really how I appreciate and care for someone so deeply that I'd accompany her in the rented bus at night for hours while the others are enjoying themselves at the hard rock cafe jakarta. & at the end of the day, tell me who's the loser? Pretty obvious huh.

So much, just so much happened. That experience with that used to be bestfriend, it left quite a scar. Yeah. & soon, there'll not be just one. But two. I don't know, it's tiring to be taken advantage of. Yes afee and syaz, perhaps I'm a little too nice.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Y10:29 PM

I thought I deserved a break. But my hands&feet grew cold just as I started using the internet.

It's freaking me out seriously. I thought I seriously deserved a break but what the shitz my heart began to beat like some idiot :( This is not good. I'm panicking really. & I've never panicked like this. To such taik extend. It's bloody overwhelming I'm so close to dying. Ok correction, I died and lived again. Like jean grey - phoenix.


I'VE WATCHED XMEN3 NYAHAHAHA!!!! Eh, if you say I'm like outdated, go and die lah ok cos the huge room was fully occupied just now ok!!!!! Thank god my brother booked the tix. Now ain you cannot action already, I watched xmen3 already (((: AND NOW IT'S MY TURN TO LAUGH AT YOU COS I'VE WATCHED DA VINCI CODE LONG LONG TIME AGO ALREADY. AND READ THE BOOK. YOU JUST NAK BACA. ENTAH KAT MANA TAH SEKARANG EH. MY BOOK SOMEMORE! Teehee!!! & it's okay ain, I forgive you for being mean to me all this while.

Wolverine was waaaaaaaaaa-GAGAGAGAGAGA SO HOTZ! Jean grey's long hair damn nice la. She looked so gorgeous but at the same time when the tanduk satan dah naik, her face became so ugly!!! Lol. Cyclops, disappointing. He acted only for 5 minutes. But it's ok cos I'm not quite a fan of cyclops NYAHA! Hahaha, I laughed like shitzoid in the cinema with my brother. Our laughters were the louder ones. Hohoho, juggernaut(?) was such a badak trying to pick on shadowcat hahahahaha. & omg I cant believe Xavier died like that. It was so, JENGJENG I was shocked. Hmm what else, hahahahahahahah NOW NOW I SHALL NOT GO ON COS THERE ARE OTHERS WHO HAVENT WATCHED XMEN3! (hint hint! afee!)

Oh yes, many people who have watched said not to leave after the long list of thanks. Hahahaha, for the first time ever my brother&cousin&I sat there staring at those gazillion names. Hahaha, we were worried if after we've waited so long, the whole not to leave thing wasnt true. But well, it was true lah. But it lasted for about say... 15 seconds??????? OMG.

I cudnt sleep yesterday even tho I was dead beat. It's scary really. It's as if there's a voice telling me that I'm gonna flunk midyears if I do not do serious revision now. And serious revision means burning the midnight oil. El's almost done with amath and I'm only done with just the first bloody three chapters. What is wrong with me omg.

Right reality check sheikha:

Amath- 16 more chapters (holy cow)
Emath- Revision on sec4 chaps. Sec3 chaps done but a brief revision needed.
Bio- 7 more chaps to go. First 3 done.
Chem- 4 more chaps.

& I still have hmt homework to complete. I need a hero to help me survive this shit.

I think I shall stop doing amath for a while and instead cover SS topics. Complete SS soon so that the font colour above will no longer be red!!!!!!!!!!! Geog also!!!!!!!!!! PHY ALSO!!!!!!! Ok before my hands permanently continue to shiver, I better get back to mugging.


Y1:44 AM

Ok, prolly it'll be great news to you.



& geez, I've only done a chapter of biology. How pathetic is that seriously. I am tired tho, but I think all these anxiety prickling here prickling there are making me want to reconsider whether or not to complete 2 more chapters of bio. Omg I'm like seriously dead to the max lah. I feel like texting azmi telling how scared and nervous I feel right now but it'll only disturb him at this hour. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to dieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! What IF it's like Olevels???? Omg, I am SO NOT GNA SLACK WHEN IT COMES TO Os LAH SERIOUS MAYBE THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL (A LAST MIN TAIK ONE AT THAT) ISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

): I am so afraid.

Like hanis said, perhaps I've been concentrating too much on a specific subject. Chemistry maybe. Aiyo I think mdm ho cursed me or something till I have to keep studyin chem like some gila chem mob everyday. Wargh, I might need to cancel the plans I've made for the next few days ): Fee, if I can fit esplanade in my schedule, it's on. But if I can't, oh shitz I'm truly sorry k? Isa, that includes you too. You'll be taking out your stitches right later today so do take care ok. I'll try to fit chemwithisa in on saturday tho, but no promises made. Will text you not to worry.

Let's just say tomorrow's movie outing with brother(&prolly cousin) will be the last thing I'm gna enjoy doing. Bahhhhh, nothing else but mugmugmugmugmugmugmug after that. I'm seriously in deep shit. I wonder how the others are doing. Better I guess. Shit, I just remembered. 20th&21st will be partB's chalet cum orienteering. Wow thats some news. 2 days out. So I'm left with 11days. I am sooooooooo dead I tell you. Too much procrastinating, I shall cover 2 more chapters of bio now.

Omg, and I cant believe I used up precious time creating a new skin just now omg.


Monday, June 12, 2006
Y9:13 PM

Gee let's see, have I started revision on Bio?

Hmm, no.


I'll prolly stay up late tonight to do as much revision as I can. Afee's entry worries me a lot. She seems to be studying A LOT. Die die die die die dieeeeee!!! Ok dah I shall be off now. I need someone to accompany me while I burn the midnight oil, azmi? (:


Y4:05 PM

Hola amico.

Been an OK day. I woke up prettyVERY early today. Rise and shine at 530am, got ready and waited for Suhaila at the usual meeting place -The Bus Stop. GEE. THEN I THOUGHT I WAS LATE. THEN I TEXTED HER. THEN SHE DIDNT REPLY. SO I CALLED HER. THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN, i found out she just woke up




WARGH. Then she came running in her jeans. Ok newsflash, I WOKE UP AT 530AM TO IRON MY SCH SKIRT AND SHE CAME IN JEANS AND A PAIR OF HUGE SLIPPERS(her brother's), !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Abee was late. Gee, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD LA???? Lol, oh well.

See the partC girls off after that. Omg, WHAT WAS I THINKIN WHEN I AGREED TO SEE THEM OFF AT 7AM?! Hahahaha, it's Just spec course.... Like going belayar go london or somewhere like that! Ish! Collected textbooks from locker, yayyyyy that means more revison



Went home after that -_- SUSU WAS SUCH A LAZY BUMBUM SHE BALIK TO HER UNTY'S HOUSE TO SLEEP OMG WHAT A LAZY PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haahahahaaha, bought mickeyD's pancakes home. Went home, ate & slept HAHAHAH TOO BAD I GOT PIGGY FRIENDS WHAT CAN I SAY. Hhahahahahah, aiyoh. Still havent topped up my ezlink card, so annoying manz.

Had a merepek dream just now, HAHAHA. I dreamt I followed su&fl to meet khai's mum&baby sis. Hhahahahahahahahahahhahaa, apparently fl said "Eh, let's take the aeroplane!" LOL. I wasnt laughing or whatsoever in my dream, I replied "Eh, expensive right!" HAHAH. Then fl said "Nolah, free ah for us" Hhahaha BY THE WAY WE WERE AT SCHOOL. So fl brought me to BEDOK VIEW YES BEDOK VIEW'S school hall, HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Then bloody hell got kapal terbang there. As in, aeroplane!!! OMG HAHAHAHA. Then there was a huge fuss on the tix. Hhahaha, we thought we were all separated cos we bought tickets at different timings lol then when we were in the plane, I found out fl and susu were sitting at the same vertical row. It's like I got 47A, they got 47B & 47C. Yes 47's the number, LOL IT WAS SO FUNNY I LAUGHED LIKE A PIG, A LAZY JUST WOKE UP PIG(at that) WHEN I WOKE UP



Sigh, that was pretty tiring. Anw, when I told azmi he asked SO FUNNILY (-_-) why never take rocket?? Bacin tau that boy.

Woke up and kempunan-ed to eat mom's fried noodle, SUPER SPICY FRIED NOODLE. Hahahaha she was so kind she cooked it for meeeeeeeeeee, hahaha. Yala, when it comes to mee goreng she's kind la. When I want to watch movie, wooooy so kind!

Prolly will be watching xmen:the last stand with brother tomorrow. OK SHUT UP KETINGGALAN ZAMAN, BUT AT LEAST I WATCH OK. ISH, I KNOW ION'S LAUGHING LIKE A KERBAU NOW. Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol. Wolverine is hot stuff manz.

Oh yes btw,

You Are Jean Grey
Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!
Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals


And my mind is my greatest power, MUA-HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*does the jean grey (like above) pose*

Wow so much drama in the house! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I feel so retarded today. Oh boy. Startin on bio revision later. Hmm. I'm worried. I've only done chemistry. WARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Die die die die die die die
1 dice is 1 die. 2 dice 3 dice is dice. No dices, dices dices. Or douse. HAHAHAH miss tan yoooooouuuuuu funny wom-aannnn! Hahahha, there's a tone to that btw. Which you all might not know ah, duh. Lol.

Esplanade with Afee on weds. Hope it's on (: The others like so tak enthu to go to esplanade lah they all. So kental seh. SUDAHLAH
HAPPY 16TH YINING, YOU SEXY HOT STRAIGHT HAIR MAMA! :D I'm sorry I din get you any strawberry chocolates ): I didnt expect you to be in school THAT EARLY. Anw, have a great 16th birthday alright(: LOVE YOU SAYANG, hehehehehe!!



Sunday, June 11, 2006
Y10:08 PM

Great day with beebeebeebeebee earlier today (:

I missed her trafillions. But thank god, WE MET UP TO STUDY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEE. It was raining like shitzoid. I ran from home to bus stop in my tudung in the super heavy rain OMG. Zillion apologies, I was late ):

As usual. -_-

I'm done with Air portion of chemistry, nyanyanyanya! But not water lah -_- WATER LATER SUDAHLAH. ISH, NAK MATI PE. Hhahahahahahaahahhahahahahaahaa

We talked a lot after that. I really miss talking to her about stuff. & like, going all gila and drunk with her. Bliss. We were pigs just now. Bought cupcorn (SHARE LA OF COS), then bought the instant spaghetti from 7eleven & waffles(WHICH, WE DIN FINISH LA). Talked, laughed and just basically, we did some catching up. Talked about how loserfied we are when it comes to love life on the way home. Lol, but lol it's so true lah bee.

): Let's just go to prom night together, please 3As*? )):

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:

*% au plus profond de son etre %* says:
so mean sey

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:


Will be up pretty early tomorrow to meet tata/susu/beebee HAHAHAHA. Ok, tsk -_- Will be watching the part C girls off for their spec course. Wish them luck. Lol, I thought susu wanted to go over all the way to khatib to send them siaaaaaaaaaa HHAHA THEN CAN MEET AZMI.

I miss azmi :( He's been such a busy kentalman I miss him annoying me already ): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Dahlah, sudahlah.

P.S- Something tells me you're just, not the one ):



Saturday, June 10, 2006
Y5:49 PM

Hooked on the 7minutes-make-me-sad korean video again ):


Sudahlah sheikha, yang sudah tu sudah HUAHAUAHUAHUEAHUEAHEA.

Oh wells, theres no such guy that exists anymore la. Extinct already, hahaha like dodobird. Wth, lol. WELL ON A BRIGHTER NOTE, I'M A LITTLE BIT MORE DONE WITH METALS PART OF CHEMISTRY. Hahhahahahaa, I dont know how that random shite links to a dodobird really. Got up at 9am to attend tuition class earlier today. Gee, I'm beginning to luv the new schedule. The waking up very early to study and have mini breaks at the later part of the day. Lol, but my mini break was about.... FOUR HOURS MUAHAHAHAHA. Got back, watched xmenONE LA ONE NOT THREE ONE on dvd. Just to REFRESH MY MIND SO THAT I WONT BE LIKE AIN WHO DOES NOT KNOW/FORGET ABOUT XMEN1&2. OMG. HOW CUD SHE. Slept after that lol, shut up mcm bab but it's good for health laaaaaaaaaaa lol.

Mumsie, da & brother went to john little sale @ expo. I knew for sure the stuffs are crap la, it's always like that. So I didnt tag along, but instead I continued sleeping. About 5 minutes? Lol, and then tadaaa I'm online. OOOO AFEE GOT A BEAR.


Ok sheikha, enuf for today. Lol

I had fruits with plain yoghurt for today so yummy fummy!!!! ((: Happier kid. But I still want to have it with my 3As. I miss them like SUPER HELL LA. ): Asked abee if she cud study just now but shes busy la today. Su cant also, boo. Afee & syaz sure cannot punya, lol. Syz, considering her forever malas nak mandi mood HAHAHA & afee... HER POOH BEAR. HAHAHA, BZ HAVING SEX WITH POOH BEAR, LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


I miss so many people lar. WARGH. & yes, leen why your blog dont have tagboard?!?!? BACIN LA LU. AIYERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Studyin with syed isa aljuffry next saturday. Hope it's on. Get well soon mister!!!! :D


Wargh, I feel like going to esplanade, sit there & chat. Chat as in TALK CHAT, NOT MSN CHAT LA. With someone. Anyone. ANYONE?



Friday, June 09, 2006
Y3:38 PM

It's been quite a boring day -_-

Hello readers! (: Lol

Ahhhh... aisyah (AIN'S SISTER) bumped into someone who looked like me. LOL, WHYS EVERYONE MEETING EVERYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE ME OMG. But that aside, aisyah remembered ME while on vacation, not YOU, muahhahehehhahaheheohohaha. Lol lol lol, and babe.. your sister told me that you went "kak Ain, kak Ain! Tadi aisyah nampak sheikha ada date!" during e afternoon of sunday market, LOL LOL THATS SO CUTE!!!!! WAHAHAHA.

Okiedokie, I'm done with periodic table. Another chapter of CHEMISTRY down, yay! Metals and prolly one more chapter later on. Syz called me at 8am just now omg. Sorry girls I cudnt make it, mum's a little cranky eh.

I was pissed cos she didnt allow actually cos I HAVE been studying grrrr. I cudnt sleep after that cos SOMEBODY OO OO I WONDER WHO kept bugging me to send him nasi goreng to safti, LOL. So I told that SOMEBODY OO OO I WONDER WHO that I'll do that only if he's nice to me. But let's face it, 97% of the time he's mean & annoying. Duh, it's obvious whether or not I will ever send him nasi goreng. Or even, cook for him maggi. Lol lol. Then he said he thought I was kind omg. He underestimates me too much ): HE THINKS IM BERKIRA ALSO OMG I FELT LIKE WANT TO SEND HIM A BITE-TEXTMSG. I am not berkira and you will NOT pay for my food/movie tix. I do not want you to waste extra money when you can use them for other stuff. See, I AM NOT BERKIRA YOOOUUUUUU SOMEBODY OO OO I WONDER WHO.

I've seized to realise how much I miss not only abee, but afee & syaz. ): It's during e holidays when you actually deeply appreciate school )):!!!!!!! & afee, you dapat bear??????? ABEE, AFEE DAPAT BEAR?!?!?! WARGHHHH TSK TSK THEN NEVER TELL ME.


There's so much I wanna do.
1) WATCH XMEN (lol dont laugh ah ainnnn sepak your mukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
2) Cook pasta & savour the yummy taste with my 3As.
3) Have fresh fruits with yoghurt OMG SO FUMMY YUMMY.
4) Have a date with hanis, boo
5) Esplanade, with anyone.
6) Have pancakes with ice cream @gelare with azmi.
7) I want my 3rd brother home, I miss him annoying e shit out of me :( :( booo

What's spiderman's favourite hobby in the 21st century??

Ok laa lame la shut up laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Thursday, June 08, 2006
Y3:20 PM



Wargh, I've got nothing much to do at home. Except to study duh. But let's save that for later. I miss abee. Wargh, been days ever since I last spoke to her. Talked to syz about it the other day and as expected, she was confused and found the whole situation weird. Felt guilty for not telling azmi about it and eventually I did. Thank god he understood cos apparently he's like that too sometimes I guess. Thanks (: I dont know how to tell the other two As tho. But I asked syz to spill e beans to them. Afee knows abt it but abee, I'm not sure yet. I miss telling B everything. Wargh. But whatever it is, I know it's weird and hard to believe guys but, I really do hope you understand my situation. I really am okay. I really am. Just do not thk I'm angry with any of you ok?? (:

Been zillion years eversince I went out with hanis. She is STILL one of my luvs ok. Bugger, I still havent gotten her anything. MILLIONBILLONTRILLION APOLOGIES NIS. :D

Went to P.P after school yesterday to change my dorothy perkins pair of pants cos I suddenly realise that it's two sizes too big. Lol. Sister got herself a pair of jeans lol, for the first time EVER someone thought she was my mother HAHHAA.

"You try this on first, if it's alright you can tell your mummy"


Bumped into mr chong, mr yong & missleow there hahahaha so funny. Mr chongie & yongie were surprised to see me in tudung. Yongie was staring at me as if I got an orange on my nose. Then I greeted them with a hello and LOL YOU SHUD HAVE SEEN YONGIE'S FACE. V cute lah. Had lunch at delifrance. Picked up brother from home to send him to changi ferry terminal. Lol, my brother looked like a Japanese soldier in uni. AHAHAHAHA, MUAHAHAHA SO FUNNY!!! Botak hair and thick eyebrows omg, he looked so funny in no.4!! He wants to be an officer, waaahhhhhh... Hahahaha GOODLUCK LA AH. Lol

Havent been going for tuition classes for zillion years, like oh shit. Nurain had watched XMen, AND THATS LIKE SERIOUSLY UNFAIR LA. ): How like that. Warghhh.

Sg idol was muahahahahahhaha yesterday. I thought amongst them, rahimah rahim(lol) & gale were okay. The others, aiyoyo. This year's sgidol ... AIYAH SO WEAK MANZ.

Hoobastank's If I Were You is quite (: to listen to.

I miss suhayl especially bcos he's my after midnight chat partner. NOW HE'S IN TEKONG ALONG WITH MY BROTHER, MUAHAHAHA BOTAK HEADS. Lol that was a little random.

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
It's true you know. There are zillion stuff that most of you do not know about me. Wargh I'm so mysterious jengjeng!

I wonder what the others are doing.



Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Y2:35 PM

If I knew it would be the last time
that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute or two
to stop and say I love you,
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything right.

There will always be another day
to say our I love you's,
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do's?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get
to hold your loved one tight..

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear,

Take time to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me,"
"thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.


How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.

Your Love Element Is Metal
In love, you inspire and respect your partner.For you, love is all about fusing together for one incredible life experience.
You attract others with wit and a bit of flash.Your flirting style is defined by making others want and value you.
Greatness and optimism are the cornerstones of your love life.You may let go too easily, but you never get weighed down by your past.
You connect best with: Earth
Avoid: Fire
You and another Metal element: will control and smother each other

Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."
You have medium conscientiousness.You're generally good at balancing work and play.When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have high agreeableness.You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.
You have medium neuroticism.You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is medium.You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

You Are a Peacemaker Soul
You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.
While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.On the flip side, you've got a great sense of humor and wit.You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.
Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

Your Birth Month is May
Unique and creative, you seek your own path in life.You love change and are able to adapt to any situation.
Your soul reflects: Sweetness, joy, and a complete life.
Your gemstone: Emerald
Your flower: Lily of the Valley
Your colors: Yellow, red, and green

Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

Your Observation Skills Get A D+

You know that you remembered to put on underwear today...
But really, that's about it!

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Y10:55 PM

Hello readers!!! (:

So tired like hell you cannot imagine how exhaused I am. I mean like, seriously lah. Tried to sleep just now but once again, insomnia refused to give in to me ): So sad.

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
i tried to sleep bt cudnt

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] says:
so bingit you know

[Assjedi™]-PtD-[EightDaysAWeek]-kiss me beneath the milky twilight says:
later then sleep la

[Assjedi™]-PtD-[EightDaysAWeek]-kiss me beneath the milky twilight says:
dah jumpe i confirm boleh tido

[Assjedi™]-PtD-[EightDaysAWeek]-kiss me beneath the milky twilight says:


Ncc camp was okay. Things went well I guess. Tiring but it turned out better than I expected considering the morning before that was equivalent to a pile of shit. Too tired to blog about the camp. You can refer to the usm's blog for details, muahahaha. But overall, was okay. But just a note to suhaila, do cheer up k he's not worth a friend. (: I love you, tahirah loves you and most importantly...235am loves you (: HEHEHEHE.

Insomnia thank you for not attacking me yesterday night. Managed to doze off at about midnight. Woke up at 9am. Wah, so syiok 9 hours. Been so long manz. Was supposed to meet fee&B at 1230pm but haha, I was late again. So I told them to go ahead without me. Walked slowly and enjoyed my afternoon walk, HAHAHA KELAKAR PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR AFT WALK LOL, lol. Reached school and the first person I said eh hello & smile at was none other than... jengjeng! ASSjedi. Lol. He brought along the wooden sword but refused to show it to me cos he was such a pemalas(lazybum). Aiyoh. He brought along his precious camera too. I remember last time we planned to take lots of pix till his memory card's full but we din do that. ACTUALLY, there is a lot of things that we had failed to do, aiyoh so weak manz. He said he has psychic powers & that he's able to tell me my deepest darkest secret if he looks into my eyes. Muahaha, he failed to do that. Hahahaha which means HE HAS NO PSYCHIC POWERS! NO, NOPE, PU YAO, NEHI, TIDAK, LAK. Hhahahahahahhahahahaha PI LAAAA. & yes above all things I havent done, I, Sheikha Bte Haroon, had failed to sepak his face ):

That kental boy was so annoying just nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww omggggggggggg I was so tempted to gigit him man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg omg omg, ish! He disappeared suddenly and I kept searching for him like a worried mom finding her GILA TAK BETUL SON. Lol lol lol.

Anw, I used up only 4 bucks for sunday market. Lousy sunday market sia this time. Lol, worse than pasar jual ikan hahahahahahahahha. I belanja-ed that boy who irritated me a drink with my tickets. See lah, I belanja you already you still say I berkira, AIYOH WEAK SEH. Bought marshmallow coated with chocolate WHICH I only ate one out of three cos the chocolate tasted SO MUCH like the chocolate my 3As & I used to spread on hakim's bday cake, HAHAHAHA. AIYOH SO THICK IT MADE MY TEETH PERMANENTLY BROWN MAN. Yeah, but I still sempat to take a picture with susu HHAHAHAA WITH MOUTH CLOSED THANK YOU. Hahahahahaha. Passed the rest of the marshmallow choco to hanis since she loves chocs so much kan. Lol, DAH YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT. HAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA, GILA AH. Lol, dont be sad lol THATS NOT YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT LA SIAO AH 1 BUCK 3 MARSHMALLOWS ONE OF THEM I MAKAN ALREADY HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ayeee...

The last buck was spent on another cup of drink for myself cos I lost my bottle of green tea ): I keep losing my bottles of green tea GOD IS TRYNA TELL ME SOMETHING OMG NO NO. Hhahaha. Din check out the haunted house cos B, Fee, Azmi & I were malas already to wait. And oh yes my 3As, hahahaha just so you know, Azmi knows * (hint:setan, ASTAGHFIRULLAH!) Muahahahhaha, omg la.... I wanted to pee when I found out about that. Hahahahah.

Sunday market was such a letdown. But I did manage to shout like a goon when I met up with my dear friends. Screamed so loud when iyliee poked me from behind, screamed so loud when I saw lin running towards me, screamed so loud when I ran towards een. Hellos, how are you & exchanging of handshakes with juzan & qib. Those boys, I miss them. Met a lot of other people but din really shout la -_- LOL. Mr shah's son is soooooooooooooooooooo cute, hahaha. Cries like haziq, lolllllllllll lol lol lollolol.

Anw, tahirah.. dont be sad. He's like every other guy. Woo you then goodbye sucka I've gotten myself a new girlfriend. So dont be down, he's a jerk. And you know girls' number one rule, NEVER FEEL LIKE A SUCKER WHEN IT COMES TO A JERK :D Love you beb!

Afee, B and I screamed like 3 bahluls when we heard on e outside by joeycape and tonysly playing from someone's mp3. Perhaps izzat. Oh no, it has started. Such people have discovered good songs, OH NO WE MUST BE WORRIED.

Had lunch with tahirah, b, fee & faezah after sunday market at ljs. Headed home after that and now I am so tired. Ok done.


1) Shit, I've not done my bio homework. Ok lemme guess, my workbook's in the locker.

2) Azmi, I am so tired and this is so susah manz. Lol



Thursday, June 01, 2006
Y10:40 PM

Morning's been shit, no intentions to talk about it.

Tossed around e bed till 4am afterwhich I dozed off. Did morning prayers & got ready for school. The night wasnt great, the start of school wasnt that great either. Sorry su & may for leaving you guys like that, I needed some time alone. Thanks so much.

I've finally passed da vinci code to ain. I hope she enjoys reading it. Eng essay writing was another shit that made the accumulated shits even more shitified. I really wasnt in e right mood for section 1 of essay writing. I'm gna flunk this whatever test, ugh.

Bio after that was better than expected, really. Mdm rao was kind enuf to spare us an hour to have our break which we had missed due to the CCA thing. Lesson was okay even tho my body & mind werent at the same place at the same time. Sad, but I think I did catch what she taught us. I was lost at certain points of time & much luv and hearts to weizhen and nurain for helping me grasp the topic. Mdm rao, as per normal sensed something wasnt okay with me. I tried hard to not make it obvious tho but yeah, I dont know how but shes able to see through my mind. Or so, I think. She walked down towards me while she assigned the everyone to complete a question & she actually gave me pringles. I think thats cute & sweet of her. We had 5 minute breaks in between and during one of them, we bought ourselves drinks. Susu answered a simple question with the stupidest answer. But we shud give her the credits for trying huh.

Bought the last minute items for ncc camp tomorrow. Aiyayai. I think I really shud force myself to sleep early tonight. I do not want to be so pooped during one of the camp nights till I cannot wake up the next morning. Uhuhm. I was cheered up after I played in the rain with su. It was raining damn heavily and there werent shades that cud bring us to the traffic light so it was super far la. We told ourselves under the block in front of bedok library that once the green light turns yellow we start running. The next second I said I wanted to pee. & the next the lights turned yellow omg!!!!!!!! It was so fast cos we just screamed like two retarded girls running down the huge slippery area, down the zillion steps & crossing the road. Dangerous but I did not really care bcos at that point of time all those shits I've bottled myself with were miraculously on the brb mode. Heavenly. We laughed so hard while running oh dear, Su's such a sweetheart.

Bought trackpants & sushis after that. My favourites were out of stock tho but whatever I needed sushis badly. 69ed home with the mp3 player on at full blast. Effing so much love.

Camp tomorrow, sorry girls.. I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm not looking forward to anything actually. Just perplexed over everything. Events and whatever shits. Hopefully the camp turns out great and sifah has yet to give me a ring. Wargh. Sunday market? I might just give it a miss. I'll consider. MC or whatever la.

Went shopping at parkway parade(pp) with dearest sister in the afternoon just now. Together with Baby K of course. Baby K looks really pretty in her Guess dress today. Laughed so much she cheered me up. Tried on various pairs of pants but did not want to take adv of her ability to swipe the card. From esprit to topshop to dorothy perkins. They're all next to each other wargh, fashion haven. Ended up buying a pair of black pants from dorothy perkins, really pretty. My sister bought another different pretty pair too. Vintage yet cute. Found a gorgeous top at topshop but.. Hmm, I dont know why I did not ask my sister to get it for me. Another time then. Laughed so loud again at marks & spensers looking at the huge jeans now on sale, funny. We were two crazy sisters laughing at everything. Headed to mango but nyeh, theres no sale therefore we then decided to not even LOOK at the clothes. Caught a glimpse of pretty bags from afar, tsk. Nearly wanted to get a really gorgeous one but nyeh, it's not worth it when you shop at mango when theres no sale!!

Wanted to have a quick bite at delifrance but brother-in-law was already waiting at the taxi stand to fetch us home. Got ourselves new zealand ice cream 3 scoops for 5bucks dude thats luv. Sister loved the sound of chunkie munkie, HOKIE POKIE so she ordered them both. I wanted my all time favourite - chocolate ecstasy which my sister thought was chocolate acessory. Ish.

Did some packing for tomorrow's camp. Aye, shud I bring my nokia? Contemplating.



Y12:01 AM

Commiserated in anger & frustration, I sense the inescapable rush of a geyserlike rage which soon wud drench all possible positive thinkable excuses. The disappointment, still afresh in my memory's eye. Perhaps like a post traumatic flashback, I ponder about e inconsequential role I've played. My treasured one, the presumption of you being there for me is starting to fade away. & soon it'd vanish, completely. Sighe.

I'm not really in e mood for anything. Perhaps I need one of those evening msn convos with dearest Abee. Caught a bit of sg idol & well, I'm rooting for paul twohill & jonathan. Paul twohill for his unique personality and jonathan for his wow voice. And, he does not sound like exsg2ndrunnerupidol sylvester(?) sim!!! Those judges, anyhow only.

Wanton noodles after school with abee and afee. Syz cudnt join us cos she was involved in the i&e dunkin machine for sunday market *copycatchasetheratsyazieeatsmymama'srats* lol, I dont know but I just uttered those..... set of words early in e morning like a rap, lol lol it was really funny esp when syz got irritated by the tone, muahahaha. Much luv (:

Lunch, best accompanied by great people and great daily dosage of a combination of laughters and serious matters. Green tea made it even more splendid lah, duh.

I hope I dont fall asleep while typing. You see, the comfy goldilocks bed, just right! Hahahaha. Oh well. Double oh shits for me cos I've yet done my 2nd round of memorising of bio genetics terms for tomms' definitions test. I stared at the blank papers just now writing poems. Started out with a hell of crazy usage of liquid paper and the viscious write;cancel;rewrite cycle. Oh well, did produce few good pieces, I think. But will not post them here cos they're written due to certain reasons and for certain people. Two people actually.

School tomorrow I think I will die. Eng essay writing tomorrow afterwhich there'll be bio 3hrs intensive revision. As much as I love mdm rao, I think I'll prolly surrender 30 minutes after the lesson has started. Hmm.

Ok damn tired, thanks insomnia for cutting me some slack.




4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.