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ah, la peaceful melodies Y

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Y5:06 PM

actually i had and still am having doubts whether or not to blog today. lol, it's 20 minutes past 12am. got back from KL at about 9pm just now.

i am very exhausted.

and i mean that. i am superdupertrooper tiredshacked everything. first of all, the short holiday was a very sudden one. ok perhaps, for me. only. cos i didnt know about it but only when i came home from grad night @ school. hmm, let me say the sec4&5s' grad night was .... alright.

but 2006 grad night would be much better, it will.


anyway, that aside.. i had lots of fun preparing for the big night. uhuh, the day before friday, which was thursday (duh), we were all very busy and oh no tired! i wanted to get the beloved nurain syakirah a pressie initially but i got a phone call from aniq asking me to be present on thursday. SO, i had to cancel any other plans and ended up having nothing to give een on her birthday.

i felt hopeless. in fact, i feel hopeless. i am trully sorry my dear. i really am. actually i was faking my way true and hoped that i could surprise you but oh no, God really hates me for lying huh. i really wanted to get you something for your birthday, i really wanted to. but i left home @ 7plus and reached home about 8plus on thursday. friday itself, oh gosh ...... friday.. left home about the same time as the previous morning, and came home at 12am wtf wtf wtf

it's not that my mother got so angry or whatever but geez, i just do not fancy returning home late. it's just ... not nice of young teenagers (girls esp) to do so. anw that aside, i had lots of fun lah.

set up tables and chairs on thursday. blew hundreds millions billions trillions zillions PFFTllions of balloons. i dont think i would want to have balloons on my next birthday celeb anymore. hahaha, anw yes. setting up dinner tables was surprisingly fun. abee and me talked a lot about.... stuff. turned on iyd acoustic and it played again and again. abee and i were so ...emo. we became too emo, man. stapled the whatever nots to the wooden piece of table and hahahah, we DID actually realise that we were talking about how sad we are with boys HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

oh abee..

hahah. anyway, suhaimi wasnt much of a help -_- we actually worked in threes. abee, me and sumi. but guess what!! oh no need to guess lah... suhaimi doesnt know how to staple the table cloth to the table. lol, i was better in doing that, so we ended up doing in twos. lol, sumi came back again and again to check up on us and offered us help but oh wee, we asked him to go away cos we were having that emo moment. HAHAHAHAH! :D

ok, so setting up balloons were fun.

lying down on the blue.... comfy ... gosh i dont know what they call that spongy thing beside the toilet lol, was fun-ner.

the day after which was on the friday, WOW. that was a hell lot of fun lah ya. the morning started out with me being all groggy and sleepy haha but it was alright after a few of us started on with the door gifts. lunched at do&me lol, filled up my stomach it did.

checked out cakes at prima deli after that, lol and i thot of getting a small one for SOMEONE. so i thought i had time to purchase it later cos it might melt or something. but guess what, no time. it's so wtf man. sorry again een ):

that aside, had pizza after lepaking at the blue comfy spongy ... thing. abee, me, nur ain, fang lin and ily. hahahaha, we laughed a lot we really did. ok, i did. hahaha!! we just blurted out any shite and lo and behold, everyone will just burst out laughing. i think we were too shacked lah. ok, i was. hahaha. took dumb random pictures using nur ain's digi cam & my cam phone. oh gosh, abee does not know how to take pictures lah. everytime she aims, she aims at RA places. lol, idiot sia that woman!! hahahaha, but it's alright i forgive her cos it wouldnt be for her that we cracked up. uhuh, we laughed a lot.

a lot, means, a lot. until i teared. yes, THAT MUCH! :p

so tup tap tup, we changed and got ready for the night. i wasnt comfortable in that black top uh, sucks really when youre used to wearing tudung lah ya. but yeah, the people were kind enough to make me feel better and to make me feel oh gosh sheikha be comfortable!!


im sorry guys for being such a troublesome head. (: cheese!

anyway, yes. abee and me were the only two receptionists. AFTER MUCH CONFUSION, ahhahaha. yeah, it was .. a very tough job. doesnt sound that tough huh, be one!! initially i thought TETT it wouldnt be so stressfull lahhhhh... then wah seh riau, my face became so cramped siakkkkk!! lol, different groups of people trying to get good tables. tick here, tick there, grab here, grab there, door gifts here, door gifts there.

confusion confusion confusion.

but it's alright. we managed to pull it through (: hehehe. anw, i made friends with saiful, the sec4 guy. uhuh, he's a nice chap lah. friendly also. i thought he's like one of those SECFOUR PEOPLE. hahahahahaha, that tone, explains it all doesnt it?? hahaha, NOLAHHH.... anw yes, cracked up jokes with him. and yeah, he's nice.

hmm. oh yes, made friends with a few sec5 people. one of which was teng da. GOSH, everytimeeeeeee people shout for him, i will turn and HUH YES?! holy smacks. teng da, sheik ka. lol, sounds so ... similar lahhhhhh. he is nice also, cracks up stupid merepek jokes.

together with jalil -_- WHO BECAME VERY SILLY AND HIGH at night. hahahah!! he, together with fir (and jidin!!) will be dancing like p ramlee and lol, playing around with the walkie talkie. and it's so funny!!! hahahah, they'll be saying merepek stuff through the talkie and everyone else will hear it. lol, one of them was...

"oi, there's osama in the hall. repeat, there's osama in the hall"

hahaha, what the hell. anws, after everyone settled down, things were alright. no more confusion and tensed atmosphere.

took pictures with abee. took pictures of the melted candles. uhuh, and i found out that my lovely heart shaped red little stones with three candles in the middle became a stupid round shape -_- what the hell, it took 5 minutes of my life to create that, MAN.

lol, but it's alright.

lepaked at the back of the hall with the others after that. abee, me, shima, lina, din, jalil, fir, saiful, irfan, teng da, fang lin and others whom i forgotten lol lol no hard feelings.

OH BETREM! or.. however you spell it, ahahah!!! i have a feeling the spelling isnt right. lol, oh we shall ask fl about that, shoudnt we? :D joking lahhhhhhh hahahaha no hard feelings fang fang (:

anws, we sang and danced. lol, i was very crazy that night. it felt like MY OWN GRAD NITE, hmmmmmm.

een looked marvellous on the stage, and she got a bday song from fauzy laili whom everyone go GA GA GA GA GA over. hahaha, not me no thanks. (abee yes abeee!!)

hahaha, uhh yeah. then .. popped up the thousands of balloons, which we took hours to inflate, in ten minutes or so?! lol, very fun. jump with the heels, imagine that. oh very hard to imagine..


anyway yeah, it was fantastico! i loved 2005 grad nite. just that ... 2006 will be better (: hehehe!! we must try having it in a hotel, hmmm :D


i am very tired, i shall continue about my trip to KL, complete with pictures tomms. happy sleeping all, goodnight!


Thursday, November 24, 2005
Y11:42 AM

i heard that me and abee will be the receptionists on friday


so hmm, dont blame me if i havent been attending whatever stuff that i'm supposed to attend, hahaha. it's really cold today, somehow or rather. but i love such weathers. they ease me :D


the whole thing was about .. me and syaz baking cookies uh. so if she cannot make it, then we'll have to do it some other time. but she exchanged offday with her manager..... TODAY! ): you could have told me earlier so that i can ask my mom and perhaps... go out.

but nevermind, some other time then

AYIEEN'S BIRTHDAY IS VERY NEAR!!!!! hahahahah but i'm sad to say .. ive got nothing for her now. ive got .. zero money. hmm, how? DIE. hahah, nak escape pun cannot! hahahahaha oops, hhahahah!! cos she'll be present on grad nite (this friday!!) and oh, what a coincidence! friday is her birthday!!! hahahahahahah, so dead ......



i had a weird dream yesterday. i got a new phone, samsung. veryyyyyy small... a new design. not out in the markets yet HAHAH DUH COS IT'S IN MY DREAM! lol, i kept thinking when did i sell my phone away! and how! hahahaha, i kept searching for answers in my dreams -_- so duh right ...

it was so stupiddumbbodo whatever. hahaha, i kept AH WHEN AH WHEN I SAYANG MY PHONE LAH!!! -_- very dumb.


hohoho, but yes ... i think it's time for a change, no? :D

anyway, leen didnt call me yesterday SHE PROMISED TO! ok perhaps she did.. hhahaha, cos there was a miscall when i was sleeping, hohoho. so that aside, talked to isa. oh no, i think i should stop shouting and screaming on the phone. it's just ... BAD. and not only that, it's so buruk!!! and ....... oh no...... there was a classic moment when i laughed like what he calls "machine gun" HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

her her her her her

hahahah! i just burst out with that machine gun laughter and suddenly there was a 5 seconds silence!!! hahahahahahaha, then we started laughing like bodo lol it was really classic cos .. the laughter was damn horrible. lol, and he was being such an idiot trying to imitate the laughter.

what an idiot, right!

aisey ......


i feel like having pepperoni&cheese pizza, hmm.


hahahahahahahah whats FADDU. lol, like.. whats KELBEH! ahhahaha

i want to go backpacking, after Os. LIKE MY MOTHER WILL ALLOW LAH AAHHH! pfft. ok maybe if she dosent, then i would just like to go to three places. rome, paris, spain. ok no, plus turkey! hhahahaha ive been DYING to visit those four places!!!! gr gr gr, these cash arent doing me good huh!

ive been having a penpal since.. uhh god knows when! he's a very cool irish lad. AND TO HAVE A PEN PAL IS EVEN COOLER LAHH!!!!! hahahahahaha, yep. we email each other very ofen. sometimes i tell him my dark dark secrets. he wont leak them to anyone, lol like he knows anyone to leak them to!

i need to wash my hair tomms.


been downloading many many songs AND IM HOOKED ON JOSH GROBAN'S WHEN YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME!!!!! again!!!! hahahahahah!! nees will kill me if she knows that, ahhahaha cos the last time i got hooked to that song, i drove her crazy! hahaha. actually i didnt just ... download it so suddenly lah. watched oprah winfrey show and oh gosh it was the make your wildest dreams come true or something like that. hahaha! and oprah made one of her friends/colleagues' dreams come true by having josh groban surprise her in her office! oh gosh i wish that would somehow, one day happen to me ):


and he looked so hot!!! hahahahaha

ok that aside, hahaha ...

OK THAT NOT ASIDE!! hahahahahah

Like the sound of silence calling,

I hear your voice and suddenly

I'm falling, lost in a dream.

Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,

You say those words and
my heart stops beating.

I wonder what it means.

What could it be that comes over me?

At times I can't move.

At times I can hardly breath.

When you say you love me,

The world goes still, so still and silent.

When you say you love me,

For a moment, there's no one else alive.

&josh groban - when you say you love me

let's just say i didnt sepak his face, after all.

anyway, i'm also stuck to life size mirror by nufan!!! argh i hate it when i get stuck with good songs. they make me go crazy cos i'll be listening to them over and over again and mother will be cursing and swearing for me to shut up.

lol ok actually no i made that up HAHAHAHHA!


ok i'm back. lol, i was away for awhile. azmee introduced me a new url which has lol a singaporean jedi comic!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LAUGHED TOO MUCH LAH.

aiyah, must go read liao! hahahaha

click, above. lol, must read alright it will entertain the hell out of you, gosh!!

ok, i'm done with today's entry. mother cooked kacang pool WOOOOO nice liao!


Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Y12:35 PM

It's too late to talk to you

And it's too soon to say good-bye

Listen where ever you may be

You still live inside my mind

Something tells me that you are free again

In a place that feels like home

It's never easy to understand

Why memories hold our hand

But people let go

&No Use For A Name - Feels Like Home


my brother is being such a pighead. hes annoying the hell out of me, and i bet you will just slap him if you were in my shoes. but being the kind soul, ive decided to have my fingers nearer to the keyboard. hmm.

ok maybe not.

i just threw a pen at him, his pen. noted - his.

the sense of satisfaction is there, F17!*#$USDJ#!$&*k

i'm not a cheery mood, probably cos i just got my period. today's the second day and i went to snow city. right. that didnt sound right didnt it? but nevertheless, i had a lot of fun - the word means a lot than you think. the bus ride was such a turn off, tho. cos everyone was happily sleeping, wtf. i was so awake, looking around -_- suhaila talked to me for a while, slept after.

it was really cool at first. cool. there was this person who welcomed & demonstrated a few different experiments. very interesting but his voice was quite ... tett. hahaha, i became a little sleepy :p so that aside, we had fun with the artificial snow after about 30 minutes or so. started out with the castle or whatever you call it haha but everyone else was very enthu about the slide. -_- so we decided to go sliding, lol

it was freezing cold. during the first slide, i wanted to pee. during the second slide, i had to pee but i postponed my pee hahaha! during the third slide, i think my pee actually got frozen up


we kept on shouting and oh the shrill screams lol, i shouted also, but hahahah i couldnt stop myself from laughing lol lol therefore, i kept laughing all the way. bloody hell.

and my ear nearly died.

so everyone aimed at me and pup pap pup ok end of story i dont feel like storytelling about that anymore, some other time maybe lol dont be disappointed.. awwwwwwwwww


and fad claimed that i didnt tell her about my blog. LOL, i did tell her once. i know. it's just her, just her LAH!!!!! hahahaha no hard feelings fad. anyway, just a little update I MISS FAD hahahaaha kental girl, i miss you like hell ): you left me, how can you how can you

bytheway it's fair, you never tag i also never tag :D hehehe

Olevels candidates must be really happygladecstaticeuphoricJUMPSFORJOY lol now

ok let's study two sources, namely ;

Source A

no means no says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

no means no says:

no means no says:

no means no says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:
hahahahahahahahhah asshole

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:

no means no says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:
loser ah you

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:
i know lah olevels finish

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:
no need to bully people right

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] First time our eyes met says:
kental face


Source B

Source B is a text message from Adilin

"yes!! cookie session soon okay! i'm going out and partying tonight! whoo!"


similarities? differences? hahaha ok the end.

anyway, the whole family is out visiting my somehow related person. i'm never good with family trees lahhhhhhhh ): it makes me very stressed out and i do not like it when im stressed out. i will just, BLOW

hahaha sometimes i find my sister really cute, bye shee

she sounds like my neighbour. the 3 year old one, HAHAHAH

my tummy's aching so bad, ARGH PANADOLS?? no, i do not wish to commit myself with sist. it's like, suicide. hahahahahahhahahahahaha

ok now i dont feel like blogging anymore. i feel like talking on the phone. hmm. leen? isa? SYAZONANA? hmm


Monday, November 21, 2005
Y3:10 PM


i'm listening to the song that the two ains sang the other day!

oh, my choir girls ..

anyway, i have about 6 minutes left to blog. then two minutes to reply friendster testimonials.

ok, i just wasted a few minutes and now im left with 5 mins HAHAHAHHA

did lots of a math sums today so YAYY for me, bah


extended timeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

sometimes i feel my brother is very kind, HAHAH at times like this laaah ...


ok. ohhhhh i watched mtv's europe .. uhh, music awards??? the one at lisboa lah... YES THAT! hahahaah!!! so cooooooool.......... and duddee... black eyed peas performed and oh gosh, fergie!!! hahahah, ok boys, you better not watch it. it's just ... tight. hahaha!

i'm falling in love with james blunt - you're beautiful. lol, i was cheering for him during the music awards thingo. haaha!! it was so funny! i went, "JAMES BLUNT JAMES BLUNT!!!!!" with my mom sitting in front of me ahhahaha, i think she has doubts whether i am her anak, lol

hmm. school tomorrow! the thought of waking up early in the !#$0710&^! morning makes me feel very, bah now. and i dont like it! ): it's such a drag, really. firstly, i have to wake up for subuh prayers, THEN SLEEP AGAIN FOR JUST 30 MINUTES WAH RIAU ):

how, heart pain-ing.

i just read a testimonial from syazonana lol thats so cute huh! we might be baking cookies this thursday WAHHHHH SO BEST!!!! lol, and she will ask for an off day just for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gosh tell me is she the best, or is she just the best??????? i am so touched. hmm, cookies on thursday. let's make this happen, alright syazo? bring along abee & afee also ok!!! hehehehehe! it will be so much fun, i just know it (:

i read an a newspaper article just now, about teenagers now.

sadly, very true.

i dont feel like sleeping anytime soon. but i know i must, if not i will fall asleep in class tomms. chatting with afee, she just gave me a selenger yellow emoticon with a missing tooth, lol TETT, hahaha

i cannot believe i did many amath questions just now, hahaha!

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
eh still here?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
no im not

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
so funny!!!

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
you turning into me sak

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
eh since when

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
i will be soooooo TAK COOL ahahahahahahahhahaha

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
cool is soo part of the in-crowd

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
i am unique okay

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
tettt please leave a message after the tone

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
sheikha is a cacatface

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
*end of message*

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
press 7 to delete message, SEVEN

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
*error! message cannot be deleted*

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
biran happens to be downstairs and the phone landed in his pocket. what were the chances? he went up and returned the phone to sheikha

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
i would be so happy if biran comes up to me and gives me my phone man

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
imagine that

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:
so sweet right

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
who's biran?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:
part of your imagination la

[Assjedi™]-AOSW-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-i am here for you if you'd only care says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Fallen in the rain says:


he is so kental sometimes, and that's not a joke.

did you hear the advertisement on power98??? HAHAH YOU ARE MY CHELSEA MY ONLY CHELSEA, *haaaaaa........... hahahahahahha!!!!

it tickles the shit out of me, yeah! hahaha

thanks afee, youre one of the best people ive ever met. not nice, not kind. but BEST! thanks really. you just made sheikha haroon laugh (: not that it's difficult to crack me up, lol but really, much appreciated. very. much.

let's just hope things between us get better cos i really want back those daily stuff -
jokes. secrets. funny secrets. kental secrets. shouting on the phone and getting ourselves deaf. listening ears. singing on the phone with the sore throat. sharing new songs. going out without even planning, maybe just 5 minutes planning? simply. just. you.

ive gotta sleep, goodnight Grandpa Joe!


Saturday, November 19, 2005
Y11:56 PM

today has been quite a day

and i dont like quite a day days

malay programme early in the morning which stretched till 1pm was well, long. let's not talk about it, it wasnt fun. the only fun thing was whispering to nad when i know ..... we're very far apart. -_- she is very naughty! hahaha

let's just say im not in the mood now.

yes im starting the friends crap, DING DING DING brilliance if you guessed that! yes, i just found out that ............................... she has become a new her. yo!!! so cool right!

scrap. so yes, many people saw her outside, without her scarf ...... wearing some fancy clown outfits. ok maybe no. thats how i describe them as. very cool, uh

yes, and the brother? well, let's just say you lose .... and you gain. i have to admit it, he is not close to me anymore. that's why syaz, it's very hard to say hi. cos, he has .......... a substitute. or let's just call it ......... significant other. hmm.

that. all. ive already realised. but what i have not is that, ive made new good friends. i still run to abee when i have problems, but now guess what! 2 for 1 package! double-trouble! ok, whatever you call it lah ya, ... so voila! afee! and then, i get closer to the both ains. and ive figured out theyre cool people. and then, i got closer to leen, uhuh. and then, the bond's still tight between me and nis. and een also. and then ive got jedi, who gets all crazy over patrizio. but it's ok, cos i'm crazy about what he calls .. biran adams. and syaz, i still love her even though she's very stubborn!!!! quick quit work lah!!!!!

so there, my thoughts. right now, no one knows any of the above. in a few seconds, you will know


Y7:00 AM


so much fun these past few days, so hugs and kisses to those who are involved in the making sheikha laugh project :b

most importantly ; abee, afee, nur ain, nurul ain, AYIEEN & NEES (:

as you can see, i know quite a handful number of ains ..

school is one of the best stuff that i am forced to go to. hahahah! apart from the daily school work & homework tett such a drag! of course. anyway, emath is getting even funner nowadays. cos the two ains will be entertaining me and i will laugh my heads off. which can be really annoying sometimes cos the fact that i cannot control the decibals of my laughter, always gets me into trouble - in which miss peh will turn and SHEIKHAAAA me. and the class will get really annoyed. hmm.

i will always kacau eddie also until he gets annoyed .. for two seconds.


lol, the two ains are usually drunk during emathmisspeh lessons!!! and i will join in too (: sometimes i feel i have two choir students beside me. cos they'll be singing together!!!! and they sound like some choir people, nice ah.... but, lol. they are like my personal music box. HAHHA!! that is quite entertaining, no? hehe!

anyway!!! elder brother just got himself a new laptop!!! uhuh uhuh, so that means the other lappie (not the new one lah!) officially belongs to me!!! lol yayy! 15 year old getting a laptop, duddeeeee , ..... i'm glad (:

i might be exploring later on. yes, need to search for the best deal they can offer for a hard disk. im really new in all these. my brother wants me to do this by myself. to get a better hard disk for the lappie..... 0_0 such a brother huh.

ANYWAY i went out with nees & een yesterday!!! harry potaah! potter... the best amongst all the other harry potter movies. 2 1/2 hour sehh..... ahah! much fun. took neoprints before that. i looked like i was having braces attached to the pretty teeth. hahahah!! i looked so cacat. really. cacat. and the two silly doops chose the ones with my cacat face. grrr, but nevermind. lol, nis nearly strangled me to death when we doing the hugging pose. toot toot. hahhaha, crazy girl .. she. i miss them lah yeah, even the bus ride was fun!!! TELL ME WHO BLOGS ABT THEIR BUS TRIP??? hahah, we talked a lot. nees & een were ... sad... hehehehhheh but i was there to cheer them up! kan kan kan??? (: nees, dont worry alright things happen for a reason and do remember, you are bloody 14! i love you too ok!

and een, hahaha, I LOVE YOU TOO LAH PANDAI!!! ahahaha, huh ape?? hahahaha!! you also, dont sad sad ok! pasal brother take your money! just $$$$ kan. ok that last sentence sounded so wrong. ok, perhaps $$$$$ means alot haha! but .. dont let just THAT get you angry ok, theres better things to be mad about. like .. me throwing popcorn into your face!! heheheh! no worries about that too. i didnt gobble up THOSE little bit. obviously dah ade germs heheheh!!! hahahahahahah.

moral of the story ; dont be sad cos im not. haaha, if sad.. i will cheer you up. somehow. i just will. hahahaha ok!!!

.. that goes to jedi, too.

open house today! yikes, really lazy lah ): nevermind ... tomorrow's malay thing, hope it'll be fun. really, especially when everyone is supposed to put on SOME SOPAN BAJU, damnit. why cant our lives be just .. simple?! lol, ok that's a bit too .... overreacting. hahah! no worries, im alright!

abee & afee are crazy whackos. theyve been extra drunk these past few days and i dont know whether to be worried. cos ... my mind is slowly getting polluted by them. AIYOH, die leh like that! haha..


alright i shall start hunting down for good deals now!!!

and i do not like cash i like, i like i mode! advertisement.

it's just .. very... annoying.

and the quishinbo or however you spell that.

next time when your mom asks WHERE WERE YOU!, tell her AT BEEESSSSTTT!

hahaha that tickles the shit out of me


Thursday, November 17, 2005
Y9:25 AM

Weakened from the pain

That he left inside her heart

Fallen in the rain

Her whole life has fallen apart

Alone she cries

Filled with hate inside

No love, no life

Without that loser who once said:

Here's your kiss goodbye

See this is real, she doesn't feel

Lonely hearts, shattered dreams

There's nothing better in this place

Nothing but memoriesIn your mind

&rufio - she cries

you say what you want to say

your diamonds are drops of rain

your smile is your credit card

and your currency is your love

and the morning is for you

and the air is free

and the birds sing for you

and your positivity

&suede - positivity


i have written everything i want down on my wishlist but sad, it's just that .. short.

ive been pretty moody today. well, after school that is. got back and watched the usual 2-3pm shows ; the nanny & bewitched. abt time i wriggle my nose to get out of this shite. tett.

school was, alright. nurul ain got her day off today. i was quite lost during bio & math too. nur ain was very very kind cos she explained to me whatever information i needed to know. great, i love her. mdm rao drilled us on kidneys & urinal .. stuff ...... i really need to do some self-revision later on. math, was .. quite confusing at first. ahahh, i was so silly to have drawn a whole bloody circle when i did not have to. and ain was getting all sheikha why you do circleeee.... i think she was quite exasperated to be explaining 1463825891522538 times. much help, much love! and oh, how great. i felt confidante that i had a pair of compasses but what's good having them when they seemed .. distorted, somehow.

so, i had to borrow ain's. lol, i think she was quite irritated lah, yikes. i shall get a new pair. soon. very. soon. please no emath or amath tomorrow, ive yet checked the timetable.

i need a book, this isnt doing me good.

maybe i shall rent one, but 4/6bucks and theyre not yours?!?!? lol, maybe sherly should tip in some moneh too. yes! such a great idea, i must share with her. hahaha, half half laaahhh ...

amath re-test will be on december. yikes, december is approaching. and ive not started revising amath, baaaaahhh. bio re-test, however, will be on jan. YAYYY!!!! so hmm. i shall start soon. soon. very. soon.

they say life's like a rollercoaster. and i often wonder. if life is like a rollercoaster, why can't i just stop it & leave??

sometimes, i do wish i can just cut the string that holds the little white pearls/beads together. they all look so squashed up.. stressed up. if i were to be any of them, i would just scream

sometimes too, i wish life is like .. beads of pespiration. when you get into trouble, you pespire. and then, with the magic of your hands .. you wipe them off. and your troubles are just .. somehow .. solved.

or even, sometimes i wish life can be written down like a song, with a pencil. and when it gets wrong, you erase them. when it gets right, you make a new debut.

but no, life has to be like the weather. unexpected. sunshine means happy. pour means sad. combination of thunders, lightnings & heavy rain means depressed, angry, hurt, disappointed? and when it's snowing, everything seems to freeze. ice cold. cold. cold.


that just appeared. that was very random and i do not wish to type such thing, again. ever.

if i had another chance, i'd shout it to the whole world.

And the rain falls down

It's the only way it gets better

When the rain is falling down

Telling me that l'm gonna make it through

I never thought of what it cost

All of the time i might have lost

So much to gain playing it cool

I'm better cast playing the fool

&Joey Mcintyre - Rain

i dont feel like blogging anymore. so today's entry, done.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Y9:11 AM


i shall do one of those 2-fingers near the eye pose in sch one of these days

i shall pluck my eyebrows till everything is gone

then i shall draw the eyebrows back, one fine line

i shall pout while taking pictures

i shall ask my friends to pout with me also!

i shall listen to a lot of hip hop yo-yo-jiggy-jiggy songs

and along with that, i shall buy lots of huge yo-yo! adidas sweaters/jackets, PINK.

i shall put on those teruk-coloured eye shadows

and put on blusher on my cheeks till it looks like i just got boxed


heheheh, that was so very random. right. no offence to those who felt a sudden jerk while reading the above, it was .. very random. hahahahahhhahhahah!!

actually, i got irritated while viewing profiles of two particular people. ok no, three.

some nerves..

ive been having nightmares lately. two nights ago, i had the most frightening nightmare ever. it wasnt a nightmare about zombies or whatever, but it was real ghosts. they were haunting me down, yikes. awoke from sleep at about 3am??? i quickly hid behind the blankies after that, i had to wipe those scary images. they looked so real, i felt it. it felt so real.

and i thought alright, just a nightmare. a. nightmare.

you bet i was wrong. had a well, nightmare? yesterday night. GOSH. again, it seemed for real. however, it wasnt horrifying. it was a very sad story, a very heart rending story. eventually, i cried. YES, in a dream/nightmare/whatever you call it. i woke up from the dream and oh my, i felt tears travelling down my cheeks. fresh tears.

again, it felt so real. so. real.

that aside, i didnt attend school today (: cos im down with fever and a little of asthma. i had those hard to breathe moments & so ive decided to take a day off. i wonder if the others still survive after the two periods of biology, bahahaa!

coke, anyone?

If I can reach the stars,

Pull one down for you,

Shine it on my heart

So you could see the truth:

That this love I have inside

Is everything it seems.

But for now I find

It's only in my dreams.

&eric clapton - change the world



it's so good you must all read!! honestly, it contains the word that came out for this year's paper 2 english olevels vocab!!! hahaha! but really, you must read. i cried a lot yesterday, the ending part was .. marvellous. i teared like nobody's business. well, my mom did get "OI WHY YOU CRY" at me. hahah! it has the kick. sophie kinsella is one of the best authors, man. i shall rent other books by her. they must be great!!!

lol, i cried .. i cried.

i even went to the toilet to wash off my tears, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. oops, hahah! and there's a certain male character in it, oh myyyyy ..... he is soo sweeeettttt....

damn damn, why cant such boys exist?!!

ok, i shall just type in a few paragraphs to keep you going:

'Well at least I tried something new!" My words pour out in a torrent. 'At least I went out and tried a different life for a bit!"

'What's that supposed to mean?' His grasp loosens in shock.

'It means, what have you ever tried, Nathaniel?' I know I sound shrill and aggressive but I can't help myself. 'You're so narrow-minded! You live in the same village you grew up in, you run the family business, you're buying a nursery down the road... you're practically still in the womb. So before you lecture me on the way to live my life, try living one of your own, OK?'

I break off, panting, to see Nathaniel looking as though I've slapped him.

Immediately I want to bite my tongue. 'I... didn't mean it,' I mumble.

I take a few steps away, feeling near to tears. This isn't the way things were supposed to go. Nathaniel was supposed to support me and give me a hug and tell me I was making the right decision. Instead here we are, standing yards apart, not even looking at each other.

'I thought about spreading my wings.' Nathaniel suddenly speaks, his voice stiff. 'There's a nursery in Cornwall I'd die to own. Fantastic piece of land, fantastic business... but i didn't look at it. I preffered not to be six hours' drive away from you.' He shrugs. 'I guess you're right. That was pretty narrow-minded of me.'



so there, you must read the book. you will be missing good stuff if youre not planning to do so. sigh, if there's a movie remake of the book.. i will get the first few tickets anyone can purchase. die die must get.


alright, i shall go now. perhaps i should read the book for the third time. lol, saturday till today, read twice. dahlah, thrice lah!!!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Y9:25 AM

my brother reformatted the computer again, wtf

i dont know how many bloody times does he needs to reformat to be satisfied with the computer. ugh, it is very annoying to find out, WITHOUT BEING TOLD IN ADV, that :

ding!one. your important files are gone

ding!two. the songs youre stuck on for now are gone

ding!three. the taskbar doesnt show quick launch & that you have to change it!!!

ding!four. i have to type in my email to sign in cos i asked the cookies to remember me last time so that i dont have to waste 3 seconds of my precious life to type my email add and

ding!five. ............

it's just annoying, period.


lessons were as per normal, dry. i tried my best to keep myself awake, DAMNIT. physics was entertaining tho, hehehe ain so gatal.. NUR ain ... lol anyway, much laugh during phy.

well, that was what i thought hehehe

biology after. i am sad to say this, but bio is such a boring subject. i know mdm rao is trying to make it as interesting as poss but, oh my ... i had to entertain myself by spilling limewater 3 times !#$!&%@

1st spill - "oh no! hahahaha!!" /a quarter emptied

2nd spill - "oh shit, arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!! stupid lah.." /half full now

3rd spill - "AHHHH DAMNIT ARGH ERGH ARGHHHHHHH" /test tube is empty


i just cannot handle them anymore, it's so sickening. everytime i hold the two test tubes, the limewater will spill & i will be cursing and swearing. i have a feeling i wont get the right result. lol, cos i had to fill up the test tube with new limewater, lol. and oh, i have not mentioned this. the limewater spilled on my bloody skirt!!!!! !#$!&* oh no, people might think i had to pee badly and i eventually i couldnt tahan and ... DID IT.

i had to sit under the fan to let it dry, that is so sickening.

by the way my brother just got a new phone!!! this is the 4th time he changed his phone after i got my nokia flip, and that is .. just recently. DAMNIT RIGHT. but this time, i laughed at him for being silly & stupid.

1stly, he rode a bike!!! when, he knows that my mother DOES NOT ALLOW ANY OF HER ANAK TO RIDE A BIKE. so, three cheers for him! :D 2ndly, he was soooooooooooo bodoh?dumb?? cos he put it in his kurung pocket which has no zip or whatever...... that is, seriously stupid. it's like watching someone stabbing you.

so he rode a bike.

and ... the phone slipped out of his pocket and tada fell. nope, it didnt just fall down. but it was crushed into pieces. mind you, it's one of the latest nokia phones with 1.3 megapix. so then, the mmc card is gone, together with his sim card.

see, it's like watching yourself being stabbed

but he got a new phone. siemens, that is very unfair. and a new line. 500 smses which was then increased to 1000 smses, under my name. under my name.

first he rode a bike. second his new phone got smashed. third, he gets a new line. fourth, he did not get scolded. fifth, he is entitled to 1000 smses per month.

sixth, i am jealous.

i might have plans about getting a new phone, soon :b

had recess at coffee shop. i loathe, despise, hate fans which are super strong until they mess up your hair. it was a mistake sitting near a fan. but i would be sweating like a pig if i did not. it messed my hair up. i was so distracted & annoyed that i had to keep clipping up the little strands which were sticking out here and there, it was terrible. i couldnt savour each and every taste of my nasi goreng.

apart from the very super crunchy anchovies, i think the food just went down my throat. somehow, it just did. like magic.

oh!!! speaking of food, my mom cooked the best thing ever, minus all kinds of pasta flavours, today. (: it was very spicy i think you would all just scream like mad dogs/cats/rabbits/whatever. i was slowly tearing and i had those yucky chemical hingus trying to exit my nose. lol, obviously i ran for lots of tissue papers. and water. it had a tinge of the sour taste ... a bit sweet .... it was splendid. i took my time to savour the taste.

obviously i was more pleased eating at home than .. at the coffee shop with fans all over, blowing and messing up my already messed up hair

!!!!! i just remembered something. i followed my brother, sister&hubby to tampines to get the brother a new phone right. he left soon after that. brother in law then wanted to check out shades with lenses. HAHAHAHAH!!!! gosh .... was i surprise ......

there was this salesgirl lah, hahahah!!! she looked so very well dressed, with a neat hairdo, polished fingernails, ironed white sleeveless top & a black skirt. my brother in law was interested with a pair of shades and asked if he could try it & that if there were other designs available. so she brought out many cool-looking shades and showed them to us. my sister and i were sitting while brother in law and the lady were standing. she grabbed a pair of pretty looking shades and handed it over to the brother. suddenly, out of the blue.. my sister burst out laughing. she teared a little. hahah!!!!! i thot she was retarded for a split sec. then oh my goosshhhh you wouldnt want to be in my position ....

she whispered,

sister ; *struggling to stop laughing

myself ; huh? what!! tell meee!!!!!

sister ; *still laughing, still very ticklish

myself ; *slowly starts laughing while looking at her laughing like mad

sister ; *nears my ear kakak cannot tahan, ahhahah!!!! she.. hahahah!!! she didnt sh..aaha! shave ahahahahah!!!!!!

myself ; *turns to look at the lady HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

omygodd... some guts she got there.. she really should have done something about those spiral-looking, LONG .. strands of ... hair .. sticking out.. her.. armpits.. we laughed a lot. even when we got out to pay my sister's bills. lol, sister told my brother in law and he felt turned off by the lady. he didnt buy the shades at last. ahhaa!!!

what if she tucked the shades under there. there.

i felt very mean laughing at her. she had the slightest idea that we were laughing at her. gahhhhhhhhhhh, i felt bad. felt. bad. felt. bad.

the bubble tea aunty was being very annoying to me just now. garr. lol, she kept asking me for my orders!!! lol, and after she asked, she'll turn her head and talk to the owner of the next door's shop in chinese. and then after a minute or two, she'll laugh and then turn her head back to me and "ha! what did you orler just now?" dang, she was testing my patience. and it repeated for argh!!! 3?? 4 times??? abee kept laughing cos she expected it to happen again, and again, and again, and eventually, again. such a draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggg .. on a brighter note, i got two bits of peaches in my share. lol, it seemed weird tho, to be having real peaches and pearls together.

what if i suddenly got choked?????

i think she's trying to kill me for the earlier incident

revenge of the sith.

i wish we were more united, somehow.

& to my dear farhanis ahmad, i love you alright. cheer up! please do ..


Sunday, November 13, 2005
Y3:39 PM

i had doubts whether or not to blog today cos of what happened yesterday.

and yes, i gave myself a break. like seriously, get so turned off over such a measly piss of matter? tett.

just got back from an open house. i dont know how he's related to my dad!!!! you can sense my mood dont you?? argh! i was dragged there. i do have better things to do, like watching tv, spend more time online, read a book, .. or even to the extend of studying. but nooooooooo, he insisted that i should follow him. !#$^&!$ - you can imagine how many of those popped up in my mind, man.

i was annoyed. ok, perhaps annoyed is an understatement, whatever.

i wanted to have that ARGH face but ohhhhhhhhh, the host of the open house chose the right menu for food. no, i would be jumping if they had tomyam. but, there was ..... macroni!!!! (: ding ding ding, right step, right choice. *beams

anyway, i didnt care about what they thought about me. lol, i took lots of macroni. like, hello??


2nd thing - i rarely meet them so HAHAHA I DONT CAREEEEE take ah alot!!! ahhaha!!

sigh, what a wonderful world..

jedi introduced me a new game HAHAH SO FUN KAU!!!! you guys should try, really. it's quite annoying when you cannot find the hidden stuff tho. but lol, the twitching of eyebrows & continuously sighing in exasperation make it different from other pc games.

no, do not click now. you will be stuck while playing that you wont bother reading my entry anymore. lol, yes, thats how interesting and fun the game is!!

that sounded so fake...

i want to watch a movie. LEGEND OF ZORRO IS STILL NOT OFF MY MUSTWATCH LIST!!! ): ): no one is free to accompany me watch a short, fantastic story ): anyone who wants to watch legend of zorro please beep/text me i would be so pleased that i will make a chocolate brownie for you

heck, like anyone would actually react to my call /slash plea?

i'm in the mood to go jalan raya again, now. lol, so late lah aiyah! but really, just the mood. it makes me wonder.. it STILL is hari raya. but just look what you have at shopping malls. ok, perhaps you'd say the decos are reasonable, considering the fact that the actual one/two days of hari raya have already passed. but, before that?? even before 031105, there wasnt much hari raya decos displayed in the malls. pretty sad, no? instead, no hard feelings i'm just trying to prove my point, there were or still are happy christmas banners everywhere. shouldnt happyraya banners should be put up first??? you cant possibly expect us to be in a hari raya mood while shopping at places EXCEPT GEYLANG, do you?

i find it really unfair. i know muslims, indians & others are the minorities in singapore. but the gov should implement the real, true meaning of racial harmony. i'm not targetting the chinese or whatever, i dont see any faults in you guys honestly. just that, in my point of view, i feel that the minorities are slowly, without many realising, falling behind. sad. really. sooner or later .. i dont know.. it's for one to decide, perhaps. singapore IS still a good country tho. that, we shall note.

and just for a record, hari raya has not ended yet.


i didnt know i could blog in a such a political manner, yikes

You know I never meant to see you again

and I only passed by as a friend

All this time I stayed out of sight

I started wondering why

Now I, I wish it would rain down, down on me

Yes I wish it would rain, rain down on me now

You said you didn't need me in your life

I guess you were right

Well I never meant to cause you no pain

But it looks like I did it again

Now I, I wish ....

Though your hurt is gone,

mines hanging on, inside

And I know it's eating me through every night and day

I'm just waiting on your sign

'Cos I know, I know I never meant to cause you no pain

And I realize I let you down

But I know in my heart of heart of hearts

I know I'm never gonna hold you again

Now I...

&phil collins - i wish it would rain



i wonder who's great idea was that, OH.

i might stay up to finish Sophie Kinsella - The Undomestic Goddess tonight. i hate it when i start and get stuck while reading. it's really ARGHH when you need to stop, but you just ... cant. i kept telling myself ok here, stop here. and lo & behold, next page. bah, halfway there tho. lol, but the stuck feeling is great (;

If you've ever wanted to pick up a guitar at a party and blow your friends away:

a. do requests for people and play any song you want

b. join in any jam session without a thought...

c. become very popular with everyone, especially the opposite sex!

d. actually enjoy any guitar theory

e. play any chord in any shape anywhere on the guitar neck in the speed of light

f. become at one with the guitar and actually understand the instrument

g. write your own songs

h. quickly work out the most beautiful sounding chord progressions

i. create long and complex solo's easily

just how do they come out with such theory?

oh i just remembered. azmi shared with me a horrible, funny, nonsensical, or however you might think in a few seconds webpage. it shows two pictures of austin powers - sg version.

what is he thinking, msn version 6.0? version 7.2? plus???

obviously i laughed till i teared. ridiculous. i think he is just not thinking straight. either that, or he's just too obsessed with the character - austin powers. doesnt he really think about his future???

oh, there's the going back to the past & future machine doctor evil has created uh

i'm very close to finishing up the whole of naruto series. and that is bad. cos that means i have no reasons to hog in front of the television. AH, inuyasha next (: these are the two best animes ive ever watched

not that i watch tons of animes..

alright, i should just publish this post before blogger goes bezerk, again. i would be really mad if it happens now & erase this entry. i swear i will never blog, ever.


Saturday, November 12, 2005
Y1:22 PM

9.15-9.21 Attempted to kill blogger

Y1:15 PM

Hey jude,

don’t make it bad,

take a sad song and make it better

Remember to let her into your heart,

then you can start,

to make it better

&Paul McCartney - Hey Jude


11.00-11.06 Stared aimlessly out of window

11.06-11.12 Daydreamed about bumping into George Clooney in street

11.12-11.18 Attempted to touch nose with tongue

Sophie Kinsella - The Undomestic Goddess ;

is THE book of the month. (= (:



asshole siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i typed so long with full semangat




im so angryyyyyyyyyyyyyy

so very angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

i had alottttttttt of stufffffffffffffffffffffffffff



recover post also macam taik, so pendek



Friday, November 11, 2005
Y8:45 AM

tett tett

please expect sheikharoon to be very emo cos she is listening to songs by bryan adams.

tett tettttttttttt -tttt

You're still the one

First time our eyes met

Same feeling I get

Only feels much stronger

I wanna love you longer

Do you still turn the fire on?

&bryan adams - please forgive me


just got back from eastpoint with abby/abee/abie. we were insane people there..... cannot tahan man!! i got my crispy noodle finally!!!!!! and she got her wantan noodle (????) lol. THEN WE GOT HIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i think the nyonya put extra ingredients lah - chemical X! *poof

stopped by at popular WAH SO MANY RED SPOT TYS I WANT TO BUY LAHHHHH!! i'm thinking of bringing along mother to purchase lots and lots of tys!!! yes, i am a geek now. actually not yet lah. i told ain that i will be a geek next year. so for now, it's a processing stage ah, hahahahahah!!! just need to get a pair of spectacles for the final touch, lol. (nolah... i wont be doing that lah, siao..) SO, yeah. flipped through pages & pages.. WAH I WAS SO ATTRACTED SIAAAAAAAA!! im thinking of getting the redspotbiologynotes, redspot(e/a)math, english vocabulary practices & prolly social studies too lah. FOR NOW, that is. i shall complete them and THEN, get the redspot individual physics & chem. not the combined one, cos i already have it (: (: see, a good start right!!


i always say that, but it never happens !$%$&*%#!

Oh, once in your life you find someone

Who will turn your world around

Bring you up when you're feelin' down

Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me

Oh, there's lots that I could say

But just hold me now'

Cause our love will light the way

&bryan adams - heaven


[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you mean everything to me says:
that's why

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:
biran adams heavennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you mean everything to me says:
ape biran

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you mean everything to me says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:

strike one! ):

ANYWAY!!! jalan raya with ThePeople & others yesterday! I HAD SO MUCH FUN IT'S TO THE POWER OF INFINITY!!!!!!

boys : hakim, haziq, suhaimi, faris, fareez, saifuddin & aniq

girls : myself, abee, ain, lina & tahirah

haziq was extra high yesterday!!!! hahahahahh!! he was.. oh gosh ... LATE!!! nope, not for 10 minutes. no, not for 30 minutes. NO-AHHHHHHHHHHH BUT FOR AN HOUR!!!!!


but when he reached, i couldnt scold him. it's just wrong to get mad at haziq, HAZIQ. he came with his songkok and he went "ehh sorry ahhh" with that cheeky face


started out with fareez and then followed by suhaimi, faris, hakim, ain & abee. i went home after abee's. lol, it was so much fun!!! we tend to overlimit our supposedly ehcepatlahhh timing. haziq was so tak tahu malu!!!! cos he'll be eating without anyone saying "jemput" HAHAHAH!!! and when i told him that, he put the container back and "eh kuih ape ni, eh nampak macam sedap eh, EHH!"


sigh, so funny!! so many MYCUPOFTEA jokes. lol, much fun. i do not want to describe any further cos IT'S TOO SPECIAL LAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

(lol lazy lah ..)

it was raining so heavily yesterday, TODAY ALSO! yikes, i was about to leave abee's house when TAM TUM TAM, the thunders went. i was so scared cos by the time the lightnings got even more EVIL, the others had already set off for the next house ): but they were kind enough to offer the idea of accompanying me but i decided nolah, it was already about 10pm???? a few more houses and it's already 10pm????? so lol, i told them to just proceed on lah, SEE IM SO KIND RIGHT! *cheese(=

ok thunders getting very mean now!!!

actually there's 3e2malaypeople jalan raya today. but i decided not to go cos im so tired, my legs hurt & my mom got all takhabishabisjalanraya! furthermore, i will be heading to granny's soon. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tired lah!!!!!! hahah!! bet the others who jalan raya yesterday are also tired!! ahahaha!! they looked so stone just now lol lol, especially haziq. he was like drunk!!! lol, hakim also!!! ahhahahaha, hakim still can smile tho, HAHAH!!! stone + smile???? toot toot

dahlah, im so tired. i shall stop jalan raya. ..

(now scream een!!!!!!!)


the computer doesnt have yahoo messenger. so dumdum!! i miss syazana ):

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:
eh whats the new cerita hantu?? the one yg ade mary something

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you mean everything to me says:
the exorcism of emily rose?

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] Only You .. says:

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you mean everything to me says:
biskut mary

strikeeeeeee 2! ): ):

i was about to storytell something but i forgot about whatOHYAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

abee ; aku kalau pegang tangan sheikha nanti aku rase mcm dia mak aku gitu

afee ; ah, ..

myself ; *looks at abee

abee ; abeh kalau dia mak aku, siape bapa aku???? detu????

myself ; *STILLLOOKINGblurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

afee ; then he's my uncle!!! -- !$^%!$

myself ; *huhface

abee&afee ; GIGGLE GIGGLE


ah gatal lah mulut!!! he is your uncle lah pandai, tsk tsk tsk.

and she is still very cheeky about it. anak.. anak...

and no, please do not fear. i do not believe in child abusing, lol


To me, coming from you,

Friend is a four letter word.

End is the only part of the word

That I heard.

Call me morbid or absurd.

But to me, coming from you,

Friend is a four letter word.

&cake - friend is a four letter word

this is a very long entry lol, cos ive heard many nice songs!!!!!! oh yes have i told you guys that i had tomyam?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! OH YES I HAD TOMYAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, oh. i think i blogged about it already, lol

ok i need to do some revision YAYYY!!!

,dude ..

till then, catch me in exorcism of sheikharoon with special effects&lightings of THE CHEERLEADER!

about time i kill her..


Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Y9:25 AM

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:
tadi mdm HOE picked on me again

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:
alah standard

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:
then she said i got avian flu kaauu .....

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:
(haha emoticon)

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:
ayam togel

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me
over says:

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:
so mean call me chicken

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:
at least i passed chem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:
and got a B DAMNIT

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:
okay aperr

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:
considering its miss ho

_cried. ; [ dearest inamorato, a cup of tea.] It's just emotion that's taken me over says:

[Assjedi™]-ROTS-[SaveTheLastDanceForMe]-you take me to places that alone i'd never find says:


sherly ; what did you get for chem?

ME ; 60? 61? no 60! no 61 ,.....

sherly ; next time you must get an A okay, i know you can do it

I SAYANG HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she just asked me out of a sudden!!! gosh, i LOVE HER LAAAHHHHHH!!! isnt she sweet?!?!?!?! lol, sayang her!! had lots of fun during chem lesson, I FORGOT TO BLOG ABOUT THAT JUST NOW!! lol

i love sherly gunawan


Y8:52 AM


hahahahahh!! i cannot believe that ive not been updating for a week! HOHO. ok ok, i know you avid readers miss me!!! lol, i miss you too!!!


above, a very BAD way to blog..

i am sorry for the delay though, lol. I DIDNT EVEN WISH YOU PEOPLE SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!!!! omygosh somebody has got to spank me!! but you have got to understand.. i am one very busy lady, BAHAHAH.


ANYWAY, no worries. im fine thank you (lol lol lol)

this is pretty ....... extra/late but nevertheless,

SELAMAT HARI RAYA (a week late!!)

i know i did make mistakes that ive not realised so i would like to say a simple sorry & hopefully you guys would forgive me alright (: it's all about forgive and forget.

my brother once told me though, that saying sorry does not really erase your sins. you have to tell them WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER. the specific incident, THEEEENNNNN *sigh, you apologise.


lol, i bet no one wants to do that. it takes real guts to do that tho.

anyway, ramadhan is over. pretty sad huh. gone in 60seconds

ANYWAY ANYWAYYYYYYYY RAYA WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!! but, i feel it was too fast. tup tap tup & TADAAAAAA, school work school work. and that is very sad.

1st day of raya ;

visited quite a number of families. was fun, mister canon bull is BACK YO!!!! hahahahahah!!!! i was so glad!! yep, took many pictures, up on friendster. 1st day was pretty much the old school ..... people .... .. .

2ndday of raya ;

already a few families visited the parentals!!! lol. continued visiting others. went to mufti's house. DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS YUMMY MM MM AAAAAAAAH cakes/muffins/tarts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaahhhhhhhhhhh *!!! lol, visited the house of ALL CASTLES. lol, we visited .. err... somebody beside my mum i cannot remember how we're related even tho my granny ALREADY explained to me for 176528970329809728378923 times. it's beside alhaddad, thats all........ i know!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA



imagine??????? three huge 3 storey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIDE BY SIDE!!!!!! each, accompanied with at least A CAR!!!!!!! and the main house.. was accompanied by...

THE JAGUAR !$&#$%!&(%$#%&$%*%

assholee laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ..... .... .

the house seemed very royal, WAH SEH RIAU

dah, thinking of THE THREE HOUSES (not THE HOUSE) makes me green

3RD DAY AHH *rollseyes ;



can you believe it?!! the 2nd day was THE BIG (BLUE LOL) HOUSE! the third day ... was a mini one. a condo. around pasir ris, no? white water or something lah ya, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH the location WAS THEREEEEE MAN!!!! the owner lives with his mom. okay, who is he?? who is his mom? ok let me recall. he is .. my great granddad's brother's sister's OKAY NO, I DONT KNOW!!!! everyone seems related to one another. and theyre from different bangsa. different al clan, i mean. alah i dont know lah STRESS LAH !!! lol, but THATS NOT THE POINT!! the point is......... THE HOUSE IS LIKE, MY DREAM PALACE LAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! itlooks like a very classic arabian PALACE SIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ): oh yes!! he is bangsa alkaff!!! and gosh.... hes a steward!!! and he looked so charming AND SMAAARTTT!!!! lol lol lol, but ok, he was very friendly. he designed the whole house and it took him 2 years SEHHHH!! as in, the DESIGN ONLY.

-_- but i have to tell you THE HOUSE IS SO PRETTY!!! small little pebbles.... chandeliers.... AND OH, right in front of his house, there is the swimming pool!!!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh, so it's easy for him to just unlock the mini gate, VERY MINI, and... swim!!!! is that cool, or is that cool???

the whole layout reminds me of a hotel/apartment in bandung. WAHHHHHH

arabian sehhhhh......



TEETTTTTT!!! i cannot remember anymore lah. lol, school has already begun. jalan raya with the ncc people yesterday, i nearly died wearing heels. YOU BET THOSE ARE HELLS, REAL HEELS!!! tomorrow, with another group. TIRED LAHHHHHH but hopefully it will be fun. it must be fun!!! lol, and ain, do tag along MUST AHH YOU BETTER IRON YOUR KURUNG NOW AHHHHHHHHHHHH

:D see, youre so inspired to go now! hehe

but honestly, do come okay.

i hope theres a raya outing with ebebs&edoks plus the other madmunks. miss them ALOT. especially the girls!!!! ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn!!! ): oh, you bet i miss hanis yo! yassssssssss aissssss SYAZZOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont know when, but we must .. GO JALAN RAYA!!! or least, GO OUT!!

but that aside, goodluck for your remaining papers (: i wished you guys alot already lah!!! hahaha, really. must do well!! then, when you are clever already, can tuitor me!!!!



bytheway, ATE TOM YAM DURING THE ONE HOUR BREAK JUST NOW!!!! yes!! they should stick with an hour break lah!!! went to cheers and got ... TOM YAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! lol, afee & abee noticed i was... somehow .... screw a bit longar lol PEACH RED TEA IS LOVE teehee!! ok, i officially love afee (: (: (:

i am very tired. i shall revise now, since im free

*puts on nerdy pair of specs & does rabbit teeth

IM A GEEEK, cheese! 8D


Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Y3:27 PM

You don't know what it's like, baby

You don't know what it's like

To love somebody

To love somebody

To love somebody

The way I love you

&bee gees - to love somebody

It's over and done but the heartache lives on inside

And who's the one you're clinging to instead of me tonight?

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion that's taken me over

Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don't come back

Come home to me, darling

You know that there'll be nobody left in this world to hold me tight

Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight



&bee gees - emotion


my brother downloaded so many sad love songs. i think he's heartbroken, LOL. i dont care whether or not hes heartbroken but, THE SONGS MADE ME EMO AND SAD LAH! =b

anyway, i just got back from the last terawih for this year's ramadhan. pretty sad lah yah. and fun fact for today, if you DID solat terawih today, the pahala /points you get is equivalent to 1000 times going to haj, if im not mistaken. something like that. i was like, WOW. HAHAHHAHA im glad that i did terawih C=

might be going out with abee tomms. to get the accessories for raya!!!!


aye, disappointing .. .

i keep losing good people. i dont know why. am i that teruk? am i that ... evil? why are people running away from me? why, the special people? first the lady, next the man. goodfriends ive never found before. i felt blessed to be that close, that close... to both of you. perhaps, people do need a day off. but why treat me so harsh? i hate losing best friends. i hate losing you. i hate losing both of you. i wish i could have told you both earlier, i love you guys. it might not mean a single shite but it means a hell lot to me. why? i often ask myself. i need to know, cos i do not want to lose anyone else ... again , anymore ... not azmee.. not abee.. not leen.. not syaz.. not hanis.. not .. any single one, else. this poor heart is slowly aching. soon, shattered. kesedihan menyelubungi diriku. perhaps i do not deserve true finds. kun fa ya kun, things happened as planned by God. probably i do make friends and lose them at the same time. and perhaps, i will never .. find a best friend. that's sad when you think of it. i told you, i will always be there for you. yeah, perhaps i didnt quite fulfill my duty. or perhaps, you have a significant other. it's pretty heart rending when you think of it. here i am, trying my best to save the great friendship we had... there you are, giving zero tlc. perhaps, you dont care? i dont know. even if i weep, sulk, cry so badly.. at the end of the day, it's done and over with. and i wonder, i wonder why.

tomorrow night. takbir. i love listening to takbir. it's very relaxing.



4As; Ncc Land Girls BedokViewSS ;4 ♥ 2
TPJC DoubleOse7en

Hugs:&Kisses luvs.